In the city, where Leviathan was filmed, a businessman shot the mayor, his deputy and killed himself

A reply to Medinsky from the Russian reality.
Origin source
In the city of Kirovsk Murmansk, where they filmed the Oscar-nominated "Leviathan" by Andrei Zvyagintsev, it was a cruel double ubiystvo.Zastrelen administration head Ilya Kelmanzon, as well as his deputy for housing and communal services, the shadow "host city" Sergey Maksimov. Killer - An elderly businessman Ivan Ankushev, desperate city officials. What happened to the head denies Russian Ministry of Culture Vladimir Medina, who said that "Leviathan", the protagonist of which is in a similar situation, is not "in Russian history." The tragedy also overturns the opinion Russian guardians claiming - picture Zvyagintsev starred on the American story for the Western audience. Details - in material.

As the posts of law enforcement, in his own office shot dead the head of the city administration Ilya Kelmanzon (previously worked finupravlenii main enterprise "Apatite", went to the town hall in 2007 - Ed.)., Was killed and his deputy for housing and communal services Sergey Maksimov. The killer - 62-year-old Ivan Ankushev owner Chetyreex stores in Kirovsk.

It happened around 10:30. In the morning Kelmanzon met with the staff of cultural institutions, held bodies meeting and briefing for journalists. Left together, the officials invited to a reception expected in Ankusheva businessman. It was planned to discuss the imminent termination of the lease of premises, where there was a shop owned by Ankusheva "Youth" on the street Dzerzhinsky.

Going into the study, says the criminal chronicle, Ankushev Put in the tack-welded with a TT pistol with a sawed numbers. The first shot in the neck, businessman dealt with Maximov. Then he began to shoot at a city-manager, making about ten shots. Only one bullet hit the target - right into the governor chest, but the wound was fatal. Wounded Kelmanzon walked a few meters down the hall, opened the door to the next room of Control and Accounts Chamber, fell onto a sofa standing there and soon died, even before the arrival of an ambulance.

Following Ankushev committed suicide. First, let two bullets in the chest missed the first time, in the villageugoy - he injured himself, but the bullet went on a tangent, without causing serious damage. Third, the fatal shot - in the head. As described Kirov journalist Margarita Bryk, rushed to the scene within five minutes after the shooting, the walls in the office Kelmanzon were literally riddled with bullets, and the floor, including in the corridor, in which the head of the administration was doing the last steps, covered with blood.

It is known that arrived on the scene, law enforcement officers found a suicide note at Ankusheva. Its full text is not published. However Bryk gives some of its fragments: "Hope is not a fair trial", "My turnover did not exceed 25 million rubles a year. Administration owed me 4 million rubles. You destroyed me. "

What does the first sentence, it is clear from the explanations fellow officers dead. Thus, the head of the legal department of the city administration Koptyaeva Julia explained that it is likely to go on court decisions on recovery Ankusheva debts to the municipality. Total they were about 4 million rubles: part of rent, part - on municipal platezham. The businessman refused to pay the bills.

"I have the feeling that the man considered unfair in all this life: all of our regulations, all of our actions and all documents - no relevant law - said Margarita Koptyaeva Bryk. - But you know, three courts have agreed with our point of view. " Kirovsk Mayor Vladimir Shaposhnik added: "There are our regulations, they are not prepared for Ivanov and Sidorov. These documents are called "technique" (probably calculating payments - Ed..), And this technique is not liked Ivan Alekseevich [Ankusheva]. He did not want to pay. "

However Ankusheva son, Maxim, for his part said that the invoices issued to his father, "were baseless charge of" - "the increased rent or additional services, for which he should not have to pay." This, for example, about the cost of repair of buildings, where there were shops Ankusheva. It is known that the municipality to carry out repairs on their own tenders, and to affect their conditions, including the declared value of the services Ankushev could not. Nevertheless MFthat it was presented to the payment of a businessman in full.

