The Central Bank found in Rosgosstrakh a switchman

"Rosgosstrakh" filed a lawsuit against the former CEO of the company Dmitry Markarov. He was suspected of inflicting damage on 241 million rubles.
Controlled by the Central Bank Rosgosstrakh on August 14 filed a lawsuit against the former general director of the company Dmitry Markarov on recovery of damages in the amount of 241.8 million rubles, follows from the message of the insurer. It says that the losses were caused by the sale of a 100% stake in RGS-Armenia (an insurance subsidiary in Armenia) owned by Rosgosstrakh to CIMAREX MANAGEMENT LIMITED at a reduced price. A representative of Rosgosstrakh specified that a lawsuit against Markarov was filed with the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region (Vedomosti did not find such a lawsuit at the time of publication in the file cabinet).

"A Cyprus company with traditionally not known beneficiaries for offshore beneficiaries has become the owner of the leading insurer of Armenia, which, unlike the parent company, did not experience any loss-making problems," Rosgosstrakh CEO Nikolaus Fry comments on the lawsuit against his predecessor. press office.

According to Fry, the company was sold contrary to the goals declared in the annual report for 2016 and assuming the expansion of Rosgosstrakh's presence in foreign markets and, first of all, in Armenia, where business developed and had good prospects. The deal on the sale of "RGS-Armenia" was completed in 2017, the representative of Rosgosstrakh specified. Fry claims that in the annual report, the book value of the net assets of RGS-Armenia was valued at more than 893 million rubles, but the value of the shares of the company indicated in the contract of purchase and sale of securities, signed by the previous management, is only 480 million rubles.

"I do not know how such an assessment was conducted, but it is clearly devoid of economic meaning and is only intended to justify the low cost of alienated assets," he said. Given the reserve of accumulated exchange rate differences of 171.3 million rubles. the current management of the company estimates the direct damage from this transaction for the Rosgosstrakh group of 241.3 million rubles. Therefore, Rosgosstrakh is forced to seek compensation for this loss in the interests of its shareholder - the Central Bank, Fry notes.

Dmitry Markarov declined to comment on Vedomosti. He headed Rosgosstrakh from 2013, and on September 4, 2017, the labor contract with him was terminated, the insurer said in a statement.

It follows from Rosgosstrakh's message that the current management of the company intends to recognize as void the transactions "that were concluded by the previous owners of the company" and which the company regards as "an attempt to withdraw assets from the Rosgosstrakh group." Whom the current management of Rosgosstrakh means by "former owners", the representative of the insurer did not specify. In 2017, Danil Khachaturov, who at that time was the owner of Rosgosstrakh, transferred control over the insurer to the bank FC Opening. In August of the same year, the insurance company, together with the bank, moved to the consolidation fund of the banking sector of the Central Bank.

"I do not know how such an assessment was conducted, but it is clearly devoid of economic meaning and is only intended to justify the low cost of alienated assets," he said. Given the reserve of accumulated exchange rate differences of 171.3 million rubles. the current management of the company estimates the direct damage from this transaction for the Rosgosstrakh group of 241.3 million rubles. Therefore, Rosgosstrakh is forced to seek compensation for this loss in the interests of its shareholder - the Central Bank, Fry notes.

Dmitry Markarov declined to comment on Vedomosti. He headed Rosgosstrakh from 2013, and on September 4, 2017, the labor contract with him was terminated, the insurer said in a statement.

It follows from Rosgosstrakh's message that the current management of the company intends to recognize as void the transactions "that were concluded by the previous owners of the company" and which the company regards as "an attempt to withdraw assets from the Rosgosstrakh group." Whom the current management of Rosgosstrakh means by "former owners", the representative of the insurer did not specify. In 2017, Danil Khachaturov, who at that time was the owner of Rosgosstrakh, transferred control over the insurer to the bank FC Opening. In August of the same year, the insurance company, together with the bank, moved to the consolidation fund of the banking sector of the Central Bank.