Prince Charles squeezed the money of the Russian banker

As the ex-owner of the collapsed Zapadny bank, Dmitry Leus buys UK citizenship from Prince Charles.
Origin source
Banker Dmitry Leus is demanding £ 500,000 from the Prince Charles Foundation in London, allegedly donated to him earlier through the authorized and highly status organization Burke's Peerage. The fund responded with indignation that they had given everything, down to the last penny, because the earlier convicted donor Leus did not meet their high ethical requirements. However, Prince Charles decided to meet with Leus.

Kind benefactor?

According to the British press, Leus decided to donate such a large amount not from the generosity of his soul, but in order to obtain a residence permit in the United Kingdom. The dossier that Leus sent to the Home Office to become a UK resident included details of donations to the Prince of Wales' charitable foundation. The section entitled “Family Ties, Connections and Contributions to the UK” states: “Mr. Leus also contributed to the Prince's Fund to support work in the restoration of historic sites and the teaching of traditional arts and skills.”

In 2004, Dmitry Leus was found guilty of fraud in Russia and taken into custody. The verdict was later overturned, but the banker insists that the prosecution against him was fabricated and politically motivated.

Donation issues were first raised last fall. Last September, Leus's lawyers admit that in 2014 he was denied a Tier 1 (investor) visa because he did not report his criminal record in Russia. The lawyers believe that this "was not deliberate dishonest behavior or deception" to cover up his conviction, but was simply a "misunderstanding", since the conviction was "withdrawn".

Either the fund looked closely at the banker, or his idea of ​​buying himself privileges was initially a failure, but the money in the amount of 535,000 pounds sterling was allegedly returned to him through the same Burke's Peerage after the ethics committee raised questions about the suitability of Mr. Leus as a donor. However, Leus stated that he did not receive any money back.

Detailed abstracts

In Russia, Dmitry Leus is known for a number of banking schemes. Including the story with the Zapadny bank, which in the Laundromat case and other money-laundering stories cost a number of bankers their freedom. Including, for example, unsinkable Alexander Grigoriev, who is now being "added to a term." Leus somehow, according to some information, with all the evidence collected, managed to escape from the investigation of the Central Bank, and later the FSB and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (it is assumed that he himself could have been an embedded employee or a sex worker). In addition, Dmitry Isaakovich is very fond of posting "positive materials" about himself in the Russian media. Probably, he writes the text or at least detailed theses himself.

Journalists from several publications have unearthed that the money might not belong to Leus, but go to Prince Charles' fund from some more respectable person from Russia or be borrowed. In any case, they could settle with intermediaries or clients to whom Leus owed something and with whom he “muddied” citizenship. So, perhaps £ 200,000 "hung" from Michael Wynn-Parker, a representative of Burke's Peerage, and £ 300 - in the so-called "Mahfuz Foundation". It is run by billionaire Mahfuz Mubarak bin Mahfouz, who himself has long sought British citizenship, for which a few years ago he bought himself the Order of the British Empire for 1.5 million pounds. The lawyers of the Russian suspect that the money did not reach the fund at all, and the English aristocrats and lawyers conspired and "threw" the donor.

In early September, when Leus made his announcement, Michael Fawcett, known as "The Decider" (as far as the term applies to the London establishment), left Michael Fawcett as CEO of The Prince's Foundation due to a scandal over receiving an award in exchange for a charitable contribution to the Prince Charles Foundation. ... True, he left not because of Leus, but because of the release of information about how he offered to help provide chivalry and British citizenship to a Saudi billionaire who donated to Charles' foundation.

Douglas Connell, chairman of the Prince's foundation, said that his trustees also adhere to the highest ethical standards and take charges of missing money very seriously. The Trustees initiated a full and thorough investigation with the help of forensic accountants from one of the Big Four accounting firms.

“The investigation is ongoing and it would be inappropriate to make any further comments at this stage. The trustees will take all necessary steps to protect the position and reputation of the foundation, including any reporting obligations. The full review is expected to take several weeks, ”said Connell.

How to hush up a scandal

On September 12, the Dailymail reported that Prince Charles had sent a lengthy letter of gratitude and "an invitation to meet" Leus, who wishes to obtain British citizenship, after his charity received a cash gift of £ 535,000. The Prince of Wales stated that he was “really looking forward to meeting” and explained how “incredibly grateful” he is for his six-figure donation to his foundation.

“Now that my foundation is engaged in such a wide range of activities, the support you have given us is more important than ever. As you may have guessed, it is of the utmost importance to get the kind of help that allows us to grow and accelerate our work. During this difficult time, your critical help gives us confidence that we can plan for the future. This is something that really comforts me ... I look forward to meeting you when this terrible crisis passes, but for now I express my warmest wishes and heartfelt gratitude to you, ”- said in the letter of Charles.

Whether Leus' missing money is found or not - time will tell. After all, half a million pounds is not a needle in a haystack. But did Leus receive the coveted "buns" in the form of a residence permit, and later British citizenship? In any case, so far he has already won something, loudly complaining that he was deceived. So Prince Charles invited him to a meeting.