Where does millionaire Alexander Smuzikov invest

A non-public collector of Russian avant-garde, whose fortune Forbes estimates at $ 600 million, was an investor of Third Rome company. 
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Collector Russian avant-garde Alexander Smuzikov (№169 on the Forbes list, the state - $ 600 million), sold five years ago, a network of filling stations of TNK-BP, never told how to spend the proceeds from the transaction to almost $ 900 million Forbes managed to find out some details..

Smuzikov engaged in refining since the mid-1990s, when he and partner Alexander Krasnolobova, died suddenly in 1998, bought oil, give it away for processing at the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian oil refineries, and then sold oil to the West. In the late 1990s the company Smuzikov "El-Nafta", buys petroleum products from multinationals consecutive translate Moscow private refueling under the brand of the oil company. Owners at their own expense repainted filling in the colors of TNCs, and in return, "El-Nafta" guaranteed them an uninterrupted supply of quality fuel. Gradually repainted in the colors of TNCs refueling became the property of "El-Nafta" and, in 2007-2008, TNK, already included in the structure of TNK-BP, acquired from Smuzikov 112 filling stations in Moscow and the Moscow region, 36 filling stations in Ukraine, as well as five neftehranilisch for $ 891 million.

Where Smuzikov invested the proceeds from the sale of refills money? "Money loves silence, no public business plan does not deal with", - said a written question Smuzikov to Forbes in 2012. According to sources, some of the money he invested in real estate, significant sums spent on the collection of Russian art, valued at $ 100 million.

However, real estate and works of Kazimir Malevich, which form the basis of the collection Smuzikov, its investment is not limited. As Forbes found in the sphere of interests includes businessman and financial business. In 2009 Smuzikov gave $ 1 million financier Andrei Movchan to create a company "Third Rome".

Interest on this loan was paid in shares of the company. By 2013, it dripped 5%. The transaction is structured through the Swiss "Strategy" fund, managing money Smuzikov and its partners. The names of these partners were not disclosed, but his cooperation with TNK Smuzikov obliged Vice President, Downstream, Alexander Kaplan.

A year ago, Smuzikov denied zainteresovannosL. Kaplan, as well as the former executive director German Khan, TNK-BP to sell TNK gas stations and claimed that the rumors about this "deliberately spread English partners of TNK-BP». Kaplan declined to answer questions about Forbes.

In October 2013, created by London-based Oracle Capital came from Russia and the CIS has bought more than 25% of the "Third Rome." The entire company was valued at $ 20 million, or 5% of the value of assets under management. Movchan sold most of its stake, leaving about 5% and maintaining a board seat. Its share sold and the fund "Strategy." - For $ 1 million after transaction under the control of the "Third Rome" left money fund - $ 7 million and the obligation to pay dividends.
Representative Smuzikov Igor Sulkis confirmed the sale of shares in the "Third Rome" refused to comment further.

Smuzikov Fund invested in other financial business. According Sulkisa, "Strategy" owns 33% when microcredit "Bystrodengi".