Mayor of Astrakhan detained on suspicion of taking bribes

According to investigators, Mikhail Stolyarov extorted 10 million rubles from a businessman for the allocation of land.
Origin source
This afternoon, in one of the restaurants in Astrakhan mayor Mikhail Stolyarov was arrested.

According to a source of "Izvestia" in law enforcement, Stolyarov was captured red-handed when receiving a large sum of money, about 10 million rubles from one of Astrakhan businessmen. MIA detains official special forces.

According to investigators, the businessman turned to Astrakhan Stolyarov with a request to provide him with the construction of the administrative building of the land area of ​​3 thousand sq. M in October this year. m in Astrakhan. Stolyarov agreed, pulling at the same time the requirement of the transfer of a bribe of 10 million rubles, and also demanded to issue his client a 25% stake in the company. The businessman informed about these requirements to law enforcement authorities, which are under the control and were all further negotiations with businessman clerk.

- Today, by members of the Economic Security Department Russian Interior Ministry in the preparation of the required 10 million Stolyarov was detained in one of the restaurants in Astrakhan, - he told "Izvestiya" Officioflax representative SKR Vladimir Markin.

He also said that in the near future, the Investigative Committee plans to appeal to the court to elect a preventive measure against the carpenter. The criminal investigation continues.

The former candidate for mayor of Astrakhan "SR" Oleg Shein told "Izvestia" that if they prove guilt carpenter and appoint elections, he intends to run for mayor.

- Since the election has passed and a half years, will have to adjust the program, because it has changed and municipal powers themselves: in the past, for example, hospitals were subordinate to municipalities, it is now the regional authority, the situation has changed on the budget, little changed on the overhaul of the federal legislation. The program will be verified, - Shein said.

This is the second corruption scandal in the Astrakhan City Hall this year. March 5, 2013 the employees of Regional Department for Combating Economic Crimes detained in his office of deputy mayor of the city Andrei Kovalev. The officer caught extorting bribes450 thousand. Rubles for the transfer of money, which the city had to pay a company to carry out repair work on the roads.

Mikhail Stolyarov was elected mayor of Astrakhan in March 2012. Earlier Stolyarov was vice-mayor of the city, in 1999-2009 he headed the "Astrakhanenergo". According to the official results of the vote in the mayoral election, Stolyarov scored more than 60% of the vote, while his main rival, the representative of the "Fair Russia" Oleg Shein - 30%.

Immediately after the announcement of election results Shein said about fraud and a hunger strike, demanding to cancel the election results. The event caused a wide public resonance.