RBC investigation: what the Kremlin owns

Administrative Department of the President, created in the early 1990s to meet the needs of high-ranking officials, has acquired vast territories and a huge amount of property during the twenty years of its history. Even at a modest assessment of the department, its land and real estate worth more than $6 billion.
Origin source
RBC offers a series of articles "A state within a state" - it is an article on the property of the Russian state authorities. We will tell you how much land, buildings, apartments, cars and other tangible assets owned by the numerous ministries, agencies, federal state unitary enterprises and other budgetary institutions, how it is used and how much it costs. In the first material - the largest property and private agencies -. Presidential Administration (UDP), the structure of which 45 thousand employees serving the president, prime minister, government, MPs, senators and senior judges.

"Manager of" Holding

Office, created in 1993, the first Kremlin assistant warden Pavel Borodin - not just a huge economy. This is a "holding" of more than 100 companies, including clients that are not only high-ranking officials and MPs, but also private customers. The range of services offered by UDP is diverse: from booking tickets to children's education, tailoring and financial advice. The farm has two Manager of agro-six power plants, tWhen Motor Company, a special aircraft division, 35 sanatoria, rest homes and boarding houses, 13 hospitals and clinics, 17 kindergartens, five construction companies, studio, beauty salon and a musical ensemble.

In addition, a subsidiary of "Goszagransobstvennost" is responsible for the Russian-owned land and property abroad (data about them, however, are classified by the threat of arrest in respect of $ 50 billion debt to Yukos shareholders).

The exact list of members of orbit Manager of businesses is not known: his many "granddaughter" not specified Office website and information database SPARK contains outdated information.

What does the President's Property Management Department

UDP - agency whose main task is to ensure the activity of the higher authorities. Supervises the management directly, President and Acting Manager of the president following the departure of Vladimir Kozhin, the successor to Pavel Borodin, from May 2014 are assigned to the former head of the division "B" FSO (Novgorod region, Valdai district, p. Roshchino where The station is locatedIa President "Long beards") Alexander Kolpakov. It is with the Manager of the president began his career as the current head of the Moscow state Vladimir Putin. Here, between August 1996 and March 1997, he was deputy Borodin, overseeing corporate governance and foreign property.

Since the time of Borodin Authority to downscale considerably. While the Kremlin said first caretaker "Echo of Moscow", it consisted of about three hundred companies, the number of employees reached 150 thousand, and the annual turnover -.. $ 2.5 billion It was an empire, second only to "Gazprom", Borodin admitted. "Then [in the 1990s] numerous artists army was justified: the widespread overhaul, a new large-scale construction, - says RBC interviewee familiar with the work of the UDP. - The successor got a ready-made economy, which just had to maintain. " Now, as stated on the website of UDP for the benefit of government officials, judges and parliamentarians to work a little more than one hundred companies and 45 thousand. People, and to assess the annual turnover is not possible due to lack of public accountability of the majority of subordinate structures.

Managing director of President Alexander Kolpakov - the man is extremely private. The few interviews he gave only the state media did not contain any information about what he was doing to control "B" FSO, what business has been his wife Irina (her income in the last year - 68.5 million rubles -. Almost 7 times higher than the income of the Kolpakov) and how it got such a high position

Despite the decline in the economy, subsidies from the state budget for its maintenance are not reduced: in 2003, the UDP budget amounted to 11 billion rubles, in 2008 - about 40 billion, in 2013 - 124.9 billion, in 2014 - 113. 9 billion, and in 2015 (in the latest version of the draft budget) - 117.6 billion rubles.

The UDP did not answer all questions about the RBC his property and its use: a written request sent in early September, and then again in mid-October, has remained unanswered.

What we thought

However, according to the RBC collected information about this property UDP, Kremlin economy is still huge, and minor sale of land, buildings and indstates with more than offset by new acquisitions.

RBC learned Registry federal property - land, real estate and expensive movable property, - that each state institution under the current legislation is required to provide the Federal Property Management Agency.

