RBC investigation: how earns the Higher School of Economics

Higher School of Economics, founded in the wake of the liberal reforms of the 1990s, now gets billions, working as a center of expertise for the government and the presidential administration. RBC investigated how it managed to win the money and trust of the state.
Origin source
"They are absolutely frankly Kindle here, de facto preparing a maydanovskoe underground and are the very fifth column ... Why do we tolerate the existence of organized terrorist groups under the auspices of politfaka Higher School of Economics? This is normal? "- Was indignant host of" Russian TV channel in February 2014, "Vladimir Solovyov in its program on" Vesti FM radio. " The occasion was a student of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Yulia Arkhipova. Anchorman thought she sympathizes with the protesters in the social networks on the Maidan Ukrainian citizens.

Less than a year before the transfer of the searches took place at the University of the third case of Yukos, the investigators came to the chair of the Human Rights Adviser to the President, Mikhail Fedotov, who participated in the examination of the second criminal case the company. At the rector Yaroslav Kuzminova spring of 2014 ended the contract, the government delayed its extension.

As a result, the contract was extended for another five years. "I did not consider" business experts "as a threat to the HSE - now says Rector. - "Tower" - too much painScheu and significant university and investigative actions were carried out over a number of our employees. Although the case itself seems to me strange and artificial, to worry about the position of one of the investigators of the Investigative Committee. " Kuz'minov himself became even closer to power than his high school: over the past year, he was elected to the Moscow City Duma and appointed co-chair of the Moscow branch of the Russian Popular Front (ONF). Declared Rector revenues grew from 19.9 million to 45.2 million rubles. in year. University revenues (excluding capital expenditures and investment) rose by more than 30% in two years. As the HSE could win money and trust the state?

Not quite liberal

The Higher School of Economics like to tell, that the decision on its establishment in November 1992 - one of the last documents signed by Yegor Gaidar as prime minister. The HSE "has long been a favorite toy of the liberals at the helm," says Kuzmina. The founding fathers of the university anyway had in the 1990s, the attitude to power. Supervisor of Higher School of Economics Yevgeny Yasin - former minister of economyand ordinary professor Yakov Urinson and university president Alexander Shokhin worked vice-premiers. Officer among them worked only one person - the permanent rector of Kuzmin.

The HSE was originally conceived as a think tank for the government officials. She was supposed to promote reforms in Russia to prepare economists, analysts, teachers are able to work in a new environment with a new power, says Yasin. The first money and two buildings in the city center the university received from the Government.

"Difficult episode was when the Liberals in 1998 was expelled from the government, and we were alone on the road. Some colleagues were seriously worried that we simply shut down ", - says Kuzmin. The government headed by Yevgeny Primakov, a person is not reformist camp. Management decided to work on pre-emption by proposing a new government reform program. Kuzmin and colleagues advised, for example, to protect the domestic market, improve the competitiveness of domestic products, to create large corporations with Russian capital. "When written the program, we found out for themselves that we are in general notall liberals - says Kuzmin. - Serial liberal among us only Eugene G. [Yassin], but this program was not involved. " His ideas Yasin true until now. Instead of portraits of the country's leadership in his office on the table are gone minded pictures - Kakha Bendukidze, Yegor Gaidar, Boris Nemtsov, Boris Fyodorov.

Offers Higher School of Economics, says Kuz'minov, like Primakov, then his successor as prime minister, Sergei Stepashin, and then acting president, Vladimir Putin. "Instead of Western consultants and staff of the IMF and the World Bank began to rely on the power of the national development, a wide variety, including us," - he says modestly. In 1999 Kuzmin and Yasin participated in the writing of the famous "Gref program", "Strategy 2010", which actually was the basis of the government's economic policy in the early 2000s. After Putin was elected president curator Herman Gref program moved to the government, but its co-operation with the HSE continued: university began to receive orders for the study ofMinistry of Economic Development. Now the head of the Savings Bank and included in the supervisory boards of trustees of the university.

"Tower" - co-author of almost all the major reforms of the 2000s. Together with Sergey Sobyanin as deputy prime minister, before he became mayor of Moscow, it was accompanied by administrative reform, to introduce and promote the exam together with the Ministry of Education. Kuz'minov entree into high offices, and in 2012, when the prime minister was Dmitry Medvedev, he even offered the post of minister of education, told RBC three sources in the government. The choice finally fell on Dmitry Livanov. Medvedev's spokeswoman Natalya Timakova told RBC that "does not remember this." Sam Kuz'minov comment on this topic do not want to: "The only thing I can say - I refused to be the Minister of Education in 2012".

