Near-Moscow estate became a provisional remedy

The property of Development Corporation CEO Sergey Maslov has been arrested. 
As the "Kommersant", Leninsky district court in Rostov-on-Don has seized the property of the General Director of JSC "Development Corporation" Sergei Maslov, who is accused of defrauding the bank's "National credit" 1 billion rubles. Under the sanctions got his sumptuous property in Arkhangelsk worth more than $ 100 million apartment in Minsk and one vacation home in the Odintsovo district of Moscow region. Mister oil will remain in custody at least until 30 November.

On the request of the arrest found 56-year-old Sergei Maslov property the court turned Investigator Research Affairs for the Rostov region, which is in charge of embezzling money from the bank's "National credit". According to his statements in court (the meeting was held behind closed doors), this interim measure is necessary to recover the damage prejudice the accused. The investigation requested the arrest of 3 hectares of land in the Archangel, located on their home area of ​​2700 square meters. m, a guest house (640 sq. m) and sauna complex (513 sq. m), as well as the Metropolitan apartment at Krymsky Val and another villa area of ​​571 square meters. m in the village Myakinino Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

According to "Kommersant", Mr. Maslov's lawyers, in turn, insisted that the law enforcement agencies, "there is no evidence of the involvement" of the defendant to the crime, and therefore demand the arrest of property belonging to him inappropriately. However, the Court considered the investigation a reasonable position and granted the petition investigation.

Note that the police investigation was not to insist on the arrest of Mr. Maslov assets found them. In addition to the above-mentioned property from the General Director of JSC "Development Corporation", according to law enforcement, there are several expensive cars, including two vintage Mercedes, plus a 71-meter yacht "Victoria" worth more than € 50 million, being finished now one of the shipyards in Italy .

As has already been told "Kommersant", detained Mr. Maslov and his three accomplices in the framework commenced in late September 2016 Rostov State Ministry of Interior of the criminal case of "cash appropriation" (Art. 160 of the Criminal Code) the bank's clients "People's credit". As established by law enforcement officials, in ca.yabre 2014, shortly before the revocation of the license, Sergei Maslov and his first deputy Vladimir Karamanov invested in the "National credit" more than 1 billion rubles received from the shareholders' Development Corporation. "- Ural Federal District on the development of transport, energy and social infrastructures in the framework of the project "Ural industrial - Ural polar". Money with the assistance of the bank's managers, according to the investigation, were displayed in the offshore Cyprus and invested in private projects managers AB.

In a large-scale operation to arrest defendants in the criminal case involved more than 60 employees of the FSB and the Interior Ministry. Lord Maslov, law enforcement officers found at his country estate in Arkhangelsk. At the same time, while special forces are not broken sledge hammer locked the front door, the owner to advertise their presence was in no hurry. According to participate in the activities of law enforcement officials, the residence of the head of JSC "Development Corporation" more like a museum: the park was the author's copy of the famous sculpture of Salvador Dali "Rhinoceros", walls decorated paintings by Russian artists, including Ivan Shishkin, and in a separate room was arranged collection of watches of famous brands, the cost of some of them - for example, diamond-encrusted Piaget -. higher than $ 100 thousand for the shelves of shoes were hidden several safes in which It kept about $ 100 thousand.

After the arrest of Sergei Maslov and his alleged accomplices was transferred to Rostov-on-Don, where at the request of the court investigation arrested them until 30 November.