Some people in the city, however, argues that Ankusheva often applied to the bottle, was diagnosed with diabetes and depression. That is, the killing of government officials and suicide he committed supposedly in a state of mental disorder. Doctors also Kirovsk, watching Ankusheva, information about mental illness deny. But cirrhosis of the liver, and in the last stage, due to addiction to alcohol, he really suffered. It is possible that this circumstance predetermined the bloody denouement of his relationship with the mayor's office. According to Maxim Ankusheva, his father had planned to buy back the premises of its stores using 159-FZ - "small privatization", giving businessmen preferential rights to purchase the grounds that they rent from the municipality. In the mayor's office denied it, pointing out the debts and legal norm of a three-year lease terms flawless performance to repurchase the premises. In critically ill patients were not Ankusheva this time.

Also in Kirov there are rumors that in the office Kelmanzon skirmish. Supporters of this version of the Suncommemorate that killed the deputy head Maksimov as Ankushev build their business since the 90s, enjoyed a certain prestige in the criminal circles of the city. Moreover, Maksimov until recently was considered a master of shadow Kirovsk. And it was for him to "disassemble" was Ankushev (so something Maximov was killed first), and Kelmanzon "fell under the distribution." However, the law enforcement agencies about the shootout deny: on-site was discovered TT Ankusheva only.

Anyway, what happened is definitely reminiscent of the story "leviafanovskogo" mechanic Nikolai Sergeyev: unsuccessful opposition to the local government, losing the courts, finally, death.

In a recent interview to "Izvestia" head of the Russian Ministry of Culture Vladimir Medina stated that "Leviathan", "does not seem purely Russian history." "Do I see the characters in the movie kind of Russian specialness? I do not see. No matter how much the authors nor made them swear and drink liters of vodka from the bottle, it is their true Russian does not. Himself, his colleagues, friends and even acquaintances familiar characters in "Leviathan » I have not seen "- said Medinskiy2.

He was supported by the chairman of the Synodal Department for Church and Society of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin. "Obviously, he (the film - Ed.). Is made based on the Western audience, or rather, the Western elites as consciously reproduces rashozhie myths about Russia and help it take root myths", - the minister said the ROC. Dmitry "Goblin" Puchkov also believes that "Leviathan" is tailored for Hollywood and Hollywood: "The whole Hollywood is imprisoned under: show what you imbeciles, morons, and a threat to peace. And whether we're shooting this movie? Yes, shoot! In this movie we show what we are imbeciles, morons, and what we are a threat to peace. For example, a citizen Zvyagintsev took such a film. "

As you can see, in a blind accusations, and even deliberate transfer "brutal American reality" on the native open spaces do not work. The tragedy played out in Kirovsk goda14 March 25, 2009, three years before the beginning of work on "Leviathan". Idealize businessman Ankusheva not: according to Marguerite Bryk, he "I came out of the dashing 90's. " Also, it does not need to equate the Kirov Kelmanzon and "leviafanovskim" mayor by Roman Madyanova. Bryk and her colleague, a local journalist Mikhail Eliseev, say Kelmanzon as an extremely decent man, who was able to two years to clean up the budget of Kirovsk and return to him the order of 2 million rubles, half of what is owed to businessmen in previous years. However, the prototype of the hero Madyanova, apparently, could well become the first victim Maksimov.

Add that buried and killed them Ankusheva officials in one day and on one cemetery. In Kirovsk called "13th kilometer". Ankusheva put on the left side of the alley, close to the exit, and Kelmanzon Maximova - on the right, closer to the center. "They buried the entire city, and are divided into two, even three parts," - says Bryk. On the one hand - traders, who valued love Kelmanzon to the letter of the law, and the "lads", dear Maximov, on the other - a lot of ordinary people. "Ankushev was his for them. No one is turned away for "Mercedes" with protection not go. He can be usedylo easily sit, drink and talk. Many believed that Ankusheva just brought, "- says Bryk. For this part of the population honest, but avoid contact with the masses City Manager Kelmanzon stranger appeared. They say his successors such errors do not recur. They do not dare.