Sharapova, Mutko and other victims of meldonium

Fugitive doctor Rodchenkov promises new doping revelations.
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Disqualification in two years Russian tennis player Marie Sharapova for the use of a prohibited substance meldonium again led the public to talk about how systematically established in the Russian sports doping. Of course, the athlete may be any number of cheerful, posing in a t-shirt with the inscription "back in five minutes" and to radiate optimism, but the suspension means for her and quite tangible material losses. Not only that, the athlete will be obliged to return the prize received in Melbourne where the Australian Open championship showed illegal drug in its analyzes. After the doping scandal Sharapova has lost the status of the highest paid athlete in the world. According to Forbes, tennis losses may reach $ 50 million (on average in a year, it earned $ 25 million). In March, after it became known about the use of performance-enhancing drugs Sharapova, the company Tag Heuer and American Express decided not to renew the advertising contract with the athlete. Suspend relations with Sharapova decided and the company Porsche. But no less significant and image losses, which suffered not only Sharapova, but the whole THE RUSSIANs sports in general. In addition, a number of Western "well-wishers" will never miss a moment to unleash another doping scandal.

According to RBC, on the night of Thursday, June 9, the German TV station ARD showed the next series of the film journalist Hajo Zeppelta about doping in Russian sport "Secret deal about doping: X hour for Russia» (Geheimsache Doping: Showdown für Russland). In it, in particular, the text of the letter was former head of the Moscow laboratory Gregory Rodchenkova, where he spoke about the activity of adviser to the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Natalia Zhelanovoy, says the agency "F-Sport".

Rodchenko, stories which appeared in previous films, claimed that the alleged Zhelanova daily and is constantly working on the theme of doping, and her work was closely connected with the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA). She claims Rodchenkov, helped to conceal the positive doping test of the Russian sportsmen and put pressure on the leadership of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

According Rodchenkova, Zhelanova allegedly participated in the transfer of money in the IAAF, to hidepositive samples and the Russians together with the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko influenced the WADA President to stop the investigation into doping in relation to Russia. The letter also states that Zhelanova received from RUSADA money for consultation and "protection".

In addition, Rodchenkov told of cases where Russian athletes got on doping at the Olympic Games in London, ostensibly could pay off, after being caught doping. According to him, for it was necessary to pay $ 500 thousand., And the money went in, including the International Federation of Athletics Association (IAAF). "There was a lot of money spent to hide the positive results. Certain people were engaged in the substitution of the positive samples. I know this from the Olympics in London. Then the cost to $ 500 thousand, to "liberate" the athlete who took dope, -. Per person. Athlete transferred money coach. In Russia there is a person who passed on the money to the IAAF. This sale of doping test results ", - quotes agency the words Rodchenkova in the film.

Another SCENEhow and announced, was the approval of the involvement of Russian Minister of Sport Vitaly Mutko to conceal a positive doping test at the player "Krasnodar" football club. According to journalists, football player tested positive for doping in the summer of 2014, his body reportedly found a stimulator of growth hormone "Hexarelin." The filmmakers say that the player was not disqualified, and the case did not become public because of the intervention of the Minister.

This accusation is based on his e-mails with anti-doping laboratory. "The solution must be agreed with the HV" - allegedly said in a letter sent to one of the laboratory staff. "VL" - the initials of the Minister of Sport of the Russian Federation.

The journalists also claim that, with high probability, race walking coach Viktor Chegin, received a lifetime suspension from the sport due to a series of doping scandals, continued secretly to work with Russian athletes. In the course of the film crew goes to Adler, there are trained before working with Chegin athletes, including Olga Kaniskina, Elena LashANOVA, Sergey Kirdyapkin and others. The recording was made on 27 April. It also shows the bus, which can be seen inside the human silhouette. Next, an expert on reconciling individual says the author of the film that, with great probability, it Chegin. It concludes that Chegin still trains.

It is worth noting that Gregory Rodchenko, who left after his retirement in the United States, is not limited to German channels. In May this year, he gave an interview to New York Times, which said that doping tests of our athletes at the Sochi Olympics were substituted, and he took a direct part in this.

According Rodchenkova, at least 15 Russian medal winners (among which there are exactly Olympic champions Alexander lungs, and AleksandrTretyakov AleksandrZubkov) violated anti-doping rules. In particular, used the developed Rodchenkova cocktail, which included illegal trenbolone, metanolon, oxandrolone and elite alcohol. However, since the publication of shocking interviews, no details on the case of the Sochi trials and the specialist was not. "Sport Ekspres & quot; I managed to find out some important details.

In addition to the above-mentioned athletes, athletes list, that the assurance of the former head of the Moscow laboratory took banned substances, there is a skier Maxim Vylegzhanin (three silver in Sochi 2014, including the team sprint) and bobsledder Aleksey Voivod (two golds in Sochi-2014) . And alcohol "cocktail Rodchenkova", according to the inventor, took all the women's hockey team.

An important caveat about this extraordinary product. It turns out that it was necessary not to drink, but only to rinse the "explosive mixture" mouth. With the "Chivas", and if someone is badly burned - with a "Martini". Regardless of gender. This mixture Rodchenkov developed the spring of 2013.

According Rodchenkova, during the Games of 2014 took place only substitute urine samples. Therefore, of particular interest are currently blood sample. WADA experts have already received from whistle-point instructions regarding their checks. If it is determined by the results of the investigation, that they are totally clean - the story Rodchenkova become a fiction that can be forgotten. If not - eventrashno present.

A documentary film about doping in Sochi in 2014, actively involved in receiving, and, maybe, and takes Gregory Rodchenkov likely to be released on American television after the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Where is the professor himself - is unknown. What it does - too. But according to an anonymous source, a reanalysis of doping tests 2008 Olympics and 2012 as a result of which revealed a number of positive samples, direct relationship Rodchenkov not. Yes, the sample tested method that once the scientist has developed with his assistant Timothy Sobolewski. But some point of interference on his part was not.

On the departure of the US official version and the position of the Rodchenkova, which he voiced in the West diverge. Thus, the ex-head of the anti-doping laboratory assures that it had not been fired, and his employment contract with the Ministry of Sports has been terminated by mutual agreement. And in America, no one let go. He eloped there, deciding not to take things into the luggage. With on board Rodchenkov took only a computer and an inhaler fort asthma.