Putin's oligarchs and managers are buying Maltese citizenship

Many people who are beneficiaries of the political regime in Russia have received Maltese passports.
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While ordinary Russians are experiencing enormous problems obtaining visas or residence permits in Europe, wealthy top managers from among the contractors of key Russian state-owned companies continue to buy Maltese passports as if nothing had happened, thus becoming citizens of the European Union. Large Russian businessmen, military suppliers and Putin fans have become Europeans. They may no longer worry about the restrictions imposed on Russians in Europe.

The names of new citizens of Malta are published every year. The Insider analyzed the lists that were made public in 2022 and 2023, after the introduction of broad sanctions and restrictions against Russians. Many people who are beneficiaries of the political regime in Russia have received Maltese passports.

For example, Vladimir Durnin, a shareholder and head of the Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy company, became a citizen of Malta together with his wife. This is a major contractor for Gazprom, Rosneft, Transneft, Rosatom and Novatek. Another Durnin company, Tengri LLC, is a supplier of garnet sand for the sanctioned Admiralty Shipyards JSC, which produces warships and submarines.

Alexander Garankin, first vice-president of Gazprombank, also acquired a Maltese passport (Gazprombank’s offshore companies are still used to this day as a “common fund” for Putin’s entourage). Together with him, his wife and three children became Europeans.

Vladimir Kuksov, a major contractor of Rosneft and shareholder of the Akros and Mad Expert companies, followed his example. It is engaged in the maintenance and supply of drilling fluids.

Among the newly minted Maltese, The Insider found the owner of Metal-Zavod from Kubinka near Moscow, Alexander Minibaev. His company provides metal furniture to regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, court buildings, institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Federal Protective Service and the Ministry of Defense. The company's annual turnover is almost 3 billion rubles.

The owner of the Terra-auto company, Vladislav Rydaev, also had enough money for Maltese passports - he became a citizen of the European Union along with his wife and two daughters. Of course, state contracts did not bypass him either: Rydaev sells cars, including to Rostec enterprises, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and local authorities.

The new Maltese Alexandra Fartusova, according to The Insider, is the daughter of Lyudmila Fartusova, a shareholder and head of the Supervisory Board of Energomera Concern JSC. The concern also includes the Monocrystal enterprise, a large producer of sapphire for the optoelectronic industry.

Monocrystal also acts as a defense contractor. For example, JSC KNIRTI supplies plates made of monocrystalline corundum. This company, part of Rostec, is engaged in the creation of electronic warfare equipment, among its products is the Khibiny for Su-30 fighters.