Media learned about the plans of the head of the hedge fund from Russia to make expansion in the US

The founder of one of Moscow's most promising hedge funds, currently hiding from investors, has ambitious plans for expansion in the US.
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Kim Karapetyan rented an expensive penthouse in Manhattan and was going to buy a prestigious sports car. Plans businessman prevented sanctions against Russia should be of WSJ publication.

Founder Blackfield Capital, which happened in the center of controversy in October last year, has ambitious plans to expand in the US, writes The Wall Street Journal. According to former employees, in autumn 2014 the company was planning to start trading on the London Stock Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade Stock Exchange.

CEO and founder Kim Karapetyan instructed the staff to create a company in the United States - Blackfield Capital LLC - and rented for this purpose 18 offices on the 46th floor of 7 World Trade Center, writes the WSJ. The businessman also took office for a record price in Manhattan, he told the realtor Adam Mariuchchi.

In October 2014, Forbes magazine described the scandal connected with the activities of the company Blackfield Sapital. General Director and founder Kim Karapetyan Vaginak Mkhitaryan hid from investors; the situation connected law enforcement agencies.

Blackfield Capital have been licensed for dealer Deyty and securities management. In addition, the company tried to deal with offshore asset management. Head of algorithmic trading Blackfield Capital Aram Ghushian told that "he had $ 20 million under management, which have been withdrawn from the accounts." Later they were to enter one of the new fund in the Cayman Islands. Where were later on - is unknown, Forbes wrote. Employees of the company, find themselves without money and leadership, even in the autumn suggested that their CEO is hiding in the United States.

The publication Forbes noted that after the disappearance of manual Ghushian learned that potential customers top managers talked about inflated profitability, which could supposedly be more than 60% per year. He assured that he did not know what methods to attract customers, and has nothing to do with fraud. According Ghushian Karapetyan sent emails to its partners, which reported about the threats from Russia.

The publication notes that Blackfield Capital owned a large office in the business center "Moscow City", and also had an office in New York.

In turn, the authorsWSJ Op publication reminds that Blackfield was founded in 2009 and was considered one of the most promising Moscow hedge fund. Former employees and competitors Blackfield say that by 2013, the fund traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange up to 2% of futures and options contracts.

Pursuing plans to expand in the US, Karapetyan rented a penthouse worth $ 15 thousand. Per month. His American businessman instructed employees to buy Aston Martin Vanquish, which costs about $ 300 thousand., Says the WSJ, citing the former employee and documents that publication could be considered.

The first signs of the problems the company had in the spring of 2014, after the introduction of Western sanctions against Russia. "Shortly after this [sanctions] Blackfield organization in the United States terminated the contract for the rental and laid off the entire staff," - said the author of the publication. According to one of the former employees, the main reason was lack of funding due to the "economic downturn in Russia." This version of the source publication heard from Moscow staff, said that "a few large investors withdraw their money," abouttmechaet author of the publication.

Outlining the events of October, the WSJ citing eyewitness reports that Blackfield Capital officials did not know about the troubles until mid-month, when three men came to the office in a prestigious area of ​​Moscow. Without introducing themselves, they said they were looking for "29-year-old Kim Karapetyan, founder Blackfield», leads edition of the words of the witnesses.

Karapetyan did not come to the office or on the day, or the next, when the staff (about 50 people) reported that the company has no money to pay their salaries, said one of the former top managers and former employees. At the same time they were informed about the disappearance of the money of the company, which at that time was about $ 20 million, including investor funds. Define were investors from Russia or from other countries, could not be, says the publication.

The newspaper also notes that employees Karapetyan said that after graduate of the London School of Economics, he worked at Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley spokesman told the newspaper that the bank has no information about a former employee named Kim Karapetyan in any division of the world. According to the Press SecretaryLondon School of Economics, at the institution no information about how to obtain a graduate degree with the same name.

The author notes that Karapetyan has not been charged with any wrongdoing.