The lawyers changed their status on the accused in the case of an attempt to seize the shopping center

The scam of the criminal lawyer Konstantin Skrypnik and his accomplices from the FSB after the scandalous businessman Yuri Glotzer of the shopping center "Era of Aquarius" ended in failure. Even the Gudermes City Court did not help them.
Chertanovskiy court of Moscow placed under house arrest lawyer Konstantin Skrypnik and sent to the jail his colleague, lieutenant colonel of the FSB retired Roland Gagoev. Both, according to investigators, are members of a criminal group that has been trying since February 2016 to raid the seizure of property, including the Aquarius Gallery shopping center, the family of film producer Yuri Glotzer. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia (SKR), the lawyer Skrypnik developed a plan of fraud, and retired lieutenant colonel Gagoev, along with the already convicted - in another case, the former FSB officer Andrei Chumanov was among the direct executors. Another person involved in this case was previously beaten off by the investigators in Gudermes while trying to detain him and disappears.

Attorney Konstantin Skrypnik operatives detained in the evening on June 18 at the airport Vnukovo. He was taken to the department of the TF for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, where the lawyer was charged with an attempt on fraud in a particularly large amount (Article 30 and part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code). A similar charge was brought against colleague Konstantin Skrypnik Rolan Gagoev.

After this, the investigation appealed to the Chertanovskiy court of Moscow with petitions for the election of both measures of restraint. Motivating the necessity of placing under house arrest of Konstantin Skrypnik, the representative of the SKR noted that the latter had ties in the "criminal world", recorded in the case materials "information on putting pressure on witnesses and victims", as well as the fact of "armed resistance" rendered to law enforcement officers at attempt to detain another prospective organizer of the scam with "Aquarius" businessman Gleb Privalov in Gudermes (this incident was reported by Kommersant on April 6, 2017). As for Roland Gagoev, then, choosing him as a measure of restraint in the form of detention, the court agreed with the investigation that the defendant, after working for more than 15 years in the FSB and having reached the rank of lieutenant-colonel, is well-informed about both the methods of preliminary investigation and the methods of conducting operational- and therefore, while remaining at large, can create serious obstacles to the investigation.

Attorney Skrypnik will be under house arrest in his apartment in the elite housing estate (Marshal Vasilevsky street, 13).

According to investigators, a few years ago, Konstantin Skrypnik developed a plan to seize property belonging to the family of film producer Yuri Glotzer, including the shopping center "Gallery Aquarius" on Walnut Boulevard, for a total of $ 30 million. To fulfill his plan, it is said in the case, he attracted Roland Gagoyev, as well as retired captain of the Volgograd department of the Federal Security Service Andrei Chumanov (he has already been convicted of another fraud committed in Volgograd). Scheme of fraudulent operation, according to the investigation, Konstantin Skrypnik appeared after he learned about the conflict with the producer of the familiar lawyer Gleb Privalov.

According to the investigation materials, the attackers produced a fake power of attorney allegedly issued on September 1, 2014 by the general director of OOO Yugra Ltd, which owns Aquarius. According to this paper, Gleb Privalov allegedly received the right to manage the areas of the shopping center. On the basis of the power of attorney, it is said in the file, the defendants produced a number of other financial documents, from which it followed that in 2014 the lawyer Skrypnik acquired a part of "Aquarius" and even deposited a deposit of 165.6 million rubles in the account of Ugra. The guarantor of the transaction on securities was the retired captain Chumanov. A separate point in the agreement was that all disputes arising between the parties should be resolved in the Gudermes City Court of the Chechen Republic. Using this item, Konstantin Skrypnik and Andrey Chumanov in May 2016 filed in Gudermes lawsuits, according to which the owners of "Aquarius" allegedly failed to comply with the terms of the contract and must pay a penalty of almost 2 billion rubles. The Gudermes court recognized the claims as legitimate and seized the shopping center, but the defendants were not able to fully take control of it.

Initially, the investigation of this story involved the Moscow police. However, when it turned out that the number of suspects includes special subjects - lawyers, - the case materials were transferred from the GUS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow to the TFR. After this investigative actions, according to Yuri Glotzer, slowed down. The producer himself associates this with pressure, which, he believes, is on the investigation team. Mr. Glotser wrote about this in his statements sent to the TFR and the FSB. In particular, he pointed out that, according to his information, Vladimir Golubenko, an operative of the "M" administration, interfered in the course of the investigation. Mr. Glotser also informed Kommersant that it is with the pressure on the investigation that he connects the fact that the alleged organizer of the raider's seizure Konstantin Skrypnik was elected an "unnecessarily soft measure of restraint." By the way, Mr. Glotser's lawyers appealed against the court decision on home arrest. Yuri Glotser also believes that the investigation should determine who was behind Konstantin Skrypnik, and bring to criminal responsibility and customers of this crime.