Place in the top three

Now the Higher School of Economics became one of the largest universities in the country. According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Education, last year at Moscow State University (only in Moscow) attended 30,8 thousand people in the HSE -. 17.7 thousand, not counting the post-graduate students.. But the main University School of Economics distinguishes otsutsts biomedical sciences and engineering. Including why the institution is not included in the recognized world university rankings: Times Higher Education, «Shanghai Ranking" and the top 500 QS rankings.

Over the past five years in the HSE appeared Engineering, languages, philology, fundamental and computational linguistics, art, opened the Faculty of Computer Science (together with the company "Yandex"). Constant expansion of the need to increase funding, says the professor, former Vice-Chancellor of the University Konstantin Sonin: "In Russia, it is very difficult to get money to improve the quality of something already existing. The only way - to create something new. "

The biggest money "tower", as well as any State University, received from the state for training of students enrolled in low places. According to the report the HSE for the year 2014 is 5.3 billion rubles. The number of state employees is growing. If in 2012, 2807 people arrived in Moscow campus, as well as branches in St. Petersburg, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod Bachelor, then in 2015 - more than 3.5 thousand.

In 2014, per student allocated the HSEYali 262 thousand rubles, in 2015 -... already 244 thousand in 2016, according to the draft of the federal budget, the amount is still 10% less, says Vice Rector Alexei Novosel.

However, the level of salaries of staff "Tower" much ahead of the competition. Professors from the School of Economics professors, according to monitoring, receiving an average of 111.4 thousand rubles, researchers - 145.2 thousand for comparison:... In the Moscow State University - 79.5 and 52.8 thousand in the St. Petersburg State University - 64.5. and 44.8 thousand in the Russian Academy of national economy and public Administration under the President (RANHiGS.) - 73.2 and 103.4 thousand.

High income brings university education paid 1.4 billion rubles. in 2014, more than 10% of all revenues. The most expensive course - program two bachelor degrees in Economics and the University of London School of Economics. It costs 600 thousand. Rub. per year (about one-third of students receive a discount for academic success). Trained on the philosopher can be cheaper - for 240 thousand rubles..

Finally, about 950 million rubles. the university receives from additional education - MBA programs of the second higher education and corporate courses in the HSE commissioned among others "Rosnano" and MTS. Kuz'minov seestwo other potential sources of income in the coming years. This foreign students, which in Russia because of the exchange rate has been studying cheaper than in Western countries, and online courses. The number of foreign students has increased dramatically - from 970 people last fall to 1.5 thousand in this September..

Money from the government

The founder of the HSE - the government (in 2008 Kuz'minov himself, he said, asked Putin to bring the institution of the Economic Development Ministry subordination, because it took the post of Minister of the rector's wife, Elvira Nabiullina). The government orders a few "their" institutions of higher learning, including the HSE, research. For high school is as much a part of the public tasks as the reception of students in low places. For basic research government paid the HSE recent years, 700-730 million rubles. per year, says Novosel. Research topics are very common, such as "Analysis of Russian Economy" or "Business Management in a market economy."

In addition, the government under the orders goszadaniya university and applied research (222 million in 2014). "One of the cllikely impacts, complex works of recent years, "according to Vice Rector Andrei Zhulin, - an analysis of the performance of Putin's May decrees. Almost a third year every two weeks to discuss them in the presidential administration is going to a working group led by presidential aide Andrei Belousov.

As a government institution at the request of the founder of the HSE should promptly respond to the draft regulations, decrees, laws. "It is quite unusual for a university: we are playing a role similar to the role of departments", - says Vice-Rector Lev Yakobson. The day before the talk with RBC on the table Jacobson went inquiry "about the pairing of the" Silk Road "and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization." The next day, ready to answer should have been sent to the government. School of Economics and prepares examination on its own initiative. A source in the Higher School of Economics, the university advised to correct the initial version of the law on foreign agents: he was adopted tougher.

