Kolomoisky earns money on the Moscow real estate

The company Elit-holding founded by the Ukrainian oligarch and his partners in the Privat Group, leases a luxury building on the Arbat.
Origin source
How do I find "News", Igor Kolomoisky and his partners in the group "Privat" Gennadiy Bogolyubov, Alexey Martynov through Cyprus and the capital structure of "Elite-holding" control building in Moscow's Arbat District (Cook, 10). According to an extract from the Unified State Register, JSC "Elit Holding" owns a renovated mansion from the early XX century on the Chef on the right of property and leases it also housed the affiliates of the holding structure.

JSC "Elit-Holding" was established in 2001. Certificate of Incorporation must be that the founders of the company are Igor Kolomoisky, Alexei Martynov, Gennady Bogolyubov and Dmitry Riabokon (25%) - these structures Kolomoisky information in the Russian media did not appear. The main specialization of JSC - "Letting of own nonresidential real estate."

According to information from "News" July extract from the Unified State Register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it (the Unified State Register), "Elite-Holding" since 2001 has the right of ownership of the building on Cook Street, Building 10, Building 1. This is a business center class & laquo; B + »« Cook Plaza ". Specialist agencies "BEST Real Estate," Natalia Labuzova estimated the cost of building a kilometer from a cream about 2 billion rubles.

The representative of the "Elite-Holding" Andrew Gushchenko confirmed that the building of the business center "Cook Plaza" is the property of "Elite-holding."

- We are the owners of a building on Cook Street. The cost of renting office space in the business center is $ 1.2 thousand. per 1 sq. m per year, - said Gushchenko correspondent of "Izvestia", which introduced the interested tenants.

Question cautious customers about whether the owners of the Ukrainian group "Privat" the owners of "Elita-Holding", Gushchenko discouraged.

- I can not comment on this issue. We do not disclose information about the owners of the company. And who told you that? Could you please send a link where this information was published? - I asked official.

Gushchenko also refused to call his office, stressing that he, "as an officer, not Authorized Personchen comment "and was extremely interested in where in the" News "got information that Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov allegedly controlled" Elite-holding. "

Excitement Gushchenko understandable: July 7, the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky, whose fortune is estimated at about $ 2 billion level, proposed to confiscate the property of the "supporters of separatism". In his statement, he noted that he considers it appropriate selection of property from people who do not support the new government in Kiev.

- The state today is simply obliged to carry out the confiscation of property, plant, stock separatism supporters. All those who financed and continues to finance terror in the country, - he said.

"Elite-holding" Business risks are also rebounded after June 21 Investigative Committee has indicted the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and Kolomoisky. They are imputed to the murder, the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, impeding the professional activities of journalists, kidnapping. June 26 Avakov and Kolomoisky were announced in IUzhdunarodny wanted. In addition, representatives of the TFR said that against Kolomoisky may be initiated another case of banditry or creation of an illegal armed formation.

It is not clear that the Russian authorities will do with the remaining Russian assets Kolomoisky (Russian branch of Privatbank sold Binbank in April for $ 172 million, "Cook Plaza" is certainly not the only asset "Elite-holding") - for a start it was necessary to have a legal scrupulousness prove the formal affiliation of the same "Elite-holding" Ukrainian businessmen.

This is not a trivial task, not only because of "Elite-Holding" was established as a closed joint stock company (such companies disclose information about their owners only to tax), but also because the current at the moment Beneficial "Matryoshka" is a nominal, trust owners .

The profile of "Elite-holding" in the database SPARK has Rosstat data that in 2009 75% of shares passed into the property Galermos Trading Limited (Cyprus), 25% - to Semorian Invest Ltd (Cyprus). Solution & laquo; hide "assets was made after the 2008 war in Georgia, when it became independent of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and shortly before the political protégé" privatovtsev "- Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko - has replaced Viktor Yanukovych in early 2010. According to the respondents "Izvestia" of lawyers, information about the change of owners might get into the base because of the bankruptcy process on the suit against Gazprombank "Elite-holding" (more on this process, see. Below), at the stage of observation.

According to the Corporate Registry of Cyprus, the owners and Galermos Semorian, however, are nominal, and in connection with any entrepreneurs in the public domain, these firms were not mentioned. Company Galermos Trading established in 2008, the director and sole owner of the currently listed Panagiota Christofi. Nominee shareholder in Cyprus in general rather frequent profession. Panagiota Christofi appears as a nominee in the list of affiliates of Russian companies: for example, it uses the services of Alexander Mamut: Christofi formally owns 100% of the company Lordex Investments (shareholder of NOMOS-Bank).

In 2013, of historicallytheir data from the Cyprus Registry, shareholder Galermos performed Marigold Trust Company Limited from the island of Jersey (UK offshore company). Marigold mentioned in the statements of the British oil and gas company JKX Oil & Gas (has assets in Ukraine) as the beneficiary JKX. It is known that Igor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov, owned 27,5% JKX. In addition, in 2008 the company was owned Galermos Fayver Properties Inc. Belize (country in Central America) - the company floated a minority shareholder of Ferrexpo (Switzerland), which owns Poltava Mining and Processing Plant, and the beneficiary Ferrexpo Fayver reporting directly called Bogolyubov.

