
How the children of the former head of Rosnedra do business.
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On the exploration market, planned repartition. Does not stand out until recently "OGK groups" specializing in the exploration of solid minerals, has intensified in the market of mergers and acquisitions. The company merged with its partners, is buying the assets, plans to build a plant of emulsion explosives in Sakhalin.

During the crisis, many companies pulled forward, leaving behind the competitors. The answer to why this happened, "WGC groups", lies in the composition of its leadership. General Director of "OGC groups" - Anatoly Pak, the son of the former head of the Federal Agency for Subsurface Use Valery Pak, who headed the agency from 4 July 2013 to September 2015 It was he who 10 days after his appointment to the civil service signed the scandalous conclusion on carrying out exploration work in Novokhopersk district of Voronezh region. Contractor was the company of his son.

"Without positive conclusions Rosnedra Elkinskom work in the field of sulfide copper-nickel ores have been impossible", - said the "To" the coordinator of the movement "In Defense of Chopra 'Constantin Rubakhin. According to him, as a result of drilling operations occurred ecological catastrophe in the region. Analysis of groundwater in Prihoperja showed excess levels of radiation in the tens, and the maximum permissible concentration of poisons - hundreds of times. Now we hit the water to fresh horizons, and radiation levels in the drinking water wells of local residents repeatedly exceeded.

Confronting people who oppose mining and construction in the area of ​​mining and processing plant, and "Ural mining and metallurgical company" (UMMC), has received a license, went to the federal level, and continues to this day. This is one of the biggest ecological scandals in non-ferrous metallurgy in the last few years. And it happened not without the participation of Valery Pak. However, in "OGC groups" last year went to Elkinskogo field. As explained by "Co", Anatoly Pak, cooperation has not developed.

Father and son

Valery Pak is well known in the geological community. A graduate of the Faculty of Geology of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute has made a career in geologorazveinternal party "Krasnokholmsk". Starting with assistant driller, by the end of 1980, he became its leader. In 1990, the future officer was transferred to the Amur region, where in 1997 he organized and headed the first in the Russian Natural Resources Committee - territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) of Russia. In 1999, the then Minister of Natural Resources Boris Jackiewicz called Pak to his first deputy and the head of the State Geological Survey. Two years later, the Cabinet of Ministers has changed, and after the resignation of Yatskevich Park was forced to resign. In the 2000s, Valery Pak has earned itself a reputation Viktor Vekselberg and Vladimir Potanin. For seven years he headed the company "Rusia Petroleum", which owned the license to develop the Kovykta gas condensate field the largest in the world. "Daughter" TNK-BP (62,42%) and "Interros" (25.82%) for several years successfully restrained "Gazprom" attack, tried to get such a valuable asset. But could not resist the natural gas monopoly. In 2010, TNK-BP itself has initiated bankruptcy proceedings the company, and a year later it was sold to "Gas. Rum "for $ 770 million by the time Pak has worked in the" daughter "GC" Renova "Viktor Vekselberg - JSC" Kamchatka Gold "in the region's largest miners of the precious metal.

Son Valery Pak did not immediately went to his father's footsteps. He graduated from the Russian State Geological Prospecting University, but decided to go his own real estate business and moved to Montenegro, but because of the crisis in 2008 suffered a fiasco there. "He was engaged in real estate, but in 2009 there was nothing to do. I had to return, - says Anatoly Pak. - Settled in the "Russian drilling company", and from there in 2010 with the former CEO Alexander Popov (not to be confused with the head of Rosnedra in 2012-2013, and Alexander Popov -... Note "Co") came into the FGUGP "Urangeo". Having worked as an advisor CEO, six months Pak Jr. became deputy head of the Commerce company. Market participants suspect him of the withdrawal of assets from "Urangeo", on the basis of which managed to organize a "OGK groups." An indirect confirmation of this is the establishment of "OGCGroup "company with a similar name - LLC" Urangeo-drilling ". Her head was at one time, Valery Pak (according to "Kontur.Fokus" service). But Anatoly Pak disagrees. "On the contrary, we have achieved new contracts from private customers. If earlier the proportion of budget financing accounted for more than 70%, the proportion of the year changed to the contrary - he says. - It was 70% of private contracts and 30% of public procurement. But after the new head of Alexander Popov Rosnedra, in 2012 decided to change the leadership "Urangeo", we left and decided to create his own company. "