According to the dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University Alexander Auzan, he, Kuzmina and RANHiGS Rector Vladimir Mau - permanent members closeds meeting on economic issues at the president and prime minister. The country's leadership comes at a university less Putin, the then prime minister, came in 2010, when he wanted to talk to economists in a narrow range. "Yaroslav Ivanovich [Kuz'minov] him at the meeting proposed to develop without money" Strategy 2020 ", Putin agreed", - says Jacobson.

In preparing the document that formed the basis of the program of Putin's election in 2012, attended by all the key employees of HSE. But the strategy did not become a political instrument. Neither the proposed pension reform or budget maneuver that involves more money on education and health care and less on the security forces, the government does not give hurried in life. For large plots of HSE opinion is often ignored, but on a sectoral matters listen to them, explains the analyst, a lot of work with the government. "We have just a few sectors where the" Strategy 2020 "with respect to adequately implemented", - said in an interview with RBC Kuz'minov two months ago.

Where the wind blows

In recent years,"HSE" growing number of won tenders for government orders on research and orders from private companies. "Last year we had 473 projects in 2013 - 426, in 2012 - 340. And, accordingly, the number of customers for five years approximately doubled," - says First Vice-Rector of HSE Leonid Hochberg. On consulting for public and private organizations University earned in 2014 to 1.7 billion rubles., He explains. According to the analyst advises the government, the university itself often offers topics for research, which then appear on the website of state purchases, "Because" Tower "is working closely with the government, they have an understanding of where the wind is blowing and you need the president's administration."

The structure of income from consulting in the HSE has changed, says Hochberg. Orders for the study of the departments - about 30%, the share of public and private companies has grown to 37%, 20% of the studies ordered regions and municipalities. The rest - won research grants and funds of international programs. Among the most important customers of the university Hochberg called the Eurasian Economic Commission, "; Rosneft "," Aeroflot ", Russian Railways and" Gazprom ". According to Hochberg, among universities of HSE is "the third highest income from external projects after MSU and MSTU. Bauman. "

In 2011-2015 School of Economics has concluded more than a thousand government contracts should be analyzed from RBC data SPARK-Marketing. Their total amount exceeded 5.1 billion rubles. Most - 42% in total - accounts for the Ministry of Education: almost 2.2 billion rubles. 60 contracts. The second largest customer of HSE - metropolitan department of information technology, two major contract with the university which brought almost 886 million rubles. (More than 17% in the total amount of contracts). The share of the third-largest customer - Ministry of Economic Development - has to have only 3.5% of the total amount of state orders (181 million rubles on 37 contracts.).

Analytical Center "National rating of transparency" has calculated that, while the Minister of Economy had a wife Kuzminova, the HSE orders for its departments increased significantly, from 96.4 to 197.2 million rubles. in 2010, wrote "Vedomosti". "I was shocked when I saw these graphs, - said Kuzmin. - The fact is, ThuStatistics of thought in them a program of administrative reform, which we have been commissioned by the government. But the government has no legal entity, so the research for her recorded in the Ministry of Economy. " Hochberg and Kuzmin said that several years ago the HSE decided to fight the dependence on institutional orders, and for good reason: budget sequestration primarily raised money for research.

second-class ambition

Applicants to the University money investing primarily in frames. An increase to the monthly salary of employees of the HSE can get for participating in international conferences, research, for the recognition of the best teachers for their contribution to the reputation of the HSE, for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Publications in international journals and are paid by the federal program "5-100" (on her 2020 five universities from Russia should enter the top 100 recognized world rankings), thanks to which in 2014 the HSE received 950 million rubles.

"Expenses for labor payment of key personnel make up about 5.5 billion rubles., Including taxes, including those in the form of various allowances paidolee 3 billion rubles. Sredniy earnings Professor School of Economics in Moscow, more than 2 million rubles. per year, Associate Professor - 1 million Although the base rate of the teacher in the HSE relatively modest -. 30 to 40 thousand per month, "-. said Vice Rector Novosel. Pay extra teachers to help the norm, according to which the division of HSE give from their earnings in a "common pot" of high school from 20 to 40%.

Become an institution of world renown - the dream Kuzminova. "A person who has received PhD [doctorate in several Western countries], it enters the market after the university and provides 200 places your documents. Our task - to make people go to us, and not in the European third-place, because we, roughly speaking, second-rate, - says Sonin, who heads the committee on the international recruitment of HSE. - This means that we have to pay competitive salaries. " Scientists, economists, he said, offered a salary of 200-250 thousand. Rub. per month, historians - 100-150 thousand "Financiers more, we made a proposal, and 400 thousand, but the girl did not agree, went to the West's top university." -. he recalls. Now in high school workare 129 staff members with PhD.

