Natalia Kaspersky has sold the German company EgoSecure

Holding InfoWatch Natalia Kaspersky has sold a controlling stake in the German "daughter" EgoSecure (developing means of protecting information for different devices). Reason: the reputation of Kaspersky as the "hand of the Kremlin", which it created the German media.
This was reported by the representative of InfoWatch, the same information was transferred by EgoSecure itself. The buyer was the German manufacturer of office software Matrix42. Partners do not disclose the amount of the transaction.

InfoWatch bought a stake in EgoSecure in 2011, which was never reported, it is known that it is more than 50%. 60%, was clarified in February 2016 by the German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost. At the same time, InfoWatch obtained exclusive rights to all products, designs, patents and trademarks of the German "daughter".

EgoSecure, according to its website, has about 2,000 private and corporate clients in Europe: medium-sized businesses, banks, data centers and even police stations.

 Every year, EgoSecure's revenue grew by more than 10%. In the first five months of this year, growth was even higher - more than 50%, InfoWatch spokesman said.

In 2015-2016 years. German media (Berliner Morgenpost, Die Welt), talking about the use of German EgoSecure products by the German police, indicated that the owners of EgoSecure (InfoWatch and Natalia Kaspersky) in particular are allegedly connected with Russian authorities (the Kremlin and the FSB). Kasperskaya denied that she has any connections with the FSB.

 These publications Kaspersky called media attacks. For EgoSecure, they resulted in the loss of several customers, she told "Vedomosti" through a representative. Matrix42 made InfoWatch a good offer, says Kaspersky.

Media effects do not affect the work of IT companies so much as to serve as an excuse for abandoning stable work in Europe, says Alexander Lyamin, the general director of Qrator (counteraction to DDoS attacks), and EgoSecure is a long-standing participant in the market with a well-established reputation.

 InfoWatch could sell the German "daughter" for more than 30 million euros - several times more than the annual revenue of EgoSecure, says Ilya Sachkov, the founder of Group-IB.

Now InfoWatch intends to develop in the markets of the Middle East and South-East Asia, where InfoWatch solutions are also represented for more than five years, said Kaspersky.

The Middle East market is actively developing, there is little competition and InfoWatch is able to occupy a significant market share: the company has been working in these countries for a number of years and understands their specifics, says Lyamin.