Yashma Zoloto does not shine and does not pay

Owners of the jewelry chain, Igor Mavlyanov and Robert Martirosyan owed 6 billion rubles.
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In late May, the Moscow Arbitration Court has started the procedure of bankruptcy LLC "Jewelry House" Jasper ", part of the holding" Jasper Gold ", one of the oldest distribution companies in the domestic jewelry market. The first bankruptcy can be a signal to other creditors: the music stopped and the chairs are not enough for everyone. The amount stated in the debt claim - 2.4 billion rubles, but this requirement is only one of the group of creditors, among which highlights the Savings Bank of Russia, which the various structures associated with the "Trade House Jasper 'and its owners, Igor Mavlyanova and Robert Martirosyan, are about 6 billion rubles.

Bankruptcy started on the suit offshore "Friso Trading Inc." registered in the British Virgin Islands, its first stage, the bankruptcy proceedings under the simplified procedure should last six months. Since it could start a "domino effect" for other operating structure of the group. The media appeared information that "the structure of OJSC" Sberbank of Russia "insisted on the introduction of interim measures within the framework of the bankruptcy process Jewellery House Ltd. Jasper and JSC"TPK-Jasper ", which is currently considering the Moscow Arbitration Court."

Versia.ru reported also that "Employees of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow on Wednesday, 6 April, could suspend the operation of the capital several salons jewelry network" Jasper Gold ".. As of the morning of April 7 suspended work ... two pavilions "Jasper" in the mall "City 2" on the highway of Enthusiasts and one - in the shopping center "Golden Babylon" on Prospect Novoyasenevsky ". It is possible that part of the salon will be closed "for technical reasons" in order to prevent the arrest of the goods on the shelves, as well as the stock balance. "

Apparently, the owners pay either nothing or do not really want: at the end of last year, the same "Sberbank", taking advantage of the new law on bankruptcy of physical persons, filed lawsuits against Martirosyan and Mavlyanova, requiring them to 36.7 million rubles for personal sureties . Then the hosts "Jasper" decided to respond originally, and both re-registered from Moscow to the city Bobrov, Voronezh region, where, according to information of the bank, plan to play at the operaix, bankrupting themselves: in Voronezh arbitration founders "Jasper" bankrupt two little-known jewelry companies, and in the process against Igor Mavlyanova trying to join all the same "Friso Trading" involuntarily an association with a non-commissioned officer's widow who, as you know. , flogged herself.

If affiliation to file for bankruptcy firms themselves future bankrupts will be able to prove, I think, that such admission will not be surprising: for example, in late May, Joint-Stock Company (JSC) "Corporation TEN" filed in the Moscow Arbitration Court action to recover 16 million rubles. with the already mentioned company "Jasper Jewelry House", located by the way, not only in the process of bankruptcy, and liquidation. And in fact there would be nothing strange if the Kommersant newspaper previously reported that the "Partner of TEN said that the" Jasper "and a co-owner of TEN - Igor Mavlyanov". TEN Corporation ", is a major developer, working in Moscow and Moscow region.

If so, then the very development company may also may face unpleasant? Poscoku, commenting on the actions of the Savings Bank to repay the loans, the bank's first deputy chairman Maxim Poletaev in an interview with RIA Novosti news agency said that "the proprietor tried to do us ill, he had to call for common sense. Now we are thinking how to restructure the company. There's construction projects and so on, but I'm afraid that will not be without unpopular decisions. "

What kind of "unpopular" decisions are due, the Russian investors in real estate is not difficult to imagine thinking: if the bank takes back the object in the repayment of the loan, the life of small investors and tenants can become unpredictable. So an attempt to recover from the company at least a couple of tens of millions, it is a typical example of a "tuft of wool from black sheep", which seemed more recently the "golden fleece".

With another draft Robert Martirosyan, JSC "Arial", which owns 100% of the company-operator of duty free shops "Aerofirst" most likely will not be able to take anything at all: for the right to bankrupt JSC "Aerofirst" and pick up his property at the expense of non-returns loans with Sberbank are competing with each giant VTB. As a result, creditors would be no division of property between a retailer, "superfluous" most likely will not.

In medieval Europe it was believed that jade stone has magical properties, in particular, gives "wisdom, strength, foresight and firmness in the hour of trouble." Maybe so. But even if you do not believe in alchemy, worry about the fate of the co-owners of "Jasper", in contrast to its suppliers and creditors, it is hardly worth: Russian bankruptcy may well be the owner of dozens of millions of dollars worth of real estate in the US or UK. So, the media has already passed the information that Mr. Mavlyanova allegedly belong to the objects of real estate in New York and California, it is unlikely his partner and fellow bankruptcy Mr. Martirosyan is at a disadvantage.

By the way, along with other magical properties of jasper was believed that she was "attracted to the house of luck, happiness and prosperity." And if you focus on success and prosperity failed in Moscow and Voronezh, it does not mean that it does not work, for example,around Los Angeles or London. As they say, is no stranger to the owners of "Jasper" America: The house - where the heart is. Even if it is of stone-precious stones.