Russian-British oligarchic clan of the Gutserievs

Said businessman Gutseriev bought Sberbank in Ukraine. Formally he is a citizen of the UK, which means that the Ukrainian authorities will not have a formal reason for sanctions against the local subsidiary of the Russia's largest bank. However, it is obvious to everyone that Gutseriev does not act in the interests of the Windsor Palace, but rather assists the Kremlin.
Origin source
Seven years ago, the father of businessman multimillionaire Mikhail Gutseriev was in disgrace and was hiding in London from criminal prosecution. Such escapees-defectors are missing. At the same time, many of them declare their desire to return to Russia. What do they need to do for this? The conclusion begs one - to fulfill certain conditions of the Kremlin, and for each they are their own. Apparently, Mikhail Gutseriev went on the right path. How did he do it?

Interesting person

The head of the richest Russian dynasty is a man, certainly uncommon. Mikhail Gutseriev earned his first money at the age of 13, selling homemade postcards in Jambul. And on the first serious earnings bought up all the tickets to the cinema to watch the film with a friend in an empty room. Later, in the 90s, Gutseriev earned his first million and founded Binbank, in the zero developed company "Russneft". For these same years, the collapse of Yukos and the redistribution of its assets occurred. According to rumors, Gutseriev's problems began with the fact that he bought one of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's former companies without an agreement with the authorities. Soon, he was immediately brought to 70 criminal cases.

Not wishing to personally get acquainted with the prison menu, in 2007 the oligarch fled to London. However, in 2010, the Investigation Committee under the Russian Interior Ministry unexpectedly stopped the criminal prosecution of Mikhail Gutseriev, removing him from accusations of illegal entrepreneurship and money laundering. Formally, this happened in connection with the amendments to the Russian Criminal Code, which decriminalize some "economic" articles. However, according to rumors, the oligarch, with the assistance of the current head of Sberbank, German Gref, allegedly secured a meeting with Vladimir Putin, and then he promised and promised to come in handy. After that, he not only was able to return to Russia, but also regained the company Russneft.

Now the billionaire says that in the next few years he will hand over business to his heirs to devote himself to creativity. Gutseriev Sr. writes poems to Russian pop stars (from Dima Bilan to Stas Mikhailov), who perform them on the numerous radio stations bought by the oligarch himself - from "Love Radio" to "Radio Chanson". It is the love of the head of the dynasty to music, apparently, was the reason that at the wedding of the already mentioned son of Said for multi-million fees Sting, Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias, Elton John and Beyonce were performing.

To apologize and come in handy

At the same time, Mikhail Gutseriev, who was newly found in his homeland, really did come in handy more than once. For example, bought a large stake in the resort "Gorki Gorod" for Sberbank from the Dagestan businessmen of the brothers Magomed and Ahmed Bilalov. This happened in March 2013, on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi. A few days earlier, the work of Magomed Bilalov on construction of springboards for the Olympics was sharply criticized by President Vladimir Putin, noting that the owner of the resort had filled the Olympic construction site. Having sold the assets, the Bilalov brothers hastily retired abroad, replenishing the ranks of businessmen-fugitives, and Mikhail Gutseriev took hold of the ridge and brought the matter to an end. By the way, even after the puncture on "Hills" the same Bilalovs threw fishing rods on the theme of return to their homeland. But, apparently, the time has not come yet.

Another story is connected with Ukraine. The case was in March 2014, just a few days after the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych. Then Binbank Mikhail Gutseriev bought a 100% stake in Moskomprivatbank, which belonged to the Ukrainian group Privat Igor Kolomoisky, - they say that the Kremlin did not want to leave this asset in the hands of one of the organizers of the Euro-Maidan.

And here again Ukraine. Gutseriev Jr. buys Sberbank's daughter not alone, but with the head of Norvik Bank, Grigory Guselnikov, who also owns a British passport. At the same time in 2012, Guselnikov was one of the main sponsors of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny. He also owned Vyatka-bank, which kept the money of Navalny and the then governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh. After inspections and searches at the bank related to Navalny's case, Guselnikov left Russia. However, it seems that now the authorities are ready to close their eyes to these ties. There is another version of the purchase. German Gref helped Said Gutseriev to acquire Sberbank's "daughter", who at one time bought up good assets at bargain prices.

By legal means

As they say, his example is another science. Maybe other oligarchs will decide that it will be more profitable to apologize and return home, where, as is known, their people and the walls help? It is said that Telman Ismailov could become the next in the list of "returnees", but something went wrong. In general, the history of the leader of the AST group and the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market is similar to that of the Gutseriyevsky market. For many years he successfully developed his development business, however, according to rumors, he provoked discontent with the Russian authorities, having built a five-star Mardan Palace hotel in Turkey's Antalya in 2009 for a billion dollars. Soon the Cherkizovsky market was closed. The official reason was the discovery of containers with a contraband goods worth $ 2 billion. There were no criminal cases against Ismailov, however, he did not seem to have interpreted the incident as a "black mark" and left Russia.

Over the next few years, there were rumors about the return of the businessman back. It was even said that he had already been watched by projects in the framework of the Olympic construction. But all this remained a rumor. Meanwhile, in December 2015, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, at the request of Ismailov himself, found him bankrupt. In the same year, Mardan Palace was auctioned for $ 124 million. However, apparently, the agreement on the return of Ismailov to Russia has not been achieved.

Yearning for Russian removal

So the runaway oligarchs of the "first wave" periodically spoke about the desire to return. For example, the all-powerful media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky, who left the country in 2000, In an interview with the Israeli edition of The Marker, he said that he would return and continue to do business in Russia if Vladimir Putin invited him. In addition, in 2015, with unexpected recognition, the director of one of the private security companies, Sergei Sokolov, for many years headed the security service of Boris Berezovsky in Russia. He said that the businessman was gathering information about how Western intelligence agencies are preparing the overthrow of Putin, and this was the price of his return to Russia. And, allegedly before his death, Berezovsky managed to transfer some documents to his homeland.

His way home is looking for well-known businessman in the Urals, Sergei Kapchuk, who also lives in London. In 2005, while still a deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region, he was declared a federal and then an international wanted man in the fraud case. Also, the former owner of Euroset, Evgeny Chichvarkin, also said more than once that he misses Russia with its "remote expanse" and "sevrjuzhka cold smoking." However, he is prevented from returning, according to him, the liberal regime is not enough.


The state of the Gutseriev dynasty. According to Forbes estimates for 2016, the Gutseriev family is Russia's richest clan. The cumulative state of the dynasty is 9.8 billion dollars. Only in 2015, Mikhail Gutseriev's fortune increased by $ 3.5 billion. His younger brother Sait-Salam Gutseriev owns $ 1.6 billion, and his son Mikaila Shishkhanov's $ 1.8 billion. The only asset of the dynasty, where its head does not have a controlling stake, is Binbank; 60% of the bank belongs to Shishkhanov.