Ruben Vardanyan shares real estate with his partner

Ex-owner of "Troika Dialog" will get offices, Gagik Adibekyan - shopping centers.
Ex-owner of "Troika Dialog" Ruben Vardanyan and founder of RD Group Gagik Adibekyan decided to split the business, told two familiar businessmen to "Vedomosti". This is also known by two consultants who worked with them. According to Vedomosti's interlocutors, the decision was made a few months ago. The partners differed in their views on the further development of the business and the approach to managing it. Therefore, both decided to do their projects, Vedomosti's interlocutors say.

Vardanyan and Adibekyan - investors of funds managed by Avica Management Company, the company disclosed earlier. Her website says that her portfolio contains assets worth more than $ 1 billion. Among them are the business center Romanov Dvor located in the heart of Moscow and a share in the business center Vozdvizhenka (formerly Voentorg), shopping centers " Seasons "on Kutuzov Avenue and Dream House on Rublyovka, etc. All of them are unique objects both in terms of location and in terms of quality, says Colliers International partner Stanislav Bibik. He adds that if Avica decided to sell them, they would be of interest to both Russian and international investors.

Avica also owns 50% in the company ECE Russland, which recently replaced A & NN Retail Alexander Mamut as the managing company of the Central Children's Store in Lubyanka.

While the division of assets between businessmen is not over, but they have already agreed that RD Group Adibekyan will cross all the trading facilities of Avica funds, two sources close to the different sides of the talks say. In addition to Dream House and the "Seasons" they also call hypermarkets "Obi Borovskoye" (Moscow) and "Obi Pulkovskoe" (St. Petersburg). In the funds of Vardanyan, according to them, will be transferred "Romanov Dvor" and share in the business center "Vozdvizhenka". This division of Avica's assets seems fair, CBRE CEO Vladimir Pinaev believes.

Representatives Vardanyan, Adibekyan and Avica declined to comment. Tanya Anne Ternavskaya, executive director of Fosun Russia, which is the main owner of Vozdvizhenka, says that the business section in Avica will not affect the site in any way. After all, Avica has a minority stake, and the structure of the Fosun itself manages the business center.

Partnership in the real estate market is not the first time ending in divorce. Owners of the Midland Group Eduard Shifrin and Alex Schneider agreed in 2008 on the division of business: the first was to get all Russian assets (at that time almost 1.6 million square meters of commercial and residential areas), the second - foreign (Trump International tower Hotel & Tower in Canada and a hotel resort in the Dominican Republic). However, litigation over these assets ended only last year.

Family of the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Nekrasov in 2017 as a result of the division of assets of the development company "Leader of groups" received all of its assets in St. Petersburg. The Moscow projects were transferred to its former general director Roman Lyabikhov.