Russia is the third largest investor in Ukraine

Last year, Russian companies invested $1.7 billion in the Ukrainian economy. Investments for the first six months of 2017 did not exceed $120 million.
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Russia was among the top three investors in the economy of Ukraine. The total volume of Russia's direct investment in Ukraine amounted, as of July 1, 2017, to $ 4.4 billion, according to the data published on the website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

On this indicator, Russia is second only to Cyprus ($ 9.9 billion) and the Netherlands ($ 6.3 billion). In the total volume of direct foreign investment in Ukraine, Russia accounts for 11.4%, the Netherlands - 16.2% and Cyprus - 25.5%. The document of Ukraine emphasizes that the given data does not take into account direct investments in the Crimea and Sevastopol, which are called "temporarily occupied territories".

Among the top ten investors in the Ukrainian economy are also Great Britain - $ 2.2 billion (5.5%), Germany - $ 1.7 billion (4.5%), the Virgin Islands - $ 1.7 billion (4.3%), Switzerland - $ 1.5 billion (3.9%), France - $ 1.3 billion, Austria - 1.3 billion (3.4%) and Luxembourg - $ 988.2 million (2.5%).

The size of direct investments of other closest allies of Ukraine in its economy is much lower: the USA - $ 537.1 million, Canada - $ 44.9 million, Australia - $ 1.1 million.

In total, for the period from January 1 to July 1, 2017, foreign investors from 77 countries invested $ 1.7 billion in the economy of Ukraine. The Netherlands made more than $ 481.5 million, Cyprus - $ 355.5 million, Great Britain - $ 147.3 million and Germany - $ 133.6 million Canada invested in Ukraine for half a year $ 3.8 million. The volume of direct investments of the USA and Australia into the Ukrainian economy for six months decreased - by $ 37.5 million and $ 0.1 million, respectively.

Russian investors invested $ 119.2 million in the Ukrainian economy in the first six months.

Last year, Russia invested in the Ukrainian economy $ 1.7 billion (37.84% of all foreign investment). According to this indicator, Russia was the largest foreign investor in Ukraine. Then foreigners invested in the Ukrainian economy $ 4.4 billion increase compared to the previous year - 17% (the indicator of 2015 - $ 3.8 billion). Cyprus invested $ 427.7 million in Ukraine in 2016, the United Kingdom - $ 403.9 million, the Netherlands - $ 255 million and Austria - $ 249.9 million.

Most of all - $ 2.8 billion - in 2016 foreigners invested in Ukrainian financial and insurance companies. Foreign direct investment in Ukrainian wholesale and retail trade amounted to $ 524.9 million, to industry - $ 475 million.

According to Ukrstat, in 2016, Russia's investments in shares of Ukrainian banks and insurance companies accounted for 88.6% of all Russian accumulated investments. Russia's major investments in Ukraine in 2016 came from Vnesheconombank, which increased the authorized capital of its Ukrainian subsidiary, Prominvestbank, by $ 800 million and $ 65 million. In addition, in 2016, VTB Bank also capitalized on its Ukrainian subsidiary, BM Bank.
Ukraine and investments

According to UNSTAD, the largest indicator of direct foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine reached in 2008 - $ 10.9 billion. In 2009, due to the crisis, $ 4.8 billion was invested in the country. After that, a three-year growth was observed - up to $ 8.4 billion in 2012 year. But in 2013, foreign direct investment in the country fell by 46.4% (to $ 4.5 billion) due to the decline in demand for Ukrainian exports and political and economic uncertainty.

A year later - in 2014 - the volume of direct investment in the country collapsed more than 10 times - up to $ 410 million due to events on the Maidan, leading to a change of power in Kiev and a crisis in the southeast of Ukraine.

Foreign direct investment in the Russian economy in 2016 increased by 62% - from $ 12 to $ 19 billion. In the first six months of 2017, Ukraine invested $ 3.3 million in Russia. The volume of Ukrainian accumulated investments in the Russian economy was, as of July 1, 2017 year, $ 144.7 million. In all, $ 6.4 billion was invested in other countries. Of these, $ 5.9 billion (93% of the total amount) was withdrawn to Cyprus, $ 73.2 million to Latvia, $ 59 to the British Virgin Islands , 9 million.