Money keeps on disappearing from the Tyumen budget

The Audit Chamber has found violations in the amount of hundreds of millions, but there is no one to bring to answer for that. 
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Auditors report has once again showed that the region continues to dig low millions. But, as before, this information is in the majority of deputies did not cause any issues.

Today, 7 November, the Tyumen Regional Duma deputies at the meeting of the Budget Committee examined the report of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the region Dmitry Ogorodnikov that his department has conducted in the third quarter of 2013. The head of the House announced that in the last three months of his subordinates to check waste 9 billion rubles from the treasury and found violations of the law by 197 million rubles. In total, inspectors visited 337 facilities.

The largest part is devoted to violations of individual report. Detailed review, in particular, the situation around the company was awarded "Bystrushinskoe" which produces agricultural products, including meat, milk and bread. Agribusiness Department since the beginning of 2012 to May 2013 the company listed about 64 million rubles from the regional budget and 6 million rubles - from the federal. In the course of the last inspection Accounting Chamber found that the company Tinkering with the accounting statements, forged gAfik loan payments are not procured the agricultural machinery leasing, which issued money.

Further offenders, which the agency has allocated separately, steel township government and village Birch Kazarova actually a part of Tyumen. They tested engineering preparation of sites for individual housing construction. From 2007 to the present day area vbuhali in this project about 960 million rubles. It turned out that some of the objects of water and electricity, which are already commissioned contractors still have not decorated the property of the regional authorities. In addition, a project that was carried out construction of water supply and channeling was performed without conducting engineering surveys, which, of course, has led to numerous errors in construction. For example: route the water supply and sewage systems have been chosen incorrectly, the laying of utilities not laid where necessary, production technology works again wrong, what should be, "and so on", as the report says modestly. However, all of these, to say the shortcomings in the construction were proignoriovany.

Slap in the face of the Accounting Chamber got the city education officials in Tyumen. In particular, it turned out that they requested and received from the regional budget 37 million rubles for utilities that have been actually paid from the regional budget. Kindergarten №101 received a grant for the repair, which is 500 thousand. Rubles higher than the estimate of the contractor. By the way, the money they steal nobody could (or would not), it is, rather, about the disorder: they still hang on the account establishment, although a long time had to go back to the regional budget. In general, for the repair of schools and kindergartens revealed violations amounting to more than 5 million rubles. This does not include such details as missing from the same kindergarten №101 laptop and two TVs (105 thous. Rubles).

In general, the report, as noted by our interlocutors from among the deputies, replete with such expressions as "some variations", "set and other violations", "isolated cases of inefficient spending," and the like, and the specific numbers in it for each of the items, As a rule, no.

Perhaps, therefore, the report ofspodina Ogo individual MPs seemed raw. Many would like to have sounded the names of the perpetrators of embezzlement, which also did not have the document. Because of this vagueness in the hall sounded even insulting words "theft" and "negligence" in relation to representatives of the executive power.

However, such an assessment is categorically not like a former prosecutor and now a lawyer notebook government deputy Vladimir Ulyanov. "So to speak correctly - outraged he defended the insult. - For this to be the appropriate decision of the court. "

We recall a similar situation occurred in March 2013, after the report of the Accounting Chamber of the city before the deputies of the city Duma. Then, the auditors found violations in the budget Tyumen more than 600 million rubles. At the same time they were going to return only about 9 million rubles, or more than half of the Treasury were to disappear permanently. In addition, inspectors, oddly enough, did not reveal the most common violations in the public sector - the misuse of funds, but to write off nearly30 million rubles for the "inefficiency". Another 500 million rubles came into the mysterious section "other financial irregularities." Nevertheless, questions from the deputies to the report of the audit has not arisen.