geology stars

Donate now Pak Jr. asked his father. "He then left the" Gold of Kamchatka ", wanted to retire, but I persuaded to come to us", - says Anatoly Pak. The market is convinced of the opposite: Pak Sr. added a son to the company he created. Pak Jr. admits that the company took place largely thanks to his father. "I was responsible for contracts and to attract customers, it is - for the operational management of the enterprises. He has vast experience in this ", - says Anats Park. But to help not only his father, but his experienced team. The board of directors of "OGC groups" - the stars of exploration. Chairman of the Board of Directors "WGC groups" - the former Minister of Natural Resources Boris Jackiewicz, the board of two former Deputy Minister of Natural Resources - Alexander Natalenko (now heads the board of directors of "Novatek") and Peter Gardener. Additional points of Directors Anatoly Pak and his deputy Andrew Dougan, the former deputy Valery Pak to "Rusia Petroleum". The result was a strong team behind him which is good administrative resource. "First of all, they are our friends, they worked at one time with his father in the ministry, - says Anatoly Pak. - Secondly, initially we had no money, no name, and the board of directors was formed primarily to executive functions, to show themselves, to say the market to customers. " According to him, now it is really a valid authority that makes strategic decisions.

"We started very hard. To us it is a lot of professionals from "Urangeo". It was the 2012 People sitting on the salaries of 15 000 rubles. Zakthe call was not, - says Anatoly Pak. - We began to take old equipment leasing and credit, towards the end of the year won the first tender for the "Polymetal" exploration, "Ducat" deposits attracted contractors and purchased Buryat Exploration Company (BGRP) at the end of the year. A little later in "Polymetal" was bought Khabarovsk Exploration Company (HGRP). Today, the main assets of the company - it BGRP formed on the basis of geological expedition (GRE) "Buryatzolotorazvedka", formerly part of the structure of "Buryatzoloto" owned "Severstal" Alexey Mordashov and HGRP. The company "OGK Machinery" provides logistical support, on its balance sheet including all drilling equipment group. Trading House engaged WGC equipment procurement.

"OGK groups' recorded April 3, 2012 in Moscow. Its CEO over the Criminal Code of "Internedra management" means Valery Pak, and the founder of (100%) acted as a kind of CJSC "Forbach", whose owners - the businessman from Moscow, Istra Vahan GevoNRC (75.4%) and Alexander Mizyakin (24.6%). Forbach, according to the rating agency "Expert RA", in 2013, he held 94 th place in the ranking of consulting companies and 26 th place in the list of the largest companies engaged in outsourcing of accounting functions. According to "Kontur.Fokus" service, the company acts as the founder of the nearly 200 operating companies and indirectly linked to the other chapters "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov, the founder of "Vi Holding" Maschitskim Vitali (the former owner of the Angarsk Petrochemical Company and Khabarovsk NPZ).

Forbo offers services in support of business registration and liquidation of companies. "The main activity of the fund - legal services, - explains the lawyer Eugene Plahtiy Forbach. - One of the directions - creation of joint stock companies ready for sale. These companies are fully under the change of shareholders and CEOs, and the procedure does not take four months, if you do it from the ground up, and 10 days. " According to him, the extract from the register shows that in many cases, the founder remains Forbach, although there is a change of ownership for a long time.

The same holds versionsmiling and Anatoly Pak. He said that the company took advantage of the service for the purchase of Company, but refuses to disclose the owners, fearing a repetition of attempts to capture raider company. According to him, January 11, 2014 at the head of the company group "Internedra management" suddenly has a new CEO with forged documents. "OGK groups" appealed it in court, but the investigation did not find out who was trying to make a raider seizure. After that, all the management agreements between the Criminal Code and the Group companies were dissolved and closed the register of shareholders.

Curiously, six months earlier been raiding the main competitor "OGK groups" - "Russian drilling company" (RBC) Vitaly Tena. Market participants said that for this could be the structure of OGC. Both companies have exchanged impartial statements, but in the end the conflict came to nothing. The RBC "Co" stated that the story has long been settled, and declined to comment on details. I do not become a talk on the subject and Anatoly Pak.

Modest market

In addition to the stellar composition of the board etc.Rectors, for development of the company needs funds. According to Anatoly Pak, originally it was his personal savings, money his father and friends. Equipment was bought on credit or installments, the company undertook, usually lying on the side for a little money, and also in installments, paid transaction turnover. Price of the issue - several million rubles. It is now with the growth of the dollar has risen sharply equipment (one unit costs about 22 million rubles.), And two or three years ago, the former in the use of drilling cost several times cheaper.

Then it was more interesting to buy. Large mining companies abandoned their exploration companies. It is not profitable to maintain them. "The first to get rid of non-core assets began to oil, it went back to the early 2000s, Yukos, - says the president of the Russian Geological Society Viktor Orlov. - Several years ago, we came to this solid minerals mining company. " So there was the largest in the Russian drilling komapniya Eurasia Drilling, which was then bought Schlumberger. Now the major exploration companies remain at the "Norilsk Nickel & raquo ;, "Polyus Gold", "Alrosa" and "Petropavlovsk".

