Maxim Nogotkov flew to Moscow for a while

Maxim Nogotkov, the former owner of the Svyaznoy network and a former member of the Forbes list, returned to Moscow for the first time in four years; he does not disclose the purpose of his visit to Russia.
Origin source
The founder and ex-owner of the Svyaznoy group Maxim Nogotkov came to Moscow for the first time since 2015. About this, the entrepreneur himself told Forbes. According to him, he is in Moscow until November 15th.

Earlier on Wednesday, that Nogotkova was spotted in Moscow, the Antiglaze Telegram channel reported.

Return after personal bankruptcy court

The entrepreneur’s return to Russia coincided in time with the rejection of the appeal filed by VEB Leasing against the decision on Nogotkov’s personal bankruptcy. He was declared bankrupt in July 2018 by the Arbitration Court of the Kaluga Region. After that, VEB-Leasing filed an appeal against the court’s decision, which demanded to include 91.6 million rubles in the register of creditors' claims on Nogotkov. At the end of October 2019, the Twentieth Arbitration Court of Appeal dismissed this appeal.

According to Anton Krasnikov, partner at Sotheby’s Law Firm, personal bankruptcy can affect a citizen’s business in the United States. In particular, he may face legal seizure of assets, suspension of execution of transactions.

However, Nogotkov himself denied Forbes that his visit was connected with the personal bankruptcy procedure. But when asked about the plans, Nogotkov said that he "has nothing to announce and no time for an interview."

Meeting with friends

Next Wednesday, November 13, the businessman plans to meet with former Svyaznoy employees in a Moscow restaurant, two sources told Forbes and confirmed Nogotkov himself. Former employees of Svyaznoy meet regularly - several times a year, one of them said. “Previously, Maxim joined such meetings via video, but this time he promised to be in person,” the source told Forbes. According to him, about 100 people are going to come to the meeting.

In addition, on November 12, Nogotkov will hold the first public appearance in Russia for several years - he will be a guest of one of the events for entrepreneurs.

One of the youngest billionaires

The business from which the Svyaznoy group grew up was created by Nogotkov in the mid-1990s as a student. In 2012, Nogotkov first became a dollar billionaire, taking 93th place in the ranking of 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes. American Forbes included the Russian among the 29 youngest billionaires in the world. In 2013, the founder of Svyaznoy climbed to 82nd place on the Russian list, his fortune was estimated at $ 1.3 billion. After that, Nogotkov was no longer included in the rating of the richest Russians: in 2014, he lost control of the company due to debts.

In 2015, from a video message from Nogotkov to former colleagues, it became known that he had moved to the United States. In an interview with Forbes Life, the entrepreneur said that he planned to launch in Moscow a “coworking space with multi-functional industrial equipment where people can make unique prototypes and products themselves.” However, in the end, he chose to work on a project in the field of consumer Internet in Silicon Valley.

Last year, in an interview with the Russian Norms! Project, the founder of Svyaznoy said that he made a living by advising Russian entrepreneurs. At the same time, Nogotkov said that 90% of the time he spends on the study of such areas as philosophy, religion and history, as well as on the creation of educational programs based on the knowledge gained.

Marigold then did not rule out that he would return to Moscow. He said that he would still live in Russia, "if there were no Crimea." “Because I, as a Russian, felt and still feel involved in the decisions that were made in the Crimea and the Donbass. And Donbass for me, in principle, is my native land. My great-grandfathers were buried in Mariupol, my relatives lived in Kramatorsk and in Slavyansk during the war. For me, this is just military aggression, which Russia unleashed against a neighboring friendly country. And for me it is emotionally very difficult, because I voluntarily or involuntarily took part in it, ”said the businessman.