The main car dealer: how Tatiana Lukovetskaya made "Rolf" the market leader

Rolf is the largest Russian car dealer as of the end of 2014 in terms of the revenue, 131.1 billion rubles, and the number of cars sold, 91 693 new cars. It is also Russia's largest company headed by a woman.
Origin source
"Remember the game of king of the hill? What's going on down there? "- Asks Tatiana Lukovetskaya in three dozens of young people gathered in the Ford dealership in Khimki on one of the regular meetings of the" Rolf "director general with the newcomers. "Fuss" - meets one of them. "Our task - to make the fuss was over there - Lukovetskaya waving vaguely in the direction of - and we were on top."

Since then, she personally meets dating with newcomers "Rolf" in every dealership company. Gather all - from the mechanics and assistants to sales professionals. "There are among you anyone who was born in 1992?" - Asks Lukovetskaya new question. Hand picks one person - Natalia Bezfamilnaya at work specialist with Mitsubishi and Hyundai customers. In "Rolfe" is less than a month: working in a service bureau, drives a Peugeot and would like to be a master-receiver of. "In 1992, you rolled around in a wheelchair, and I have worked with clients Mitsubishi», - smiles Lukovetskaya.

Khimki General Director for "Rolf" retail business - a special story: Now zdess dealer village, consisting of the centers of four brands -.. Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Ford, Mazda, and of almost 91.7 thousand new cars, which last year sold the entire "Rolf", sold 11.5 thousand "Khimki" (as in peak years for the Russian car market and sold 15 thousand.). "I got this center as the two sheets of paper format A1 - says Lukovetskaya beginners. - There was nothing, only the drawings. "

Her biography in the business like a plot for a film in the genre of success stories. In 1988, she graduated with honors from the Moscow Road Institute, worked for several years on the distribution at the Research Institute, and in 1992, "Rolf" became the first Russian official dealer of Mitsubishi, Lukovetskaya joined the company service service operator - started to receive calls. After six years, she has headed the service of the service throughout the company, but "Rolfe South" became director of the dealership in 2001.

116,384 new and used vehicles sold "Rolf" in 2014 (in 2013 - 98 304)

131.1 billion rubles. Revenue was "Rolf" in 2014 (plus 26.64% compared with 2013 year)

87 billion rubles. EBITDA amounted to GRUppy 2014

103 - the ratio of debt to EBITDA at December 31, 2014 (2.08 - December 31, 2013)

The Group is controlled founder family - Sergei Petrov

Lukovetskaya then was not only the first woman in Russia for such a post, but the youngest director of the center car dealership in the country. In 2004, she went to the very two sheets of A1 format, and she has built everything here, both literally and figuratively. Three years later, the founder of "Rolf" Sergei Petrov ordered the manager development has all the retail division of the company (at that time in addition to Mitsubishi and Hyundai, the band sold as a distributor, there were five brands in its retail portfolio - Audi, Ford, Mazda, Mercedes and Peugeot; for 2007, the company sold 66.2 thousand. new machinery). The three-year break from work to "Rolf" - from 2008 to 2010 led the first Lukovetskaya trading house Sollers, and then the dealer holding "Modus" - a meeting with newcomers she calls the "professional development."

The "Rolf" Lukovetskaya back in 2011. Chief Executive Officer of the retail units, and from 2013and holds the position of CEO of the group.

Allergy Seller

In the dealer center Toyota Yasenevo have a nail salon in the nearby J aguar - 18-seater cinema. New customers such gadgets hardly will draw, but to increase the loyalty of existing ones they help, says Lukovetskaya. A quarter-time speech to the recruits she dedicates the topic of customer loyalty: "You do not sell cars and do not fix them, you're in" Rolfe "work! <...> The fact that you are working in "Rolf", everyone should know. If you know someone who drives a car that is not bought from us, it is an allergy. Grow it in yourself! "

The main objective, explains Lukovetskaya, to make sure that, once hitting the "network", "Rolf", the man returned. Of the one hundred "Rolf" customers come back for a new machine or service 45. In Japan, there are dealers, which returned more than 90. "untilled field", - she says. All dealer network in Russia, is designed to sell 4 million cars a year. But last year, it has sold 2.49 million new cars, and this year,to forecast Lukovetskaya be, "God forbid, 1.5 million" (sold in the nine months, according to the AEB, 1.19 million).

Beginners are proud to show the slide with the results of "Rolf" in 2014: "Rolf" for the first time overtook longtime leader in the number of sold new cars - "Autoworld", and just 18.9 thousand cars.. A year earlier, "Rolf" behind him by only 413 machines.

"At the end of 2013, we realized that already in the first place, we are finally on the leaders of all four types of our business - sales of new cars with mileage, service and facilities, and now our biggest problem - not to lose speed. Then lucky, perhaps "- he smiles during an interview with RBC Lukovetskaya.

