Kremlin described frameup campaign against Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev's opponents deliberately disseminated his statement on salaries, thinks the Kremlin. It is believed that the campaign is organized by the contenders for the post of prime minister or those who wish the defeat of United Russia in the elections.
Origin source
In the presidential administration say that the story about the statements premier Dmitry Medvedev that dissatisfied with their salaries for teachers necessary to go into business, "is obviously a custom character," told RBC two interlocutor in the Kremlin. "Dmitry Anatolyevich - himself a former teacher and also worked in the business. He came to the youth camp, where there were many teachers of economics. In other words, he came into their midst. It is clear that it was open to these guys and kind of told them about my journey. As a result, he suffered for his openness, "- explains a senior interlocutor of RBC.

Kremlin official reminded that the scandal around saying Medvedev broke out the next day after the declaration itself. "The theme is designed character. Quite clearly, that specially trained people were monitored, searched for specific words that you can put in a negative light. As a result, dragged topic, beat her, applied in a different context, and it is gone, "- he stressed.

Interlocutor RBC has put forward several assumptions about who might'veSTI campaign against Medvedev. This may be the one who claims to be the head of government, he says. "In this case we can talk about vnutriapparatnom confrontation," - he suggested. Another option - "forces that are interested in the fact that the" United Russia "in the elections received less votes as possible" (Medvedev - United Russia leader and the first number in the electoral list of the party). At RBC question of what kind of power, the source reported that the interested parties may be different people - "from the opposition parties to financial institutions."

A spokesman for Prime Minister Natalia Timakova did not answer the question about how RBC, consider whether the White House that the campaign waged against Medvedev.

What Medvedev said

August 2 teacher of Dagestan State University Gadzhi Kurbanov at the forum "The territory of meanings on the Klyazma" Medvedev asked why young teachers "receive 10-15 thousand. [Rubles. month], while the security forces, police officers receive 50 [thousand. rub. month] above. ' Premier said that compared salariesteachers and the police do not need and that he himself, working as a teacher after university, I received 90 rubles, and Lieutenant -. 250.

"I am absolutely convinced that the modern energetic teacher can not only receive the salary which he put on the official schedule, but still earn something. <...> It is a vocation, and if you want to earn money, there are lots of beautiful places where you can do it faster and better. The same business. But you did not go into the business, as I understand it, "- said Medvedev.

On the same day the Russian media paid attention to the column by Timothy Ash published on the website edition Financial Times August 1st. In it, in particular, the author suggested Medvedev resign after the election of the State Duma in September, and the appointment in his place of former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin. "Exercises on the theme of the forthcoming resignation of the government - they are not new. We know that everything has consistently read tea leaves ", - commented on the column reporters presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

The following day, 4 August, at petition appeared onlinewith the requirement to send the Prime Minister to resign. It was created by a user with the nickname for Alexander Lee, previously submit petitions online. During the first day the proposal gained 160 thousand. Signatures. "Cabinet will be headed by a competent, educated, radeyuschie of man the country. Now we see the opposite picture ", - reads the petition description. Dmitry Peskov, said then that the Kremlin is not aware of the petition. At the time of publication of the article below it signed by about 264 thousand. Users.

Then, on August 4 deputies from "United Russia" met with Education Minister Dmitry Livanov, who said that the salary of teachers has reached 100% of the average for the region, and that their average salary is increasing by an average of 6-7% per year. Chairman of the Duma Committee on Education Vyacheslav Nikonov after a meeting with the Minister announced the teachers' forum with Medvedev before the start of the school year.

No money

Medvedev's statements often cause resonance in the media and social networks. In May, the Prime Minister visited the Crimea and in conversation with the Crimeans responded to a complaint on the high pensionerie prices and low pensions, "There is simply no money. We will find the money - do indexing. You stay here, you all the best, good mood and health ", - said the prime minister.

According to the analytical center "Medialogy" meme "No money, but you keep" number of mentions in the Russian media has become the most popular of the year (from June 2015 to July 2016-th).

On the eve of the last Duma elections, then-President Medvedev said that "no one has ever come back in 2007 because the yard in 2011, and all of us others." Shortly before the presidential election in 2008, being the first deputy prime minister, Medvedev said that "freedom is better than non-freedom".

on the resignation of Prime Minister Medvedev campaign may be associated not with the Duma elections and presidential, said political analyst Alexei Makarkin. "This is a story widely, about what to spend the presidential elections in 2018 and already in 2017 - says Makarkin. - Remember how recently on the "meanings Territory" [Deputy Finance Minister] Tatyana Nesterenko said that by the end of 2017 the money runs out completely. On the related question, whenirat prime minister. "

An important factor in the campaign against Medvedeva- competition among the elite for the leading role in the preparation of the future program of economic development of the country, which in 2018 on his election could go, Vladimir Putin, said the director of research close to the Kremlin, Alexander Pozhalov Fund ISEP. "On the role of its main developer publicly claims Alexei Kudrin, the operating time preparing Stolypin club. But in June, President at the St. Petersburg forum announced the establishment of strategic development and priority projects of the Council, and Medvedev has taken it a key position of head of the Presidium of the Council. It turns out that it is Medvedev and Igor Shuvalov as his deputy in the presidium of the board should be responsible for cross-linking of external experts with the activities of the proposals and the government's plans. It may be a coincidence, but it was after the creation of the Council of the second key antikampanii object, in addition to Medvedev, became himself Shuvalov, "- the source says RBC.