Time to gut Yevtushenkov

The amount of claims of Igor Sechin to Vladimir Yevtushenkov reached almost $3 billion. Apparently, this is the beginning of the end of business of the "Luzhkov's oligarch" in Russia.
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Igor Sechin demonstrated what would happen in the event of a merger of the story about the shark man and calls to store savings in the Russian currency. Soft toy again chosen "intelligent" oligarch Vladimir Evtushenkov.

In early May, Rosneft and its affiliated company Bashneft filed a lawsuit against the former owner of the Bashkir oil company, AFK Sistema, the oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov, to the tune of 106.6 billion rubles. The reason: they say, Evtushenkov caused such damage to Bashneft. But it was literally three weeks, and surrounded by Sechin aroused: how is it! The ruble is depreciated!

How to write "Vedomosti":

On May 23, a request was filed to increase the amount of claims to 170.6 billion rubles. This document was posted by AFK Sistema on its website. It follows that the original amount was determined by the plaintiffs as of May 5, 2014, that is, on the completion date of the reorganization of Bashneft. According to the rate of the Central Bank for this date (35.72 rubles for $ 1), the damage is equal to $ 2.98 billion, it follows from the document.

But since Bashneft sells oil and oil products at prices corresponding to international quotations in US dollars, its rate has significantly increased since 2014, and the purchasing power of the ruble has significantly dropped, then "the calculation of the real amount of losses should be made taking into account the adjustment that takes into account the change Of the ruble to the US dollar, "consider Rosneft and Bashneft.

And this, you know, is a breakthrough! Now, in the judicial practice of the Federation, you can adjust the claim amounts in rubles, taking into account its rate towards the dollar. And it's better to forget that Bashneft sold some of its oil for rubles in Russia. This is a very good and promising practice. But apart from it, the classic Eurasian drama is now unfolding - to take away and divide. It is very instructive for those who hope to observe some kind of private property in northern Eurasia.

The structure of Vladimir Yevtushenkov in the Bashkir fuel and energy complex came in 2005, when he bought shares of a number of companies for 600 with a penny of millions of dollars. Including, 25% of the shares of Bashneft itself. At the end of 2008, AFK Sistema concluded an agreement with the structures of Ural Rakhimov (the son of Bashkir President Murtaza Rakhimov) to acquire a controlling stake in Bashneft for $ 2 billion. The deal was approved by the federal authorities - the government and the antimonopoly committee and in March 2009 it was held.

The purchase took place when the cost of Russian oil was at a local minimum - about 40-45 dollars per barrel, while Bashneft itself hardly got out of the crisis (its oil production in 2008 was only 10 million tons, and already in 2013 Year - more than 16 million tons). Then 5 years passed and the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin simply put an eye on an interesting and tasty asset that has successfully developed. At the end of 2013, he said that the deal to acquire a controlling stake in Bashneft was "wrong", and in 2014 a criminal case was filed about understating its value for $ 500 million. Plus, the state suddenly remembered that the privatization of Bashneft in the 1990s, well, yes, it was also in violation. More about this performance of absurdity can be read here.

Vladimir Yevtushenkov was held for three months under house arrest, AFK Sistema had to give all the shares of Bashneft (in 2013, Sistema directly owned 50.1% of Bashneft, another 30.2% of ordinary shares belonged to Sistema-invest ", In which the AFK had 50.6%, the rest was with Bashneft). As an incentive in 2015, the court recognized Yevtushenkov as a "good-natured acquirer", he was left with all dividends, and the seller returned some of the paid sum - 55 billion rubles. However, thanks to the devaluation of the ruble, it was almost 2 times less than the purchase price.

Now it's the turn to disembowel the owner of AFK Sistema for the losses incurred as a result of the reorganization of Bashneft in 2013-2014. " Well, that's the right decision. Because the shark man Sechin can very well saw, take away, eviscerate and bring. So a little "dekulak" the unpleasant Evtushenkov - the whole. The extra three billion dollars on the road are not lying around. I'll have to sell something to my uncle, leave some business areas, give some projects to others, but good hands. Perhaps, it is already about whether the "Luzhkov oligarch" will be allowed to go to the ex-patron in London? And, of course, it is interesting, will Vladimir Yevtushenkov be imprisoned again under house arrest or will they already be straight-lodged in jail?