"So far it looks that the" Rolf "confident ahead of other dealers, and hardly anyone in the next year be able to move from the first place," - said a member of the "Block Roscoe" dealer board of directors and vice president of industry association " Russian dealers "Oleg Moseev.

As "Rolf" it? Until 2011, for sales and service in the company responsible director Dealercal centers and selling used cars and financial services were centralized at the company level. "There were constant conflicts. Director of the dealership follow the instructions above, the result was not, he replied: "You gave me a command, I executed it," - says Lukovetskaya.

Since 2012, "Rolf" works on the concept of so-called cumulative margin: for companies is important, not the margin on the sale of the client machine is new and total earnings, which can be obtained from all components of the transaction - a trade-in, sale machines, services and additional equipment. "You can offer customers a great discount on a car, but to cover up his" dopami "and can, for example, not to give discounts, but take his old car to trade-in is expensive - Lukovetskaya explains. - We look at the deal in the complex, and this flexibility in all four types of margin activity adheres to the sales. " This is not the invention of "Rolf", she admits: "The whole West is so works, why it should not work for us?"

domination strategy

Director of the dealership is now "the king"Says Lukovetskaya he is" responsible for all "and is subject only to her. Such "kings" in "Rolfe" 12: 37 dealer centers are grouped into clusters according to the territorial principle. «KPI number of the directors became less, but now they are not an abstract goal, but the overall financial result: they meet me EBITDA and cache. Then turn on the element of competition: they generate their own ideas, and if in Khimki introduced something new, I ask "Altushki" why they do not do this ", - explains Lukovetskaya.

Competitors recognize: an updated strategy of "Rolf" allows it to sell more to other dealers. They are such a position of the new leader of the market is not very happy. "They chose a strategy of domination in the market: the car must be sold in any way, then earning on related services and maintenance, - says Moseev. - In the eyes of the consumer often it turns out that the cheapest car you can buy in "Rolfe". Part of the ability to sell the car cheaper than other dealers linked to sales volumes, partly - with due yetvolumes easier to negotiate with the producers, said Moseev. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Modus" Alexey Leshchenko [the dealer operates in the south and in the Black Earth] he says also heard from Moscow dealers that "Rolf" machine often sells cheaper competitors.

Dealer center "Rolf South", which topped the Lukovetskaya in 2001, was the first multi-brand company project. Prior to that, "Rolf" was originally a dealer, then the distributor of one brand - Mitsubishi. The "Rolf South" on the street. Obrucheva group started selling Hyundai, Audi and Ford. After returning Lukovetskaya in 2011 the company began to expand its brand portfolio: from mass brands got down to those that are produced in Russia, from the premium segment for Audi and Mercedes were added, for example, Jaguar, Land Rover, Porsche, Lexus and Alfa Romeo.

"Premium brands - it is certainly more cost-effective than the mass, and it is insurance against a market decline," - explains Lukovetskaya. In 2013-2014, the ratio of the number of sold cars of mass and premium brands has not changed much: on expensive accounted for about 21% of all realizovanna"Rolf" cars. Has the ratio of this year, a company spokesman says, noting only that the sale of "Rolf" decreased "significantly less than the market" as a whole. Sales of all 17 brands that sells "Rolf", declined in the first nine months of this year by 30.2%, the premium brands of "Rolf" portfolio - by 19.7%, calculated on the basis of RBC AEB data.

The new reality

Insurance auto dealers and the truth would be useful. In 2014, the market declined by 10.3% (286,143 cars) in the first nine months of this - already 33% (587,238 cars). The situation is not similar to any of the previous crises, said Lukovetskaya: in 2008-2009, sales have fallen sharply, but after a few months have gone up, now the reduction lasts for three years. "As soon as you're not confident in the future, you fired a neighbor, even if your salary is stable, begin to think whether to take the car on credit, and whether to change it at all," - she said.

So, one year warranty begins to thin stream of cars that are maintained in the services of authorized dealers. "First, the fall will be insignificant, but it is the biggestthreat. Even in Moscow, you will already see today that many dealerships in the reshaped body repair centers, multi-brand metalwork centers. For us as authorized dealers is a serious challenge "- recognizes Lukovetskaya. So, to get services, "ofitsialam" will soon have to actively compete for customers in the 3-5-year-old machines.

6% of used cars are sold through authorized dealers in Moscow, this percentage is higher - 30%, says Lukovetskaya

49.9% of the Russian fleet over a decade, and cars under three years, only 18%

12.4 years - the average age of a car in Russia

Another unpleasant surprise for dealers was the departure from the Russian market General Motors, which is the best selling brands in Russia are Chevrolet and Opel (GM by the end of 2014 was the fourth in the number of cars sold by concern (189,404 cars and 7.6% of the market). "For GM have been in the list of strategic brands that we have considered for the further development and, frankly, it was like a bucket of cold water ", -. Lukovetskaya says.

