The center of Tyumen sees the redistribution of expensive real estate

The Brekhuntsovy family, business-woman Ekaterina Semenova and Novosibirsk collectors participated in this story.
Origin source
Offended Tyumen businessmen sent a business ombudsman Larisa Nevidaylo documents. She readdressed statement the former head of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Korneev. But the police refused to delve into the essence of the conflict

Offended Tyumen businessmen sent a business ombudsman Larisa Nevidaylo documents. She readdressed statement the former head of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Korneev. But the police refused to delve into the essence of the conflict
At the end of April in the Tsentralny district court of Tyumen claim will be reviewed against one of the oldest urban private enterprises - JSC "Tyumenobuvtorg". Following the meeting of local businessmen - brother and sister Andrew and Natalia Fillipov - may lose the building in the city center, near the regional council and the regional government. Curiously, the property trying to get headers from Novosibirsk, Tyumen grants which do not know anything. The local branch of "Business Russia" is sure: there is a raider seizure, but the police are not ready to take responsibility.

CJSC "Tyumenobuvtorg" created in the 1990s in the resultsate privatization. The company's assets consist of a number of properties, including the well-known shoe store Tyumen citizens on Republic Street, 58 (there is now a shoe shop "Westfalica"). Adversity owners began in 2009 with the bankruptcy of Tyumen "Mega Bank". This structure, formerly known as the "Diplomat" bank, by definition, the Tyumen businessman, has a history of more "dosobyaninskih times." The "Tyumenobuvtorga" was a bank loan for 2 million rubles, which was laid down to ensure the property, part of which is now estimated at 15.5 million rubles.

When the troubles began at the "Mega Bank" (November 2009), on account of a bank hang 600 thousand. Rubles. Debt business before the bank loan was 1.4 million rubles. Realizing that the failure of a credit institution is inevitable, Filippova decided to pay off its debt to the bank and asked for advice. "We were advised to negotiate with the company SPC" SibGeo ", is the holding subsidiary of the well-known" SibSAC ", belonging to the family Brehuntsovyh - storiesVaeth Natalya Filippova. - An agreement was reached: the contract of the loan account "SibGeo" in the bank transferred 1.4 million rubles to the account of "Tyumenobuvtorga" we are closing early to the bank loan of 2 million rubles, and then translate "SibGeo" 1.4 million rubles " live "money. What it was done. "

This was considered entrepreneurs, the issue was settled. However, after a year of the Eighth Appellate Court of Arbitration in Omsk acknowledged payments "Tyumenobuvtorga" on loan repayment invalid. The parties were in the original position, "Tyumenobuvtorg" owes the bank loan of 2 million rubles, the bank must "Tyumenobuvtorgu" also 2 million rubles, but the bank account agreement.

It is interesting that part of the premises inherent in the bank was sold to the husband of Catherine Semenova, former State Duma deputy from the Tyumen region, then the Minister of the Moscow region, and now - the head of the Leninsky district of Moscow region. As interlocutors claim this deal was not related to the withdrawal of assets has been made before payment invalidation. thenot less than 33.99% of pledged premises currently owned by Semenov. But make enemies in the face of the then Minister of the Moscow region bankruptcy trustee did not, therefore, claim to Semenov was isolated in a separate proceeding, after which the bank from the requirements for them declined.

The lawsuit is seen for almost three years. During this time, the amount of claims increased from 2 million to 21 million rubles. The fact that credit conditions were quite tough: besides the personal guarantee and collateral property at 15 million rubles, the contract provides for the payment of interest on the loan at the rate of 25% per annum plus interest at the rate of 182.5% per year, plus interest on the amount of interest - also at the rate of 182.5% per annum.

"With this bank we worked for a long time, the relationship began even our father, - says Natalya Filippova. - For us, such conditions seemed normal ... ".

The fate of "hovering" over the requirements as follows: In July 2013 the Bank in the face of bankruptcy trustee sold the right to claim the debt on the loan "First Investment" from Novosibirsk. "I sold cheaper denomination of 840 thousand rubles. -say our interlocutors. - What's strange, because it is a living debt secured by real estate, which is several times greater than the nominal value. Apparently, Novosibirsk specialize in knocking out of debt, because they besieged "Tyumenobuvtorg" claims. Suffice it to say that the arbitral tribunal are two applications from them for recognition "Tyumenobuvtorga" bankrupt. "

One of Filippov lawyers familiar with the situation since the time of the bankruptcy "Mega Bank", points to an interesting detail, which, in his version, explains the low selling price of the debt. The fact that the head of the Novosibirsk company operates, in addition, also the assistant of the current bankruptcy trustee.

By the way, all these facts, documented, were provided by the regional business ombudsman Larisa Nevidaylo. She readdressed statement the former head of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Korneev. But the police refused to delve into the essence of the conflict, the standard referring to the fact that this is a dispute of economic entities and the fact that the Criminal Code there is no concept "reyderstvo ".

It did not help and the meeting "Business Against Corruption" Center of public procedures in the Tyumen branch of "Business Russia". Although the number of participants, including the Chairman of the Board of the West Siberian Legal Chamber Sergey Shatohin and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan Seyalhan Makash, expressed in the sense that perceive signs in the situation of raider attacks.

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Now Filippov destiny depends on the decision of the Central District Court of Tyumen. According to lawyers, the RF legislation so arranged that the court has a large range of possible solutions - from complete denial of the claim to its full satisfaction.