Judging by the statements, several vice-chancellors were able at times to increase their personal income for 2013-2014 years. Salary of Kuzminova grown over the year more than doubled (from 19.9 million to 45.2 million rubles.). Most of the leaders of universities makes only the rector of the St. Petersburg Mining University Vladimir Litvinenko - 80.4 million rubles. In 2014, the total income of the HSE Rector (13 people) reached RUB 246.7 million. This is substantially more than RANHiGS (173.1 million) and MSU (68.9 million).

"Government Decree on the appointment of the rector in 2014 came a few days later than the finished Kuzminova contract, so that under the law he was dismissed (for the first time in the" HSE "), and together with it and all pro-rectors, whose contract tied to the rector of the contract, - says Novosel. - University had to pay them for all unused vacation. Yaroslav Ivanovich was assessed additional 24.5 million for almost 700 days of vacation since 1993. Some pro-rectors, who is the longest-running - from 6 to 13 million. " Vice-Rector Zhulin explained his change of personal income operasatsiyami estate. Jacobson admitted that he participated in several successful projects: "It's hard work, I do not want to make excuses, but the money we get paid without reason."

The struggle for the building

Kuzminova constant topic of conversation with the government - facilities for the university. Square Meters to grow rapidly to high school are constantly lacking, says the rector, and this despite the fact that in 2010-2014, the total building area of ​​HSE doubled - from 200 to 400 thousand sq. M. m. Audiences are organized in a former textile factory, business centers, Ministry of Chemical Industry. From the hotel, attached to the State Academy of Investment Specialists, the university has made the hostel. "We usually get wild junk" - complaining about the rector.

On major repairs and construction stand out targeted subsidies from the federal budget. The biggest - the program of capital investments, which is not included in the general budget of the university. Thus, in 2010 for the reconstruction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg high school was 14.9 billion rubles. On major repairs in 2014 - 533.2 million rubles, in 2013 -. 340 million.
<br /> The areas are scattered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, but the lion's share, including "junk", is located in the center of the expensive - on Butcher, Pokrovsky Boulevard, Petrovka Ordynka. "We managed to convince the country's leadership that the university should develop in the center of the capital. Specificity of "Towers" in that it is - a leading center of expertise. We need to be closer to the federal authorities, who want to use our services ", - said Shokhin.

One of the last buildings that received Kuz'minov - new home on Butcher, 11. He stands in front of the Higher School of Economics, where since the mid-1990s was sitting university administration. In 1997 Kuz'minov Shokhin and watched the start of construction, which will be delayed by 15 years. Only in 2010, the HSE asked then Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for the university to buy space in a building under construction. Putin ordered the university to allocate 2.2 billion rubles.

According to the company Knight Frank and Swiss Appraisal, office rental in the area Butcher and Pokrovsky Boulevard, next to the premises of the HSE in the average price of 25 thousand. Rub. for 1 sq. per year. Cost per square meter of space in the average 215 thousand. Rub. for 1 sq. m, appreciated specialistsists between the two companies. So, the approximate price of houses on the Butcher, 11, could reach almost 3 billion rubles.

The total area of ​​"Towers" with the rental (according to the pro-rector Alexander Shamrin, for renting real estate in 2014, it took 500 million rubles.), According to the HSE - 522.3 thousand sq. M. m, its carrying amount - 8.4 billion rubles. It is at times less than that of the Moscow State University: the university according to the report, the University enjoys the 1.35 million square meters. m value of 42.2 billion rubles. A few years ago, the government and the president considered the idea to transfer the HSE premises of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts or buy space in business centers. But as a result of both options authorities refused regrets Kuz'minov.

At the School of Economics of the Federal Property Agency real estate data less: about 60 buildings, eight apartments and a few dozen rooms. Total area - 390 thousand sq. M. Cadastral m (close to market) value of only the Moscow real estate, according to the Russian State Register and estimated RBC, -. more than 16 billion rubles.

Then the country's leadership the university has presented the idea of ​​a distributed campus. According to him, he said Shokhin, the university should expand the Orange branchEtro: Str. Myasnitskaya - Pokrovsky Boulevard - Metro "Leninsky Prospect". The idea of ​​support and lobbying the head of the supervisory board of the university, the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets say Shokhin and Kuzmin.