With regard Semorian Invest, this structure is more nominal, and part of the "Matryoshka" is not used by Ukrainian businessmen. Semorian also established in 2008 and is now owned by another Cypriot company - Dolenia Trading Co. Limited (Cyprus), the director of the previous shareholder Semorian - another very popular in Russia Cypriot lawyer Anna Korelidu. Dolenia established in 2001 and its founders are Cyprus service companies Gramaro Consulting & Services Limited and Proteas Consulting & Services Limited.

As told "Izvestia" RepreApplicants Moscow commercial real estate market, information about the owners of "Elite-holding" carefully concealed, but the industry knows that, "Cook Plaza" is controlled by the Ukrainians.

- We once participated in a business center on Cook, for these are precisely the Ukrainians, but who exactly is hard to say. All the processes are closed to the Chairman of the Board Dmitry Riabokon, - said a source in the real estate market.

Said Andrew Gushchenko from "Elite-holding" in 2008 was led by a number of other group companies "Elite" - JSC "Elit-office", "Elite-operation", "Elite Realty", "Elite-Atrium", "elite rent "," Elite-business, "Elite City", "Elite Building", "Elite-advertising" and so on. All of these existing Company, established in 2007, and its founder, according to the register, is just Dmitry Riabokon.

Riabokon long time was chairman of the board "Moskomprivatbank", created on the basis of "Privatbank" of the Moscow branch. However, in 2002 he left the post, that is, just at the very time when Creatvalsya "Elite-holding." While serving as chairman of the board Riabokon "lit up" in 2007 because of the incident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow: the case is widely described in the press. May 26, he moved his car BMW 735 on the dividing strip and was stopped by traffic police. On the requirement to produce documents Riabokon said that he has a special pass. Traffic policeman reached for documents through the car window, but Riabokon gripped her glass and began to move. Next appeared the other policeman with the service weapon. Seeing the gun Riabokon stopped. During the inspection, he had found the gun IZH-29 with eight bullets in the clip, a special pass proved bogus. A criminal case under Art. "The use of violence against a representative of authorities" - 312 of the Criminal Code. Riabokon was sentenced to 3 years probation, and a fine of 50 thousand. Rubles.

Riabokon then explained that he was a victim of the conflict: "Elite-holding" and 2nd branch of DPS were on Cook Street in buildings located next to each other. Between them there was an area that was not possible hearthit. This, according to Riabokon, was the reason for the confrontation that resulted in the incident.

The activities and tenants "Cook Plaza" can learn from the arbitration bodies of the "Elite", they had plenty, and have an open court decisions. For example, an intermediary company, "Prime City Properties" in 2010 accused the companies of the group in the non-payment of fees in the amount of 1.17 million rubles (case №A40-65924 / 10) - the court decision stated that "Prime City Properties" provided " Elite bargain "of the client in the face" of the Transport Directorate of the Olympic games. " However, the legal basis for the recovery of fees on the "Elite-system" was not found.

By the way, in 2012, Gennady Bogolyubov, bought a 7-storey building in Trafalgar Square a total value of £ 173 million - purchase Bogolyubov, might have been able to hide, if the same thing happened as in the case of the "Prime City Properties": on he sued the London consultants helped with the purchase of real estate, which Gennady refused to pay a commission.

In 2011, he sued the "Eli-rielti "another tenant Smartbank. Credit organization has made a sum to the landlord a deposit of 3 million rubles, taking into account long-term lease. The contract was written that if a company decides to move out ahead of schedule, then the money for the remaining period will be refunded. When representatives Smartbanka notified "Elite Realty" its intention to leave the rented area, it turned out that the money they no return not going to. As a result, Smartbank filed a lawsuit to arbitration court proceedings and after the "Elite-Realty" had to return part of the funds, while still having seized the money for redevelopment, and to renovate the premises.

In 2011, the court at the suit of Gazprombank acknowledged "Elite-holding" bankrupt. According to Alexei Suchkov, who was appointed by the court temporary administrator "Elite-Holding", the conflict took place because of the intractability of "Elite" manual.

- The company "Elit-holding" rented office space in its own building on Cook Street, Building 10, Building 1, for rent Gazprombank - Suchkov told "Izvestia". -In 2006, Gazprombank has terminated the contract and demanded the return of the remaining amount of the rent. "Elite-Holding" refused. As a result of litigation final debt "Elite-holding" to Gazprombank was 9.3 million rubles. Since the company to repay the debt was not in a position, Gazprombank has filed a second lawsuit in court about Elit Holding bankruptcy, on 24 June 2011 the court decided, and while I have been authorized temporary administrator of the company. Bankruptcy 'Elite-holding "lasted until January January 31, 2012 and ended after the company returned debt to Gazprombank.

All on the same occasion in 2013, the publishing house "Celebrity" complained of "Elite Group" - because of the failure of the latter from the obligation to return the money. As follows from the case in August 2011, the publishing house "Celebrity" has concluded an agreement for the rental of premises with "Elite Group", which is due to expire June 30, 2013. Under the contract of "Celebrity" contributed funds for a deposit of two months' rent payment, which after termination of "Elite Group" contract must be usedyla return. But this was not followed.

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- Deposit, we still have not returned, - said Mikhail Eremeev, Director of "Celebrity Publicity Group". - They do not respond to the judicial act, so our lawyers act passed to bailiffs. Although it was expected. Our decision to move out in the first place was due to the beastly attitude of "Elite Group", - he explained.

All former and current tenants at Cook, 10, say they do not know who owns the JSC "Elit-holding."