Trade between Russia and the EU has fallen to a 25-year low

The monthly trade turnover between Russia and the European Union in June was less than €5 billion for the first time since autumn 1999. According to the results of 2022, the volume of trade between Russia and the EU reached its maximum since 2014 of €258.6 billion, and in 2023 it decreased by 65.5% and amounted to €88.9 billion.
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The monthly trade turnover between Russia and the European Union in June was less than €5 billion for the first time since autumn 1999, RIA Novosti calculated after analyzing Eurostat statistics. In June, the bilateral trade turnover between Russia and the EU decreased by 10% compared to May and amounted to €4.9 billion. The last time the monthly figure was lower was in September 1999, when it was €4.6 billion.

The volume of Russian deliveries to the EU in June decreased by 14% in monthly terms, to €2.5 billion. This is the lowest figure since February 1999. Russia mainly sold gas (€1.1 billion), oil and oil products (€333 million), iron and steel (€164 million) to the EU. Sales of European products to Russia fell by 5% over the month and amounted to €2.4 billion in June. The EU mainly exported pharmaceutical products (€634 million), equipment (€262 million) and optical instruments (€203 million) to Russia.

In June 2024, trade between Russia and Portugal decreased the most — by 4.3 times (to €13.2 million). Trade turnover with the Czech Republic and Ireland halved — to €121.5 million and 41.5 million, respectively.

At the same time, trade with Bulgaria increased by 15% in June, to €55.8 million. Trade turnover with Romania showed the same growth (to €12.3 million). Trade turnover with the Netherlands increased by 10% (to €462.4 million), with Croatia - by 7% (to €21.5 million), Austria and France - by 6% (to €284.2 million and €449.4 million, respectively), Hungary - by 3% (to €464 million), Lithuania - by 1% (to €87.9 million).

According to the results of 2022, trade turnover between Russia and the EU increased by 2.3% and reached the highest since 2014 €258.6 billion. At the same time, the EU deficit in trade with Russia turned out to be a record - €148.2 billion, which is twice the figure for 2021.

In 2023, the volume of foreign trade between Russia and the EU countries decreased by 65.5% and amounted to €88.9 billion.