New fraud for 168 million rubles revealed at the Vostochny cosmodrome

Heads of VIP Stroyengineering and VVSK face new charges of fraud.
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In the criminal case of frauds in the construction of Vostochny cosmodrome on the episodes with subcontractors "VIP Stroyengineering» and «Volga-Vyatka construction company" (VVCC) scale theft has increased from 300 million rubles to almost 500 million. According to investigators, the beneficial owner of VVCC Sergei Degtyarev and his daughter Eugenia, along with three other accomplices received from the state corporation "Russian Spetsstroy" an advance of 700 million rubles for the construction of a residential complex and the infrastructure, of which 468.3 million rubles stolen. In one case, more than 168 million rubles "VIP Stroyengineering" listed in advance on VVCC account under a fictitious contract for the construction, but then the money returned in the capacity of loan repayment. Eugenia Degtyareva already presented updated fraud charges in a large scale in the group.

The criminal case of theft in the construction of Vostochny cosmodrome, which refers to LLC "VVCC» and «VIP Stroyengineering" Amur was opened in the spring of 2015 police for hours. 4 Art. 160 of the Criminal Code ( "Misappropriation or embezzlement in a group in especially largem size "). According to investigators, the organizers of the thefts were the actual owner VVCC Sergey Degtyarev and his 28-year-old daughter, Eugenia, who was in charge of financial matters in the same company. Investigators believe that the leaders were accomplices Degtyareva companies controlled by them - ex-CEO "VIP Stroyengineering" Vadim Mitryakov, his successor in this position Murat mat, as well as the head of Alexander VVCC Bazankov.

According to investigators, the fall of 2013 the management of the cosmodrome East and FSUE "Spetsstroytehnologiya" Spetsstroy when Russia concluded a state contract on construction of housing in the town of Uglegorsk (home to 125 apartments) and infrastructure in the amount of 13.56 billion rubles. In turn, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise entered into a subcontract with the company "VIP- Stroyengineering" to 1.702 billion rubles, and she caught the implementation of the capital works SC "Apogee". This construction company was to build two road length of 2.3 km and 1.95 km. The contract value amounted to 570.4 million rubles. According to the investigation, "VIP STROYENGINEERING" and SC "Apogee" is not even going to build anything.

- In October 2014 the UK "Apogee", received an advance of 300 million rubles, concluded a subcontract with VVCC and donated all the money to her account in one of the Moscow banks - told "Izvestia" a source in law enforcement.

How to set the auditors, road construction has not started. The money went to pay off the loans VVCC. Missing from the budget of 300 million damage in the case of steel.

Soon it was discovered during the investigation of a new episode. According to investigators, after the theft of 300 million rubles for the project of road construction in the fall of 2014, a new group Degtyareva held scam. In October of that year, "VIP Stroyengineering" and VVCC concluded fictitious subcontract for construction works, under which the latter has received an advance payment in the amount of 168.3 million rubles.

- A few days later Eugene Degtyareva transferred the money back to the account "VIP Stroyengineering" and other companies, but under the pretext of returning the borrowed funds, - said the source of "Izvestia".

According to investigators, the money was also stolen and cashed. Thus, the total damage for twopizodam groups Degtyareva already estimated at 468.3 million rubles. The victim in the case was the FSUE "Spetsstroytehnologiya" at Special Russia.

Investigators have already submitted Eugenia Degtyareva formal charges for hours. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud in a large scale in the group"). She is in custody. Back in mid-September 2015 at the request of the investigation Degtyareva and Vadim Mitryakov were arrested Lublin District Court of Moscow.

The official website of VVCC reported that in 2011 the company's turnover amounted to about 4 billion rubles. "Customers are VVCC key institutional structures, such as the Emergency Situations Ministry, the Federal Agency for the Development of the Russian Federation state border (Rosgranitsa) Spetsstroy Russia, as well as state-owned companies, such as IDCs and" Transneft ", - stated in the VVCC site.

The visiting card of the company is its participation in the construction of the Moscow Youth Center "Planet KVN".

Now the Ministry of Internal Affairs and MRS are investigating 10 criminal cases of embezzlement during the construction of the cosmodrome East. Among them, for example, the case of fraud on 400ln rubles, which are defendants in general director of FSUE "Spetsstroyservis" at Special Andrei Yartsev, general director of OOO "With Stroykonstruktsiya" Anatoly Ryazanov.

At the end of October 2015 the Investigation Committee of Russia has completed the investigation of one of the biggest scams, which resulted in the state represented by Spetsstroy was damaged in the amount of 5 billion rubles. The accused under Art. 285 of the Criminal Code ( "abuse of power"), was a former head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Goossen "Dalspetsstroy" at Special Jury Hrizman and chief accountant of the enterprise Vladimir Ashihmin. As is the case with VVCC "Dalspetsstroy" received an advance in the amount of 22 billion rubles, of which more than 5 billion rubles were spent on loan repayments.