In April 2015 Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Education until 2017 to transfer the HSE 110 thousand sq. M. meters of classrooms and laboratories, and 30 thousand sq. m. m hostels inefficient universities "are in close proximity to major academic buildings School of Economics." In July Kuz'minov in a letter to the Prime Minister (both documents have RBC) complained to the Ministry: "At the moment the discussion of property complexes transmission options is underway." Medvedev wrote in the letter, "Why do not follow instructions?" And sent it to the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. "The reconciliation process <...> passes quite difficult, but the Russian Ministry should carry out instruction DA Medvedev on time ", - told RBC in the ministry. So far, the university has passed a dormitory of the Moscow Energy Institute in LefortOh, two more premises of Moscow State University of food manufactures near the metro station "Textile workers" in the queue.

In the near future the HSE can get not only the body of the Ministry of Education. According Shamrin now "with the Moscow government is working on the formation of the buildings sharing a list of high school," remote from the center of the building inside the Garden Ring. Concrete proposals yet, but the press service of the Moscow Property Department has confirmed the fact of negotiations.

How to get loyalty

The Russian high schools made to boards of trustees headed by officials. The presidential aide Vladislav Surkov - the head of the council in the MSTU. Bauman; State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin - in RANHiGS; the MSU Board of Trustees headed by Vladimir Putin.

"At one meeting, Jaroslaw [Kuz'minov] proposed Volodin [first deputy head of the presidential administration] to the Supervisory Board. And he agreed, together we are friends and work. He does not participate in the decision of academic affairs, but it helps in resolving those issues that allow the Universitéthe development "- says the scientific director of the HSE Yasin. Volodin led Council in April 2014. Besides him, the board includes Olga Dergunova (Agency), Education Minister Dmitry Livanov, Deputy Mayor Leonid printers.

The functions of the Supervisory Boards of Trustees and bred at the university. The first is responsible for the economy and strategy, and the second - for attracting finance. The Board of Trustees is headed by German Gref, and its members - Viktor Vekselberg, Arkady Volozh, Mikhail Zadornov, Leonid Michelson, Vadim Moszkowicz and Mikhail Prokhorov. In contrast to the Moscow State University, which receives large donations from wealthy alumni, trustees of the institution does not end and they have to attract the project, and not "feelings for alma mater», said Shokhin. Target revenues and donations, including those from the University Board of Trustees, make 200-250 million rubles. per year, calculated Novosel.

Officials in the Supervisory Board Kuz'minov invited himself. "I can make an appointment with the President and submit a draft. And can he come to Dmitry Anatolyevich. Volodin is not a person to me, for which IUI have somewhere to go. But it is much more integrated into the power, and it is important for me to understand it, what we're doing. With Volodin we know for a long time. And we have a mutual friend - Herman Gref ", - explains the Rector invited curator domestic politics in high school. The members of the supervisory board are collected monthly, his head is always present at the meetings, says a source close to Volodin. According to him, with Kuz'minov first deputy head of the Kremlin administration communicates more often. "Very often they communicate now that Kuz'minov became co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF, - he says. - With some resolutions Chairman of the Supervisory Board comes to the government. Sometimes you just need to check the execution of his orders, and officials of the Government, associated with the university. "

According Kuzminova, the government did not immediately agree on a Volodin. Question Medvedev decided. Kuz'minov says: "I was summoned by the Premier and asked me whether it is your own decision. I explained, and a few days later he signed. " A source in the Cabinet govrit that against no one was: "Let them responsible for the ideology of one person, the government will not be involved in this."

Volodin - high school people, said a source in his entourage: "He worked for 10 years at the university, went through all the stages from assistant to professor, and then returned to this work, including the head of the Department of Moscow State University state building." The newspaper "Kommersant" people called Volodin Rector of the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov Viktor Grishin, rector of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov Peter Glybochko and dean of the Faculty of Public Administration to the political scientist Vyacheslav Nikonov.

