"Status" of Vasily Anisimov changed to bankruptcy

The distributor of vodka "Good Bear" is leaving the market.
A large Russian distributor of vodka "Status Groups" will file an application for its own bankruptcy, having accumulated debts of 10 billion rubles - almost half of its last year's revenue. To this situation, the company could be led by the dumping policy, which she led, wishing to increase shipments. As a result of these efforts, the main vodka of its portfolio, the "Good Bear", was able to rise from the eighth to the first place in sales in the summer.

The announcement that LLC "Status Group" intends to apply to the Moscow Arbitration Court with a statement about its own bankruptcy appeared on the website of the Single Federal Register on the facts of the activities of legal entities. The creditors of the company are LLC Parity Group (according to SPARK-Interfax, a distributor of alcohol from the Moscow region), PJSC "OFC-Bank" and LLC "Salyut" (North Ossetian distillery). According to the file of the arbitration files, on December 12, Salyut filed a lawsuit against Status Group on 481.17 million rubles, the amount owed for the products supplied.

Contact with the representatives of the "Status Groups" was not possible yesterday, they told Interfax that as of December, the company's liabilities exceeded 10 billion rubles. She received a demand for early repayment of obligations on loans and a requirement to fulfill obligations under third-party guarantees contracts. "Status Groups can not simultaneously meet the requirements of all creditors in full, due to the lack of sufficient funds to repay the claims, and to support operations in the absence of gross income due to discontinued deliveries of goods from suppliers," the agency said. information from the press service of "Status".

One of the participants of the alcoholic market told Kommersant two weeks ago that the Status Groups had difficulties with shipments to counterparties. However, the surveyed retailers and distributors of large-scale disruptions in supplies then did not confirm. "The" Status "during the year there were interruptions with shipments, the current situation is not fundamentally different," - said the manager of a large wholesale alcohol company.

Widely known "Status Groups" received in 2015 (the company itself was established in 2013), after low-price vodka from its portfolio - "Good Bear", "Kalina Red", etc. - came suddenly to the first places in sales. The blow to the brands it sells was inflicted as early as February 2016, when after inspections involving the FSB in Kabardino-Balkaria several plants that produced products for Status Groups were stopped. After that, the brands of the company began to lose market share as rapidly. The revenue of the "Status" in 2016 declined by almost two - to 23.34 billion rubles. And the net profit and almost by 48 times - to 1.82 million rubles. This year it seemed that the affairs of the distributor went up the hill. After the flood of the "Good Bear" began to engage four enterprises from North Ossetia (including "Salyut"), the brand by the summer of this year rose from the eighth to the first place among the best-selling vodkas in Russia with a market share of 4.9% (see " Kommersant "on September 6).

Familiar managers of "Status" the reason for bringing it to bankruptcy calls dumping policy. "Striving to seize the market in volumes, the company did not earn anything from them. Inefficient spending of budgets played an important role, "the source said. In the first quarter of 2017, "Status Groups" combined sales with another major distributor and producer of alcohol, GC "Kristall-Lefortovo" (brands "Festive", "Old Moscow", etc.). Its marketing director Alla Postnova said on Monday that Kristall-Lefortovo continues to sell vodka, which was in the partner's portfolio. "Since, at the beginning of December," Status "stopped deliveries, some brand owners, including" Good Bear ", allowed the manufacturing plants to ship to retail chains directly," Ms. Postnova added. The press service of the X5 Retail Group (Pyaterochka, Perekrestok, Karusel) confirmed that part of the products supplied by Status-Groups now go directly from production sites. "We receive the products in the required quantities," noted in X5.