Some of the dealers of these brands were able to go to the other, etc.oizvoditelyam, some will shift to informal services, but many of those who come and say "buy us." Buy property without dealer agreement meaningless, explains Lukovetskaya and new dealers in the near future there will be little - car sales network in the country, and so many times more than now required. "My prediction: the greatest resistance will show brands who have reached the level of localization for more than 60%. They are those who either already built or being finished factories producing engines and gearbox, - VW Group, Hyundai Kia, Ford and Renault Nissan to AvtoVAZ, Mazda », - she said.

Lukovetskaya said that anti-crisis plan, she had not only the development of the strategy: the cumulative margin is the development of business cars with mileage, increase the share of premium brands and the concept of "communal flats" where new brands are added to the existing dealership site. "There is a cyclical crisis, it is predictable, and it is certainly clear that we must prepare for this. Therefore, at the time when the market began to fall in 2013, we have already managed to implement its strategy, and as a result twoyear we were growing up, even though the whole market was down ", - she says. Yet this year's decline in sales started in "Rolf", and the group has to adapt to a new reality: from the beginning of the year the company cut 10% staff: from 6.4 to 5.7 thousand people.. Under the reduction were the staff back-office, technology, serving the process of selling cars, accounting, HR, many sellers have gone yourself.

At the beginning of training in Khimki newcomers among other things, tell us what would be on the company: almost every second says that it is important for the stability and confidence in the future. Signs of the times, then Lukovetskaya explains, until recently, the vast majority spoke primarily about career development. "We did not pull the ears, but if you want to become a professional, all the possibilities, we'll give you," - she says newcomers.

"We have a lot of"

"I am convinced that you need a big event for employees. We opened five years did not tell them thank you "- Lukovetskaya tone underlines every word in a meeting with the only issue on the agenda: the company's anniversary in 2016. In the office of director of the center "Rolf Khimki" Julia Dytchenkovoy no man. This is hardly an accident: women in the leadership of the main Russian car dealer - 45%.

This percentage of women in the management of the company a rarity for Russia, says Ilya Potapenko, a partner at executive search company direction Odgers Berndtson. There are functions traditionally related to women, - HR, PR, marketing and finance in part, but the whole of the top management is usually dominated by men, if we are not talking about the kind of beauty-segments of business and fashion reteyla. In the initial stages of formation of market economy business engaged primarily men, they had more opportunities to develop in this area, so today women with general management experience in a physically smaller Potapenko said.

Founder of "Rolf" Sergei Petrov RBC that the decision to appoint Lukovetskaya did not take it personally, and the company's board of directors. The relation between the efficiency in business and gender it is not known, he added. Lukovetskaya able to "organize people, to light and to lead to the heights", said Leshchenko of "Modus &raquo ;. "There was a crisis, and its presence in our [company] made it possible to rally the team - he recalls. - To achieve tipping of the results, we could not because of the brevity of cooperation. "

No strategy to appoint women to senior positions in "Rolfe" not - so historically, said Lukovetskaya. Many of those who now runs the dealerships, once started with her in Mitsubishi - vendors, operators, service bureaus, etc. Of the 12 directors of dealer centers "Rolf" in the leadership positions of the other four companies have come, others have grown inside. "I never look at gender, I believe that the business will not accept sex, religion and race. If I'm going to build another business and you're on the shore to ask how much I hire women and how many men, I do not know! "- Says Lukovetskaya.

in "Rolfe" Among women, sellers are not so much: the first line of the 538 vendors of only 61 (including second-hand machinery dealers - none). But women tend to linger longer than the gap. "I read somewhere that a woman needs to be done in seven pas more effort to achieve something, it turns out, the woman more appreciative of what received, then "- says Lukovetskaya.

But in the "female" and "male" management does not believe it: "Experience shows that there are plenty of high-risk women and cautious men." I ask if she had to deal with gender characteristics in the business, as long cars were considered traditionally masculine subject. "When I was the first woman - the director of the dealership in Russia, that's when it was scared - she admits. - And the worst thing for me was when I was the service manager and was the control mechanics: they were men, and they were older than me. That was a challenge, it was necessary to negotiate. And now we have a lot. "

About his style Lukovetskaya says: "I push the manager, rather than pulling over a <...> So we have a fairly flat management structure, no deputies, major vice presidents. Any mechanic or another employee can write to me or call anyone know my cell phone number. " They call, however, an average of once every six months.

whether it idit themselves somewhere other than "Rolf"? "Of course!" - Immediately respond Lukovetskaya, offering unexpected options. He says he could sing - though in transition, even in the jazz club - and teach. "I'm not interested to learn sales. Perhaps it would be interesting to learn how to get results is to become a professional, you have to constantly learn, and love it, to be able to create a new surge of emotion, as soon as you feel extinction. And always have a low self-esteem, that is, to live with the thought "this is not enough to me, I need more."