Lands near Moscow floated to the Caribbean thanks to Anna Scherba

The former head of the Istra district of Moscow region Anna Scherba, who's currently is under house arrest and the defedant in a criminal investigation on abuse of authority, was involved in the sale of lands of a number of collective farms in Istra through offshore companies in the Caribbean.
In addition to the sale of the RAAS land in Istria, which has already declared unlawful, Szczerba and her assistants - Roman Korzhev and Igor Grishanenko - in 2007-2009 successfully "implement" the land of collective farms the following: "Kuibyshev", "Kursakovsky", "Kostrovsky", "Onufrievsky "and" Bolshevik ", as well as the breeding farm" Sloboda "(upon whose sales have already opened a criminal case №152980).

Thus, the company Nordic Services LTD in the Virgin Islands, which is owned by Roman Korzh sold Istra lands another offshore company - Dermario Entertainment Inc., in the amount of $ 15 million. According to the "Week" Korzhev as head of the Committee of Property Relations of the Istra district, under the scheme reselling land farm "Onufrievsky". In the view of journalists also obtained documents about the postings of several million dollars in the Cypriot Marfin Bank on account Korzhin, as well as a bank account in Cyprus Laiki Trapeza Bank, which is owned by a certain Anne Sherby.

The scheme also involved the relatives Scherba, believes edition - Andrey Kolomiets, co-owner of the farm "Kuibyshev"Boldin and Victoria, who is the daughter of Anna Scherba. She was the recipient of the sum of several million dollars into your account Laiki Trapeza Bank.

In general, while the tangle of these financial transactions and transactions not investigated to the end, however, the publication asked the police to unravel it, to deal with corrupt officials and thieves years cranking out its not quite legal transactions in the Istra district of Moscow region.

Chapter Istra district accused of abuse of power to the ground
Anna Scherba suspected of fraud with the land
Kommersant, 08.08.2014

TFR has indicted the head of the Istra district of Moscow region Anna Szczerba of fraudulent land.

Main Investigation Department of the TFR in the Moscow region Istra region led Anna Szczerba charged with an offense under Part. 2 tbsp. 286 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power).

According to investigators, in 2008, Ms. Szczerba illegally signed a decree, according to which the four plots of lanka total area of ​​88 thousand sq. m. m, located in the eastern part of Istria, were derived from federally owned lands in the municipal. At the same time Ms Szczerba know that these plots belong to the category of land settlements are on the right of permanent (perpetual) use in SUE "SEC" Bolshevik "," Russian Agricultural Academy and she was not entitled to dispose of them.

After that, the head of the organized sale of the said land OOO "Azimut". Lots were sold at an undervalue -.. About 560 thousand rubles, despite the fact that their market value at the time of the sale amounted to more than 6.5 million rubles. By the way, back in 2009 warned subordinates Ms. Scherba the need to cancel unlawful decisions, she did not canceled, said spokesman Vladimir Markin TFR.

According to Mr. Markin now conducted investigations aimed at obtaining and securing the evidence base in this case. In the near future will decide on the election of the accused preventive measure.

"EastInsko Pirates' of the Caribbean
How Istra district "sailed" to the Virgin Islands? Who sold Istrian farms through Caribbean offshore, and the money cashed by Cypriot banks?
Weekly, 21/08/2014

Recently, in an array of correspondence, laid out in a network of team Shaltay Boltay, was discovered interesting information regarding the Istra district of Moscow region. Sources of blogs suggest that perhaps the former head of the Istra district of Anna Szczerba could be abused not only the sale of land the local Akademgorodok, for that at the moment she is under house arrest. It seems that the sale Istra leading state farms has not been without these same abuses. It is, above all, the collective "Kuibyshev", "Kursakovsky", "Kostrovsky", "Onufrievsky" and "Bolshevik", as well as the breeding plant "Sloboda" (upon whose sales have already opened a criminal case №152980).

All these farms - it is certainly not ladybugs and chicken, and tidbits elite Istra land. For example, "Kuybyshevscue "- it dozens of" gold "ha in the vicinity of the coveted Istra reservoir. Why sow precious simple cabbage field, if it is possible to gather a good harvest, "cabbage" dollar?

So, as we are assured sources actors in collective sale of land were made by the ex-head of the district Anna Szczerba and two of its former deputy - Igor and Roman Korzhev Grishanenko. Korzheva Mr. Personality is of particular interest. According to speculation pesky citizens between the 44-year-old Roman Y., and 72-year-old Anna Nikolaevna relations we were very far from being a purely workers. These naughty speculation confirmed by the documents published on the web.

Roman Korzhev listed owner of the offshore company Nordic Services LTD, registered in the Virgin Islands distant, but owning plots in the Istra district of Moscow region. The company has developed a brisk trade in Russian lands all on the same islands in the Caribbean. So, another offshore company Dermario Entertainment Inc. a little more than $ 15 mln. US dollars, the same farms were sold, talking aboutwhich it was previously. Unexpected demand for plots in the Moscow region in the country overgrown sugar cane!

. Over 6.5 thousand shares of its virgin offshore Mr. Korzhev allegedly received a fee - almost $ 2 million US dollars.. This is evidenced by a document - "the trust instrument." When a third-party trust management company draw up a legally deal with the assets of another company for a small fee (in this case - to $ 20 thousand dollars.).

The source claims that the way was paid the difference between the minimum and the market price for the sale of stake in the farm "Onufrievsky", belonging to the state. According to this information, the same pattern held for sale and other collective land owned by the Committee of Property Relations of the Istra district headed by the most virgin businessman Korzheva.

Judging by the published bank postings, pre-New Year night 2008 Korzhev allowed myself a little present. First, December 28, 2007, and then the January 8, 2008, 2 mln. US dollars were transferred from the account of the company MegaServe LTD in Cyprus Marfin Bank, and then - to the personal account Korzheva. The source also referred to accounts in other Cypriot bank - Laiki Trapeza Bank. There is a deposit account are also millions of dollars belonging to a certain Anne Sherby (the coincidence of transliterations can only guess).

The text of the letter from the correspondence published in the blog Bloomkin requests (most likely, to the law enforcement authorities) - to verify the legality of the sale of the collective farm land. For example, the farm "Kuibyshev" 19% of which, according to the authors of the text, belong to another family member Anna Scherba - a certain Andrey Kolomiets, director of NP "Sunrise."

Another actor among the "pirates Istra" is a kind of Victoria Boldin. Perhaps it is a deputy of the urban settlement Dedovsk and (again by guesswork pesky Istrintsy) daughter Anna Scherba. It was she who was the recipient of the reward of several million dollars obtained from the Cyprus Laki Bank of Mega Serve owned by her namesake - Victoriya Boldina.Uvy, but almost two years ago Laki Bank burst, villageie that all the money had been transferred to the Bank of Cyprus. Stuck the money in the accounts, or have long since been withdrawn and spent - can only guess.

Dangling in the air remains the question: who and why bought near Moscow land on the distant Caribbean islands? Perhaps those who appealed to the author of the letter from the published correspondence, try to shed some light on this mystery.