Several teachers interviewed RBC School of Economics believe that the struggle for space caused by which Kuz'minov agreed to be nominated a deputy to the Moscow City Duma and become co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF, which also oversees Volodin. Rector himself says: "When I decided to go to the Moscow City Duma, we gather with colleagues, dealing with the problems of the urban environment, social and fiscal spheres, wrote the program, kotond now and sell. However, the university itself in the sense of the campus is on this got nothing that does not diminish our interest in participating in life in Moscow. " According to a source close to the Moscow City Duma, nominated for deputy Kuzminova I asked Sobyanin personally. Rector said that he decided to become a deputy. But, for example, Volodin gave him advice during the campaign, how to behave with the voters. During the elections in Moscow City Council was asked to people like Kuz'minov, says a source close to Volodin. He is known in the city, is undergraduate community, but other than that the liberal electorate pronounced in Moscow, lists the reasons for the source. Alternatively viewed candidacy chief editor of "Nezavisimaya gazeta" Constantine Remchukova, but in the end the choice was made in favor of the rector of the Higher School of Economics, he added.

"With me joining previously discussed topic in the ONF - says Kuz'minov another of his political step. - But the decision taken as a result I personally, no to the wall I did not put. What we wrote in the "Strategy 2020", and the fact that then took advantage predvyborGOVERNMENTAL articles Putin - I think it is right and necessary for the development of the country. When it became much go out on my eyes, I decided that we should try to do something, not only as an expert. " Offer Kuzminov enter the leadership of the Moscow headquarters ONF was spontaneous, says a source close to Volodin. "His first named co-chairman of the central headquarters ONF Alexander Brechalov. The Moscow branch it was necessary to strengthen and Kuzminov himself was interested in working in the city, and it has established a team "- he said.

No personnel decisions in the HSE Volodin does not accept, says Kuz'minov, he is engaged in "financial control" and "approval of the strategic, programmatic documents for the university." But the rapprochement with the government affects the academic policy of the university, according to two sources close to the University Administration. Vice-Rector of HSE Konstantin Sonin was fired after an interview with German weekly Der Spiegel, in which he said that Putin will hold on to power until the last, and that the Russian response to the sanctions inflicted more damage to the country than the sanctions themselves. After the interview and Kuz'minov caused SoninI asked to resign as vice-rector, continuing to lecture. Sonin soon went to work at the University of Chicago, in the Harris School of Public Policy Studies.

At the insistence of the HSE had to change the top management and the Faculty of Media, which was headed by Anna Kachkaeva interlocutors say. By combining several units of the university, the head of the Communications Faculty of Media and Design Kuz'minov instead Kachkaeva put chairman of the state broadcasting company "Voice of Russia" Andrei Bystritsky. Both solutions, according to a source close to the leadership of the university, - "it is a payment for their loyalty." In addition, the fall in 2014 of the book "Comments on the state and business", which releases Development Center School of Economics, faded name of one of the editors - known economist Sergei Aleksashenko. "As far as I know, Kuzminov said in the Kremlin, and he gave the director of the center, so that my name did not appear on the first page," - says he Aleksashenko. Edit collection then he refused. Kuz'minov such a history does not remember.

According to a source close to BullockOdin, "the rector himself has a perfect understanding of what is good and what is bad, and the internal responsibility to the government and the president." He also recalls that, for instance, Professor Oleg Matveychev (called in his blog "push liberals tanks") came to the HSE to Volodin. Kuz'minov confirmed that talk about the interview Spiegel c Sonin he was. "And I spoke, that it is generally not necessary. But the administrative decision is irrelevant, - he says. - And decisions about Sonin, and about Ani [Kachkaeva] were taken deliberately, for administrative reasons. If layoffs were necessary to preserve the position of the University and political protection, I assure you, I would not fail to do so. But this was not necessary. " Rector recalls the recent scandal with another employee of his - Professor Sergei Medvedev. He has publicly offered to give the Arctic the international community, after which Putin called the speech of Professor "complete nonsense." Medvedev continues to work at the university. He confirmed to RBC that he did not have a conversation with the rector on eth issue.

Kuz'minov headed by the HSE for 23 years is not going to go away from his job: "I like my job, every day I feel that I bring and use their own country, and students, and colleagues." According to the dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University Alexander Auzan, classmate Kuzminova and witness at his wedding, "Tower" - is still a startup. Confidently kept afloat, but "we can not say that unsinkable." "Tower" disbalansirovana because of its rapid and intensive development. However, it is strongly closed in touch with the authorities. If there is suddenly some change, then it will be very difficult. I'm sure Glory [Kuz'minov] aware of this problem, "- says his friend and rival.