According to these data in the Kremlin over a thousand farm land, 3,3 thousand. Buildings on 2.5 thousand. Constructions, residential and non-residential premises, 37 planes and more than 5 thousand. Cars. But this is obviously not all.

incomplete data

Crimean land and property, as well as other property UDP on the peninsula (except for a few buildings of sanatorium "Russia" in Yalta), the registry is not taken into account. No there Konstantinovsky palace - Vladimir Putin's St. Petersburg residence in Strelna. Owner of the building with the help of the Unified State Register could not be established (the palace was not in the register), but the area of ​​land under it shared child UDP budgetary institutions - Management of Buildings of higher authorities and FGBI "State Complex" Palace of Congresses ". We also did not find PetersGSKO Hotel Four Seasons, located in a historic complex, transferred to the property administration in 2002.

Kremlin grounds

Property administration and its organizations on the right of perpetual use belongs to at least 16.1 thousand. Hectares in 20 regions (see. Infographic). This is about 19% of the territory of Moscow within the Ring Road, or 11% of the St. Petersburg area.

Most of the land falls on Moscow (6,6 thous. Ha), Kaluga (2,8 thous. Ha) and Kursk (2.15 thousand. Ha) area, Stavropol Territory (1.7 thousand. Ha) and Moscow (1 thous. ha). In the capital, property administration manages 0.4% of all land in the city and in Old Moscow - about 1%.

Most of the land - in sanatoriums and agrocomplexes. Leader - Recreation Complex "Bor", for which the number of 18 plots with a total area of ​​3134 hectares.

In second place - the Russian Federation itself, that is what controls the UDP rather than subordinate structures: the State, as follows from the registry recorded 176 sites with total area of ​​2299 hectares. More than half of this area (1645 hectares) account for 17 plots of agricultural land in the foothills of StavropolParadise, near Kislovodsk and Yessentuki. In the early 2000s, part of the land rented one of the country's largest agricultural holdings "Belaya Dacha", but five years ago, has left these places. Agricultural company to restore the destroyed economy of an area of ​​about 5 hectares, after which it was there, "asked," RBC said a source familiar with the history of the conflict between the landlord and the tenant. Manager of itself decided to develop the land, says the source, "They must have thought that there Klondike and shovels can rake in gold and copper mine nobody wanted. As a result, the two-year job and everything, but now there are ruins. " The administration foothill areas is difficult to say exactly what is happening with the economy in the territory of the Manager of the land.

In Moscow, the State including, for example, the Great Square Taynitskom garden, Communist courtyard Cathedral Square in the Kremlin and other historical objects. In the Russian Federation, and recorded 7 hectares in the vicinity of Cape Arthur in Vladivostok in 2010, has become an urgent easement to accommodate the construction site of a bridge on the Russian island.

The third area of ​​seSpruce (2152 hectares) - sanatorium "Marino" in 100 km from the Kursk, in the territory of the estate Baryatinsky princes. In addition to the medical corps, as indicated on the website institutions, sanatorium has its agro, which in addition to workshops on the cultivation of cereals, potatoes and vegetables have a poultry shop (10 thous. Heads), breeding the dairy plant (900 goals), maslosyrozavod and apiary ( 100 bee families).

Kremlin mansions

On the balance of the UDP and its "daughters" including 6 thousand. Buildings and premises with a total area of ​​4.6 million square meters. M. It is, for example, is comparable to the 7% of the area of ​​all the buildings of the Central Administrative District of Moscow - it is 64 million square meters. m, according to RBC estimates based on public cadastral map data.

Most real estate located in Moscow and Moscow Region, accounting for nearly 83% of the buildings and premises both in absolute amounts and in the occupied area.

The three largest by area of ​​the building of the hotel "Dagomys" in the eponymous village, Krasnodar Krai (91 238 sq m.) - There are, for example, live support Putin, when he was resting at his residence "Bocharovs Creek "- the State Kremlin Palace (59 470 sq. m), and the capital of the FSUE" Press "in the paper passage (56,091 sq. m). In the latter, among others, are located Editorial LifeNews TV channel, newspaper "Life", "News" and "Evening Moscow".

