Murder near the Nice is being investigated in Moscow

The French investigators plan to conduct activities on the territory of Russia as part of investigation of the murder of a businessman, the former owner of Saratovsteklo Mikhail Lanin.
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As reported by "Rosbalt" a law enforcement source, the French police arrived in Moscow on February 10, 2014, they intend to in the presence of colleagues from the RF IC to conduct a series of interviews and other investigative activities. This information agency confirmed brigade-chief, the French liaison officer police service of international cooperation Frederick drops. He noted that the visit of the representatives of the law enforcement authorities of his country organized by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

According to "Rosbalt", the French investigators are going to talk to people who knew Michael Lanin, as well as with individuals who are now in custody, and possibly were related to the high-profile crimes in Nice. The first to testify about the events that preceded the assassination: Lanin made friends with a group of so-called "reshalschikov", which gave a large sum of money. From Second await information on the persons who are behind the crime.

Additional information needed in the police due to the passing today in France judicial investigation over the natives of Chechnya Yazidm Arsalievym and Ruslan Bersanov accused of shooting Lanin, as well as the investigation into the alleged "clients" of the crime.

Mikhail Lanin was killed in France March 7, 2011. On this day he arrived in Nice with his common-law wife Elena Orthodox. A man and a woman met a few people from Chechnya, who put them in the car and drove to a place Villepinte. On one of the dead-end streets, one of the intruders from the small-caliber pistol shot in the head Lanin and Orthodox. Businessman died on the spot. Elena was more fortunate - bullet pierced the skull, the victim only fainted. A criminal has decided that the second victim also died, so quietly went along with an accomplice.

Recovering, Orthodox able to describe the attackers. As a result, police arrested people from Chechnya Yazid Arsalieva and Ruslan Bersanov, who together with his parents moved to France as early as 10 years of age. Who is above them is a judicial investigation. One of the detainees testified that the crime of EUR 100 thousand, "ordered"Chechen "authority" Walid Lurahmaev. Now he is on the international wanted list through two countries - Russia and France.

Motives for murder Lanina established RF IC and employees of the Interior Ministry. According to them, in 2010, businessman Mikhail Lanin thinking about how to take a leadership position in some state-owned companies. According to police, he offered to help a former employee of Mikhail FTPS Koryak, which Lanin was a sign on the construction business. That, according to investigators, introduced him to several alleged members of the presidential administration, which initially promised to Lanin and his son in the position of the Central Office of the Interior Ministry, and then in the "Olimpstroj", then "Mezhregiongas-Saratov". And under each intended use "officials" asked financial injections. A total of Lanin gave them 200 million rubles. Moreover, he brought some of his friends from the "officials", who also promised buddies Lanina senior positions in return for large sums.

Only in 2011 Lanin became suspicious. He asked him to return 200 million rubles, threatened onRotate the police. As established by Russian and French investigators, then "reshalschiki" Lanin told another "bike", which the businessman "pecked". They said that all the money paid went high-ranking official of the presidential administration and the soon or arrange appointment Lanin or return 200 million rubles. In the meantime, this "bump" from the Old Square asking for a small favor. He has looked after himself a mansion not far from Nice, but by virtue of his position, he is afraid to buy it. "Reshalschiki" was told that the money will give Lanin (just the amount of about 200 million rubles), the must buy them a mansion in France and place it on yourself. In reality, the real estate will be in the official and the owner will be listed Lanin. At the same time it serves as a house for him a kind of guarantee that all the data before it promises will be fulfilled. When the businessman came to Nice, he was shot.

It is worth noting that recently the police gave France the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation copies of all the materials of its investigation, beholdychas they are translated into Russian. It is possible that the RF IC is already in Russia will raise them separate criminal case on the murder of Lanin. This is due to the fact that Russian investigators are now conducting an investigation against members of the group "reshalschikov" who took part in the deception and subsequent murder of a businessman. Five members of the group are in custody, two others - Lurahmaev and Koryak - are wanted.