Media reported on close ties of Firtash with British elite

The Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash has supporters among the members of the British House of Lords.
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And he consulted with the British Foreign Office on the occasion of Ukraine in February 2014 and has donated to the University of Cambridge

The British Foreign Office in February 2014 invited Ukrainian businessman Dmitry Firtash in its headquarters to talk. Businessman and diplomats from the Foreign Ministry discussed the Ukrainian politics and the economy, writes The The Wall Street Journal.

The meeting was held on February 24th. During her diplomats Firtash asked about his views on the situation in Kiev and its contacts with Russia.

The meeting was held "in a broader approach by Foring office. It was organized in order to better understand the situation in Ukraine, using the information and opinions of a wide range of people, including business leaders, "said the publication of the press-secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain.

For information about the meeting also confirmed the publication of a member of the Conservative Party Richard Spring, better known as Lord Rizbi. According to him, he organized in February and another meeting with the Foreign Ministry of Great Britain Firtash Commonwealth Office.

Cam Firtash in an interview in the spring of 2014 said that he was trying to establish in the UK due to the restoration of Ukrainian and its own reputation. "Do we try to fix his reputation? Of course we try, because it's harmful to our business. I can not be the target for darts "- quoted by The Wall Street Journal interview with Firtash.

A few weeks after the meeting at the Foreign Ministry of Great Britain Dmitry Firtash detained in Vienna Criminal Police of Austria. The arrest was made at the request of the FBI, and a businessman suspected of involvement in the creation of an organized criminal group. It clarifies a spokesman for the Federal Criminal Police of Austria, he was detained in connection "with the multi-year investigation of the FBI on suspicion of involvement in the creation of an organized criminal group."

The Wall Street Journal also reported that Firtash wide connections with the British elite. For example, one of its main allies - the former British intelligence officer and peer of Raymond Asquith. He is a business partner Firtash and is part of the supervisory board of its holding company Group DF.

Thus Asquith, together with another ofVestnik Briton - Robert Shetler-Jones, a businessman and son of an employee of the British Foreign Office in 2008, met with officials of the US Department of Justice on behalf of Firtash. They, in particular, tried to convince US officials that Firtash has nothing to do with Semyon Mogilevich, Firtash and he - he was a partner of "Gazprom". This happened against the backdrop of an appropriate investigation in the United States.

Later Firtash addressed Eskvitu and Shetler-Jones to help develop business in the UK, said The Wall Street Journal. Firtash in the area in 2005 has invested in a company established Eskvitom about $ 1 million in return 25% of its shares, according to company documents. And in the next year Shetler-Jones has combined its business with the Ukrainian business Firtash structures. Now he is deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board of Group DF.

In 2007, three of them founded the British-Ukrainian company, which was to strengthen the relationship between politicians of the two countries. Also, it was intended to represent the Ukrainian business and culture in the UK. Chairman of the Society of Artl Member of the Conservative Party Spring Richards. For his consulting services he received the money from a Cyprus company Spadi Trading. It belongs to the organization Interbeam, which is controlled by Shetler-Jones, said The Wall Street Journal.

The publication also mentions several contacts with British politicians Firtash. In addition, in the period from 2008 to 2010, the businessman fund, DF Foundation, made a donation to the University of Cambridge ($ 6.7 million) in the amount of 4.3 million pounds. The money spent on the expansion of teaching in Ukraine. The representative of Cambridge confirmed the receipt of money and said that the money from the fund went only for educational purposes.

After his arrest in the spring of 2014, the court released on bail Dmitry Firtash in 125 million euros. In early April, the United States indicted him in the creation of an international corruption scheme. According to the US Department of Justice charges, Dmitry Firtash, the Indian MP Ramachandra Rao, a Hungarian businessman Andras Knopp, a Ukrainian citizen Suren Gevorgyan and two businessmen from India and Sri Lanka are suspected of bribing Indian officials to gain access to mestorozhdments minerals. According to the US authorities since 2006 in the form of bribes to Indian officials have transferred about $ 18.5 million for a permit for the development of the mining shafts in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

"The accusations are totally groundless. It is no accident the US demand to extradite the group chairman of the board at a time when Dmitry Firtash as needed in Ukraine to participate in the economic and political reforms ", - commented on the situation CEO Robert Shetler-Jones.

In early November, it was reported that Firtash preparing an attempt in Vienna. According to the Austrian Die Presse newspaper, the order for the murder of a businessman came from Hungary, where most of the companies belonging to the group Firtash. The publication said that the businessman moves in Vienna, accompanied by 12 bodyguards.

Dmitry Firtash, the owner of an international holding company Group of Dmitry Firtash (Group DF), which includes assets in the field of chemical industry, energy and real estate. According to estimates of the Ukrainian version of Forbes, the state Firtash at the momentreserves of about $ 400 million.