On the balance of the UDP - 42 buildings built before 1900. Most age located in the Moscow Kremlin - the Annunciation and the Assumption Cathedral (1479), Church of the Deposition of the Robe (1486), Cathedral of the Archangel (1509), Bell Tower "Ivan the Great" (1600), the Church of 12 Apostles and Patriarch's Palace (1655), the Senate (1787) (residence of the President is working in it), the Assumption belfry with Filaret annex (1819) and The Armoury (1820). Age 39 buildings are located in Moscow and abroad - only three. In Moscow it is located in the town sanatorium. Herzen Shcherbatov Castle (also known as Vasilevsky, or Herzen, castle), built in 1881-1884, respectively. After the reconstruction in the mid-2000s, the building is used as a building number 3 of the sanatorium "Rehabilitation Centre". Another outside Moscow, the castle was built in 1884-1885 years as the castle of Baron MayaDorf in the Moscow suburb of Barvikha, it is now used as a place for the reception of high-ranking guests.

The place of execution, a historical monument of XVII-XVIII centuries, where in 1549 a young Ivan the Terrible called for reconciliation of warring boyars - also in the object list manager of the president. Responsible for him FGBI "Management of Buildings of higher authorities", which also manages the buildings of the State Duma and the Federation Council. Built-up area, as evidenced by the registry - 162 square meters. M. The cost - 7.2 million rubles.

In residential real estate accounts for 9% of the total area. It is about 2.5 thousand. Residential buildings and premises of the total area of ​​402 thousand sq. M. m, that is five squares of the famous House on the Embankment in Moscow. Based on the established government minimum standards of social housing in the area of ​​18 sq. m, they could be resettled 22.3 thousand. people. For comparison, in Moscow's Arbat District lives 28 thousand. Man.

The division into residential and non-residential premises, however, is conditional: the quality of the filling at least a registry officials said the fact that more than two hundredbuildings and premises in the "destination object type" column indicates that the object is "living," and in the "purpose of the object" - "non-residential". In addition, homes, fully owned property administration, RBC not found in the registry: residential building - this is mainly hostels, sanatoriums, holiday homes, cottages and even lodge in the resort a total area of ​​246.5 thousand sq. M. m apartments at the same UDP -. 2 thousand a total area of ​​152.7 thousand square meters... m.

Most of the apartments - in Moscow. They are scattered throughout the city, but there are houses in which the economy belongs to the Kremlin for several tens or even hundreds of apartments. Leader - №1 house on the street. Olof Palme, 266 apartments in which the number of FGBI "for housing exploitation management" (total 443 apartments in the house). This so-called deputy house, built in 2000 specifically for the deputies and senators. It consists of two buildings of variable height - from 13 to 26 floors. According to realtors websites, the upper floors of the building occupied by penthouses with panoramic windows, and entry to the territory is carried out with a pass.

Manager of theE, according to the specified in the registry of the original cost of 1 sq. m in the apartments in this house cost an average of 102 thousand. rub., or about $ 3,500 (as at the beginning of 2000). Now, according to Cian.ru site where the announcement of the sale of four apartments in the house were placed in September, the market price of 1 sq. m it can reach up to 831 thousand rubles, or $ 12,700.. (average - 655 thousand.). The State Duma refused to comment on the procedure of transfer of flats deputies and the possible privatization of state property.

At the same FGBU have 27 apartments in prefabricated high-rise buildings constructed under the individual project in 1998 on the street Fan, d. 30, k. 2 and k. 4. The most expensive of them, an area of ​​157 square meters. m, the cost to the state, according to the register, 7.4 million rubles. (47 134 rubles. Per 1 sq. M).

Now the price of apartments in the same area of ​​these houses is much higher - 33-35 million rubles. As advantages realtors suggest ceilings 3 m and location of the house in the "prestigious and ecologically clean, green area, next to the protected area of ​​the river Setun".