Independent exploration companies are not so many "Russian drilling company", "Eastern Drilling Company", "Chelyabinsk Drilling Company", "WGC groups", "Uraltsvetmetrazvedka" Severouralsk and Exploration Company. And it is, as a rule, the former "daughter" of mining companies. For example, in 2012 "Polymetal" not only got rid of the "Buryat exploration company," but also from the North Urals Exploration Company (SUGRP), which bought the former CEO. "In 2012, it was decided on the withdrawal of the drilling unit of" Polymetal "for outsourcing - says the chief engineer SUGRP Eldar Karimov. - Polymetal it was profitable, we also had to look at the customer side. " Sometimes the difference in price for works between private exploration company and a third party may differ 1.5-2 times. Nevertheless, "Polymetal" was the largest customer of the works and for SUGRP, and for "OGC groups." Competition in the high marketbut, as recognized representatives of the companies, they are divided by region and try not to let to his rivals. However, there were cases that exploration tenders immediately declared 18 firms.

According to estimates of the state of "RosGeo", the amount of geological exploration of the market last year amounted to 260 billion rubles, in 2014 -. 287.2 billion rubles. "The decline is due to reduced investment in this area - as the federal budget sequestering and decrease expenses of subsoil users, which in the conditions of falling prices for raw materials are trying to cut their costs, so as not to show the decrease in profitability," - said the official representative of JSC "RosGeo" Anton Sergeev . The exploration of solid minerals is still difficult. "OGK groups' estimates its share at 12-15% of the market, and its turnover last year amounted to about 1.1 billion rubles. That is the scope of the market, without taking into account the activities of "daughters" of mining companies and state-owned enterprises are unlikely to exceed 10 billion rubles.

Blow Sakhalin

In September last year, "WGC group" lost its high patronsI - Valery Pak resigned. Officially - at his own request. "I'm tired and want to relax, - says Anatoly Pak. - We called him to her, but her father refused. " Unofficially - he could remember, and the confrontation with the Voronezh deposits Khoperskaya UMMC, auctions and other fields, where they were offended by the participants, including "Rosneft". Nevertheless, "WGC group" continues to evolve. Earlier this year, the company won the tender, "Norilsk Nickel" in exploration on the Taimyr Peninsula and now buys the necessary equipment. "OGK groups' plans to develop new areas of business. "We have reached its limit in drilling, and in this direction, and if we grow, it is not as intense at 10-12% per year", - says Anatoly Pak.

In September 2015, "WGC Group" bought 40% of "United oilfield service company" (ENSK), which is headed by the brother Anatoly Pak Peter (founder of the company and its partner - Vladislav Ryazantsev). The company in the summer of 2015 was just created, and in November, she has a joint project with JSC "Permneftemashremont "- an enterprise for the production of downhole motors for directional drilling, LLC" Telemetriks ". Also in the structure of "OGC groups" will soon be the oil company "Parity", which holds licenses for two fields in the Tyumen region with reserves of 53.4 million tons. Another company, which buys 10% ENSK (and has the option to buy another 40 %) - is LLC "Spetspetroservis" provides services for oil and gas. Peter Pak, a professional in the exploration. He graduated from the Geological Faculty of the RSU of Oil and Gas named after IM Gubkin, worked with his father in "Rusia Petroleum" in TNK-BP, and then moved to Halliburton.

Another trend that is beginning to develop "OGK groups" - is blasting. In early February, the company bought 75% of Ekaterinburg OOO "SLA-Technologies" from its founder Alexander Khabarova (co-founder of "Rosbur") and is going to build explosives plant on Sakhalin. Khabarov confirmed "To" the deal, noting that the company plans to develop large, and he remains CEO of the company. ABOUTNGO "SLA-Technologies" has experienced problems with financing (in the past year showed a net loss of 10 million rubles, in 2013 -. 12 million rubles.). The company is already working on Solntsevsky explosive coal mine in Sakhalin. This is a joint asset of "Sakhalinugol" the ex-president and SUEK Oleg Miserva group "ICT" Alexander Nesis.

Where such appetites of the company with a turnover of a little more than 1 billion rubles. in year? "If there is an administrative resource, the company always take advantage of them," - said a top manager of one of the exploration companies. After the departure of Valery Pak of Rosnedra possible, of course, we fell, but for people who have more than a decade in the industry, such communication will work for many more years. Including so after completion of a career in the civil service former officials find themselves in the core business. And the Ministry of Natural Resources, in whose subordination are Rosnedra, to a confirmation: Pak predecessor as head of Rosnedra Alexander Popov after the resignation of head "Itera", Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Rinat Gizatulin left in "ALROSA", and his colleaguesaccording to the Ministry of Denis Khramov he got to "Novatek". It is possible that in the near future we will learn about the new appointment of Valery Pak to one of the large companies. And children under his protection will continue the family business.