Russia hunts for the leaders of the Colombian drug cartel

The law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation sent a request to Belgium to establish the whereabouts of the Dutch citizen Guido Guillermo Walters.
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According to investigators, he is a member of one of the world's largest drug cartels, which among other things supplied cocaine to Russia. Moscow is currently trying to convince Panama to extradict the cartel's leader, Leo Francis Morgan. Another member of the criminal group, Oleg Titov, is hiding on the territory of Ukraine, and there's a reward for any assistance in capturing him.

According to the Russian law enforcement agencies, Guido Guilermo Walters is a "right hand" Leo Francis Morgan. The last back in the 1990s was able to establish a supply of large quantities of cocaine and marijuana from Latin America to Europe. He even married the daughter of one of the Colombian drug lords. When in the Old World have become extremely closely inspect cargo coming from Latin America, Morgan turned his attention to Russia. How do I find investigators, in 1998 in Mexico, he met with major Russian businessmen, shareholder companies "Moskol" and Monacall Vadim Petrov. After a series of discussions, they decided to make Russia a major transit point for cocaine transit. Unlike columbiumcal goods, goods that comes from Russia, rarely causes suspicion among Europeans.

How many accomplices smuggled cocaine to Europe via Russia, with accuracy could not be established. Employees of the Interior Ministry found out about the supply of at least 200 kg of "white powder."

Cocaine did to Russia from South America to the machines, batches of frozen fish, ceramic tiles, etc. In Moscow, investigators believe, dealers or removed cocaine and shifted the party of other goods (usually granulated polyethylene), a South American cargo draw up documents, if it is produced in Russia. To control this process I came to Moscow personally Walters.

Then cocaine cargo clan Morgan went to England. Walters reported assistants Petrov, in which a parked car in Liverpool must put the bag with the drug. Calculations with Petrov spent Walters.

For two years deals with cocaine (it was forwarded more than 200 kg) Petrov together a fantastic condition. In France, he bought the castle for $ 8 million, Spain - luxury villa in Monaco - several houses and apartments, andand exotic Saint Martin island in the Caribbean businessman purchased property for $ 500 million (hotels, casinos, restaurants, resorts, etc.).

Exit on the trail Petrova international intelligence services succeeded in 2000. Then, 56 kg of cocaine were seized in Russia, which cost on the black market is $ 8 million, four accomplices detained Petrov taken. The businessman and his handy Oleg Titov managed to escape.

Along with the arrests in Moscow secret services in England, who conducted his own investigation, started against the Morgan clan large-scale operation "Cobalt". Seize managed most of its members, with the exception of Leo and Francis Walters.

Vadim Petrov was later arrested in Monaco, given his Russian court sentenced a businessman to 21 years imprisonment.

Morgan also were detained. When he arrived from Colombia to Panama, it sank into custody by local authorities. The leader of the drug cartel who received 24 years in prison. While serving time, he was able to contact the accomplices remain at liberty, with whom established a new channel for the supply of cocaine and marijuana from Colombia to EBOPU.

In 2012, another batch of drugs "from Morgan" was found in Belgium. Searching the office building, which was used by the representatives of the cartel, local police found there with a passport photo vklennoy Walters. And so it became known that the "right hand" Morgan is in this country. However, to prove the involvement Belgians Guido Guilermo to drug trafficking could not.

Meanwhile, the staff of the Investigative Department of the Interior Ministry, were able to talk with a large serving life Petrova, who had no contact with law enforcement officials. As a result, he testified at the Morgan Walters, informing about their role in the cocaine shipments to Russia.

Recently, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent a request for extradition to Panama Leo Francis. And this week, the Interior Ministry has asked the Belgian authorities to find out is whether Walters in this country. Who knows with precision that live there his wife and daughter. If Guido Guilermo exists in Belgium, it will be immediately sent a request for his extradition to Moscow. In the absence of Walters in the United KingdomRussian police are asked to interview relatives of the cartel participant to determine his current whereabouts.

Recently, the Interior Ministry announced a reward of 1 million rubles for information that helps delay, and a friend of Petrov Oleg Titov. It turned out that after fleeing Russia for a long time lived in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, where he managed to get married and have a baby. Then, sensing something was wrong, Titov again fled from their homes.