Several apartments in the UDP and there Rochdelskaya street, d. 12, k. 1, known as the White House. In 2010, as Bloomberg wrotewith reference to the "free press", there lived the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Mikhail Fradkov, head of the Russian presidential administration Sergei Ivanov and President of Sberbank German Gref. For UDP, the registry data in this house secured three apartments: the area from 140 to 237 square meters. m on the 2nd, 4th and 5th floors. They cost, according to the register, only 22.1 million rubles. (From 54 thousand. To 169 thousand. Rub. Per 1 sq. M), the ownership of which has been issued in 2003 and 2011 (which are located in Moscow, other apartments UDP).

Kremlin palaces

The official residence of the President in addition to the Kremlin or among the lands or among real estate Manager of RBC is not found. Officially, the president's office in addition to the Senate Palace anchored near Moscow "Gorki-9", where he lives, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Sochi "Bocharov Stream", is one of the favorite places of rest of Putin, and Valdai "Long Beard" ( "dinner"). All state residence, according to the Unified State Register, stored either on the Russian Federation itself, bypassing the property administration or the FSO.

Kremlin infrastructure

121 km - is Fr.intensity a hundred fences that UDP protects their property and peace of mind of its customers. Longest fence - 14 and 11 km - from the sanatorium "Bor" and "Sheremetyevsky". All of these barriers could be almost 50 times encircle the Kremlin or to become a solid wall between Moscow and Serpukhov.

The Kremlin farm five helipads and airstrips, more than two hundreds of roads and sidewalks, 19 sea and river moorings, the majority of institutions have water and gas pipelines, and in Kislovodsk sanatorium "Zarya" - 100-meter narzanoprovod.

Manager of the bank - 38 fountains. Most of all - seven of them - in the sanatorium "Red Rocks" in Kislovodsk, and at Sochi sanatorium "Russia" has its own waterfall. To support officials in the form of, in sanatoriums UDP has 24 tennis courts, two playgrounds for small towns, shooting, gaming circuit and 45 baths and saunas.

Subsidiary FGBU "Managing Operation of higher authorities of buildings" also manages a large number of historical sites in the Kremlin. For example, the place of execution on the Red Square, the memorytnikom the Unknown Soldier, the area around the Lenin mausoleum, passing from Borovitskaya area to the Tsar Bell, cast iron fences Tainitsky and Alexander Gardens.

Kremlin wealth

The total value of land owned by the Property Management Department, according to the property registry, - almost 310 billion rubles. ($ 4.8 billion). A little more than - 340 billion rubles. ($ 5.2 billion) - it turns out, if you calculate the cost of land according to the public cadastral map.

Difficulties assessment

The Property Manager of the registry and its structures are multiple values ​​transmitted to them land and property: the original (it was purchased by an object), the residual - depreciation and, in some cases, the cadastre. (However, this data is likely to be outdated, because they do not coincide with the current data Public inventory card.) In this case contains many objects, only one of three values.

Therefore, when assessing the land, we take into account the current cadastral value according to the Public cadastral map, and if not found, then the initial cost of the registry. when evaluatingbuildings and premises of the residual value was taken as the initial cost, as a rule, does not reflect the reality, especially in the case of buildings constructed during the Soviet era, and the cadastral value of the property in the Register is filled in scanty number of cases. If the residual value is not specified, we take any other available rate.

The cost of the five areas exceed 10 bln .: Moscow is the land, where are the Central Clinical Hospital and Polyclinic in Krylatskoye and Clinical Hospital in tights island, and in the suburbs - three plots agricultural complex "Resurrection" in the Odintsovo and Leninsky districts.

The most expensive (per unit area) of land - an area of ​​only 157 square meters. m under the building at Romanov per., d. 3, p. 8 (156.4 thous. rub. per 1 sq. m). This site "Sheremetyevsky" assigned to a wellness area. In third place in the top of the road - an impressive area of ​​land for the building of the former "News" on Pushkin Square. It occupies 17.5 thousand sq. M. m and is estimated at 150 thousand. rub. for 1 sq. m.

