Yuri Luzhkov will sell buckwheat under his own brand

Among the options of the brand name are Luzhkovka, Honey Meadows and Luzhkovskaya. 
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Ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov plans to sell buckwheat under its own brand. This was told "Izvestia" a former mayor of the capital, which is now engaged in the development of agriculture in the Kaliningrad region. In the near future, 78-year-old Luzhkov order a marketing research, the results of which will be approved by the brand name, and then she will be registered. He is now considering several options buckwheat name - is "Luzhkovka", "Honey Meadows" or "Luzhkov." At the same time since July 2015 the first batch of cereal will go on the shelves of stores in Kaliningrad, but it is - without the brand. In addition, prior to the registration of the brand, he wants to offer its products to the Navy of the Russian Federation at a discounted price.

- We order is now research that shows under what name brand buckwheat will be most in demand in the market. Previously, I had a farm "Honey Meadows" - maybe so will the name, but we can not exclude that the brand will be "Veedern" - is the name of the stud farm and the farm where I grow buckwheat,weight, canola and other grains, - said Luzhkov. - I think that if the cereal is "Luzhkov 's buyers will prefer. And it can be and buckwheat "Luzhkovka".

Ex-mayor said that the first batch of buckwheat in Kaliningrad "nameless", because it is a trial, and should show what can be customer demand for cereals.

- We are now just beginning to develop the market. The regional stores buckwheat will most likely be sold under the name of one of the wholesalers companies, which have signed today an agreement for sale of products. While these two retail chains, they work in the Kaliningrad region, - said Luzhkov. - The first batch of buckwheat is a few hundred tonnes. We pack cereals in bags of 50 kg, then the supplier has its own packages engine for shops.

Luzhkov said that at the moment buckwheat is grown on an area of ​​1 thousand. Ha, but eventually will expand farm.

- We will also provide seeds of cereals to neighboring farms. We now have the ability to process 1 ton of buckwheat per hour, - Luzhkov added.

- I do not want to cash in on his business. Of course, it must be profitable, but also carry a social start - Luzhkov said. - So I want at a low price offer buckwheat seafarers. Buckwheat for divers - the most important thing.

Luzhkov added that the positive practice of sales of rural economic production it already has. In Kaliningrad restaurants over the last two years, you can try in the capital, "Luzhkov's" lamb.

- I have a sheep breeding farm of the Romanov breed (it is this breed saved using their fur during the Second World War, our soldiers from the cold) and we aim to increase the herd eventually to 5 thousand heads.. Baranov was born no less than the sheep - breeding farm for many they are not required, so the 300-400 males in the season we sell, - said Luzhkov.

Sales Experts noted that when choosing a name for a brand should not rely solely on the knownbehalf of the owner.

- First you need to understand what audience expects ex-mayor: all different understanding of what should be the buckwheat. For example, there are people who perceive buckwheat as a health food, others may (for example, older people) consider it "hard currency" - a product that you can store. Then, after determining the audience, it is necessary to conduct experimental research, neuromarketing measurements - including feysriding (mikromimiki reading technology), which will show whether a person is lying, saying that he likes the name. With the help of special cameras can be traced even fleeting subliminal human reactions to the product name, package, - says the owner of the agency to increase the sales of Agny by neuromarketing expert Artem Ovechkin. - Classic desk research is not always reliable. You have to understand that people due respect for Luzhkov can say that the name of the brand is good, but in reality this may not be the case. This is called the halo effect.

In turn, the head of the Institute for the floorcal Studies Sergei Markov sure that the name of buckwheat, points directly to its manufacturer, to attract buyers.

- Yuri Luzhkov, was a bright, charismatic personality in politics. Thanks to him, the chaos in 1990s Moscow touched to a lesser extent: he provided the capital high standard of living compared with the average regions. People were fond memories of Luzhkov, - says Markov. - However, some Russians believe Luzhkov's team not only involved in corruption schemes, but almost all the heads - corrupt, and it must be borne in mind. Luzhkov was a figure of Federation-wide scale - its all knew this type of mayor. Leaders in the region is sometimes called, for example, "Kaliningrad Luzhkov" or "Ekaterinburg".

However, Professor at the Institute of Contemporary Development Alexei Skopin noted that the majority of Russians buying buckwheat, do not look at the packaging, the brand - they are, in his opinion, are more interested in price.

- Mark can attract buyers when it comes to, for example, the high fashion, of something expensive. For technevoy cereals is not needed, in fact, no brand - Skopin said.

According to him, the popularity of "political brand" directly linked to the rating of management figures in society.

- For example, vodka "Putinka" sold well, but the president supports 80% of Russians - this say about Yuri Luzhkov can not. By the end of his term as mayor, only 20% of Muscovites shared his policies - pointed Skopin.

Skopin believes that Luzhkov buckwheat can be popular if the ex-mayor of the capital Kaliningrad will prove that his croup particularly environmentally friendly.

As reported by "News" before, Yuri Luzhkov expressed his willingness to become a supplier of food products and meat for mains "We eat at home!", Which is planning to create directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky.