The Russian fleet can remain without target designation devices

JSC "Saratov Radio Instrument Plant" energy again want to go bankrupt for debts.
The Saratov region may lose another defense enterprise - an arbitration court of the region received an application for bankruptcy of Saratov Radiobroad Plant. The total amount of claims of OOO Teploelectrogenerating Company is 9.68 million rubles. The Ministry of Industry and Energy hopes that the two economic entities will be able to come to a consensus on their own. Experts believe that the authorities should try to help the enterprise, since without it the plant can not cope with the obligations.

Saratov LLC Teploelektrogeneriruyuschaya Kompaniya (TEGC) applied to the Arbitration Court of the Saratov Region with a request to declare bankrupt the Saratov Radiobroad Plant. The amount of claims exceeds 8.94 million rubles. The lawsuit was submitted on June 22 and has not yet been accepted for consideration. In February this year, the regional arbitration approved an amicable agreement between the parties in the case on recovery from the plant of debt under the heat energy supply agreement of January 14, 2011 in the amount of 9.68 million rubles. The plant owes for the period from February to July 2017 and penalties for improper performance of payment obligations in the amount of 1.31 million rubles. In accordance with the settlement agreement, the defendant undertakes to pay the debtor a debt, which at the time of signing the agreement amounted to 7.67 million rubles. and a fine of 1.31 million rubles. by transferring funds to the plaintiff's settlement account. The payment schedule was also agreed: the plaintiff was to pay off the debt within four months - to 2.24 million rubles. per month. The last payment was due on May 31 this year. The amicable agreement was concluded after the radio equipment factory lost the claim of "Teploelectrogenerating company".

This is not the first lawsuit filed by TEGC against a radio equipment factory. By a decision of January 22, 2018, the Arbitration Court of the Saratov region fully satisfied the claim of heat-and-power engineers to the company about recovering the debt for heat in August 2017 for the amount of 227.45 thousand rubles.

In the legal department of the Saratov Radio Instrument Plant, Kommersant declined to comment on the situation. In the "TEGC" also failed to promptly explain the details of the statement.

If the application is accepted for consideration, the volume of claims may increase. The Moscow Arbitration Court reviews two lawsuits filed by the Russian Defense Ministry against the enterprise. One relates to recovery of penalties in the amount of 95.16 million rubles. with the primary trade union organization of the enterprise (it was left without traffic until July 16, 2018), the essence of the second is not yet specified, but it is known that the amount of claims exceeds 5.12 million rubles. The claim is accepted for consideration.

JSC "Saratov Radio Instrument Plant" specializes in the development, production and supply to the Navy of modern systems for illuminating the surface situation and target designation of weapon guidance and is a member of the Granit-Electron concern along with five other enterprises, including the Petrov Electromechanical Plant "Molot" ". According to SPARK-Interfax, the company's net profit for the last reporting period (2015) was 4.05 million rubles. A year earlier it worked with a profit of 2.99 million rubles.

Only this year the defensive joint-stock companies "Saratov plant of instrumentation devices", JSC "CARZ-9" were recognized as insolvent, problems are observed in NPP "Contact".

The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Saratov region believes that TEGC and Saratov Radio Instrument Plant should come to a consensus, agree on debt restructuring, and agree on a schedule for its repayment. "We hope for the prudence of the participants in the dialogue and the favorable outcome of the situation. Within the framework of the existing powers, the ministry is ready to render any feasible assistance, "the department specified.

Member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Saratov region, the former head of the region's industry ministry, Sergei Lisovsky, believes that enterprises that have occupied decades of leading positions in the region should not be lost, and the authorities should take all possible measures to preserve them. "The trend is not very positive. "9th Central Automobile Repair Plant", "Volga diesel Maminyh", "RMK" is an incomplete list of enterprises that are currently at different stages of bankruptcy, "Mr. Lisovsky said. - If we look at the index of industrial production, then everything seems to be good, there is a positive dynamics. But it occurs at the expense of new enterprises that were launched in 2012-2014. This reserve is already reaching its maximum capacity. If we lose businesses that have been leading for decades, it will be very bad. In no case can this process be allowed, and the authorities must preserve them in every possible way. "