The total value of PropertyBridges, registry data, more than 110 billion rubles. (About $ 1.7 billion), with residential buildings and premises - about 15 billion rubles.

The most expensive property administration building on the balance sheet - Senate Palace (in the registry is referred to as "the Kremlin, the building №1», the year of commissioning - 1787 th) area of ​​21 thousand sq. M. m. Its "residual value" is 6.8 billion rubles., whereas, according to the public cadastral map, it is estimated at only 438 million rubles.

Second place - built in 1975, the 7 th of the sanatorium "Barvikha" housing. Its area - 6 thousand sq. M. m, the residual value - a little less than 4.2 billion rubles. (The building is not marked on the cadastral map). In third place - an airplane hangar at the airport Vnukovo (based there carrying heads of state special flight group "Russia"). Its residual value - 3.7 billion rubles. (Cadastral - 693 mln.).

Hangar AO "Russian" Vnukovo - one of the most expensive buildings of the Kremlin economy. The cost at which it is recorded on the balance sheet of the Arctic Ocean, - 3.7 billion rubles.
But the most expensive housing - the only one in the house next to Darvinovshe Museum (ul. Dmitry Ulyanov, d. 6, k. 1) an apartment of 139 square meters. m on the seventh floor. Her original and residual value -. 41.1 million rubles, the date of registration of property rights - June 2014, entered in the Register in March 2015-th. According to the public cadastral maps, cadastral value of the apartment -. About 32 million rubles, that is 1 square. m is estimated at 229,305 rubles.

Kremlin taxes

Tax credits, which previously enjoyed by all public institutions and organizations (they did not pay, for example, property taxes and land), the current law does not provide. Of the structures UDP property tax is not paid only two medical FGBU Petersburg - Advisory Diagnostic Center with Polyclinic and the House Veterans' scene them. Savina, explained RBC in the Chamber of Accounts, without specifying the cause of indulgences. Experts believe that these benefits can be used FSUE Law of St. Petersburg "On tax on property of organizations." "It exempts from tax the company that manufacture prosthetic and orthopedic products on the orders of citizens", - explains Associate Professor Department of EconomicsFinance Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences RANHiGS Alicia Alisenov.

"We do not have any privileges on payment of taxes," - said RBC in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Press". To pay taxes on their agricultural land and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Agricultural complex" Resurrection ".

The accounts of one of the UDP subordinate autonomous institutions RBC correspondent explained that, although their businesses are no benefits arising from a form of ownership of the enterprise, not all taxes are paid from its own funds. "On their part of the payment of subsidies are received on the performance of public tasks - explains the source of RBC. - The amounts are calculated in each case individually. There is no such that all are cut with the same brush: if the company does business, it can be calculated and the proportion is only part of the taxes paid from the grant. "

However, a loophole for exemptions on property tax remained. According to the legislation are not taxed the property of the federal bodies of executive power, which is used for the needs of civil defense, Safety and protection of the rule of law in Russia, and many of their subordinate agencies are trying to apply this provision and to themselves. Often it is possible to be divided Head of Tax Practice Law Group "Yakovlev & Partners" Catherine Leonenkova.

Nikolay Sorokin, the chief editor of the portal for accountants budgetnik.ru, recalls that the benefits depend on the property itself, "the Kremlin buildings, such as a property are not taxed because they are the object of cultural heritage, - he recalls. - And the churches do not pay such a tax as a religious organization. " Hostels (UDP have more than one) are taxed at the minimum rate, told RBC Manager of one of the enterprises.

How much tax paid by the company Manager of the year is unknown. The Federal Tax Service said they did not provide information about the specific tax burden of taxpayers, citing the tax secret.

As used

Not all institutions UDP land and property - a source of income. Clinics and kindergartens from their lands nor benefit and revenue enterpriseI consist of the payment orders for the supply of products. Another thing - Agrocomplex or, for example, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Press", to earn a lease of its premises inherited the CPSU newspaper. On its website, the company modestly claims to have more than 100 thousand sq. M. m real estate, although the number of 173 thousand in the registry for them. "squares."

Holding Aram Gabrelyanov News Media (. The publisher of "Izvestia", the channel LifeNews, the newspaper "Your Day", the weekly "Life" and others) rented the "Press" two stories in the paper passage - on the second and fourth floors, a total of 4 thousand square meters. . M. "There was a complete breakdown, we deceive, that the ceilings are high, 10 m, - told RBC Gabrelyanov. - Now the only thing that confuses - strict access control, discounts do us any. "

The rate at which LifeNews pays "Press", Gabrelyanov does not name, but said that it is the market, in rubles, and fluctuations in the price is not affected. According to the data of the federal state unitary enterprise, the average rental rate of their property for the 1st quarter. m per year - 17.5 thousand rubles.. On the basis of this assessment, only Gabrelyanov 4 th. Toat. m in the paper "Press" Travel should receive 70 million rubles. per year, and in the effective management of real estate and deposit a large part of their premises for rent - up to 3 billion rubles. Revenue "Press" in 2014, according to SPARK - 742 million rubles.

"Press" Famous tenants - "Parliamentary newspaper" media holding "Expert", the newspaper "Tribuna". Search SPARK registered at the address held by the federal state unitary enterprise space shows that the range of UDP clients is very wide - "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", the company "Route TV" showing ads in shuttles, shop "cool t-shirts", provider of bras with a diamond-coated, dealer wallpaper . Address: ul. Pravda, 21, is a cooking school Julia Vysotsky, the same, according to SPARK, registered fund and a production center Andrei Konchalovsky her husband, brother of Nikita Mikhalkov. Revenue "Press" in 2014, according to SPARK - 742 million rubles, net profit -. 129 million rubles.

At recreation complex "Bor", a leader in the area of ​​land, is another story. Its lands are in timeGOVERNMENTAL places - New Moscow, Moscow region, Latvia Jurmala. But the largest portion of the UDP and the "Bora" - 2.7 thousand hectares of agricultural land -. Is located in the village of Schelkanovo Yukhnovsky District, Kaluga region. There, in Schelkanovo and neighboring settlements, the "Bora", according to the register, some hectares of land settlements, 28 apartments, three rooms, three artesian wells, gas stations, storage of pesticides, roads, gas pipelines, cattle-breeding complex for 200 heads, a few barns , pigsty, sawmill, granary, three houses, a bath and a runway. Information about these lands either on site property administration or the "Bora" is not online. "And what is the point? - Surprised deputy director of the "Bora" Sergei Golikov. - There's only agro: ladybugs, milk. "

However, on the websites of Realtors for RUB 12.5 million. put up for sale a house with a plot of 36 acres, is located, as the author ads on the Kaluga area "Bora". "Sanatorium infrastructure on the territory of the complex there is a few houses, which occasionally visit the officials who come there by car withigalkami ", - told RBC person whose phone is specified in the announcement of the sale. House with a plot, according to the interlocutor belonged director of the institution. "Of course, we do not sell real estate, but in territory officials privatized houses," - "Schelkanovo" included in the sanatorium "Bor" said Secretary of subsistence agriculture, when RBC correspondent introduced the buyer. Some buildings could be privatized, does not exclude Golikov, but to the "Bor" it has nothing to do, he said.

Interlocutor RBC familiar with the work of the UDP, this story is not surprising. Maintain the economy is not so simple, he says, for the repair of subsidies is not enough - then you need to part of the property to sell or rent. "It is necessary to resort, requiring repair, and the money for it is not: it will sell part of the land and the money to be able to prolong its existence", - he explains. But in general, the trend is clear: the state is gradually getting rid of non-core assets, the source said.

Indeed, since 2011 the UDP held bolee 50 auction for the sale of property - land, buildings, premises and personal property, such as two horses - ponies and Vladimir Heavy Draft. However, according to documents posted on the site property administration, it was sold to the objects of only two dozen lots. For property sold property administration managed to gain only 3.6 billion rubles.

The largest transaction was the sale of land and buildings "Sheremetyevo" for 1.13 billion rubles. "Sanatorium Russia" Oleg Deripaska-controlled company. And in April 2011, "Severgroup" billionaire Alexei Mordashov bought Karelian residence of Boris Yeltsin "Shuyskaya Chupa." The three-storey hotel building, five single-storey cottages, indoor tennis court, sauna, sun and other objects have got the company for 291 million rubles. (After the object has passed the AFC "System").

Kremlin business

How are the proceeds from the sale money is unknown. Rate the financial condition of the Property Management Department and its subordinate structures also challenging financial statements in SPARK is available only for 21 enterprise and, at best, for the followingof four years. According to these data, last year's revenue UDP subordinate enterprises significantly decreased: from 20.8 billion rubles. in 2013 to 12.2 billion rubles. Most of all - 2.9 billion rubles. - In the common fund brought FSUE "Enterprise product supply", another 1 billion rubles. earned FSUE "Construction Association". Followed by Chief Research Computing Center (946 million rubles.), Trading house "Kremlin" (896 million) and "President-service" (855 million).

New Horizons

Disposing of non-core assets, while UDP grows new, and large. The biggest of them - the building of the Parliamentary Centre in Mnevniki, where it is assumed, will move to the State Duma and the Federation Council. Planning agency project highlighted at the end of last year. Now the senators and deputies occupy 100 sq. M. m in the center of Moscow, and the area of ​​the new building, according to the project, 350 thousand sq. m. m. According to experts, the construction will cost the investor more than $ 6 billion.

In St. Petersburg in 2020 should appear "judicial Quarter", which will move from Moscow Higher sudy. Cost of the 10 hectares on the Petrograd side, close to the Peter and Paul Fortress, according to the cadastral map is 833 million rubles. It is planned that it will build the courthouse area of ​​130 thousand sq. M. m, and near the area of ​​30 thousand sq. m in a separate building. m house the theater of Boris Eifman. And discussed the possibility of building on the same location, service housing for judges. Earth is already assigned to the Property Management Department, said at the end of September 2015 press secretary Viktor Khrekov department. Before that, in 2014, on the subject of VTB "suspended", which was going to build there, and elite real estate already held preliminary work. For them, the government compensated the bank 10 billion rubles, but then this is not gone:. Has not yet held a competition for the architectural design and the estimate is not defined.

Another large-scale project - the spiritual and cultural center in the Paris area of ​​4.6 thousand sq. M. m: Manager of build five-domed Orthodox church there, a bilingual Russian-French school for 150 people, celebrations hall for 200 people and a cultural center. Planning department acquired in 2010, and in 2013 received the pAllowing the construction. The Ransom portion of the budget 3.1 billion rubles were allocated. (About € 75 million at the rate of 2009, when a report on forthcoming purchase Audit Chamber published), and to the construction department was going to spend about € 43.1 million (1.8 billion rubles. At the rate of November 18, 2011, when the former head Property Management Department Vladimir Kozhin signed the contract with the contractor for the construction - Bouygues Batiment Ile De France), wrote "Kommersant".

* * *

Manager of the building and housing. For example, for housing given 79 acres in the Taganka neighborhood in Moscow, where previously housed a furniture factory UDP. Project partners were unknown in the market construction company "Korund XXI» (owned by Alexander and Vladimir Pestryakova Trukhina). premium The complex Royal House on Yauza consists of two buildings - a residential house in the 9-10 floors and a 9-storey apart-hotel. All the details of the agreement not disclosed, but the project is financed by VTB and by the end of the construction of apartment hotel property administration will get, while the apartments in the residential complex "Korund XXI» sells in the market. Already sold 70% of the area, told RBC employeesand "Korund XXI». Price - from 346.5 thousand to 550 thousand rubles... for 1 sq. m.