How to earn half a billion rubles as governor

Mockery at the law: six private firms of the Chelyabinsk Oblast head, through which go the budget money.
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Magnitogorsk businessman Boris Dubrovsky, who is also governor of the Chelyabinsk region, the other day actually completed the lawsuit in bankruptcy court, returning a "corporate control" (as defined in the documents) in UAB "Vista". For this small company with a registered capital of 3 million rubles Dubrovsky fought the last six years, the decision in his favor was made in February last year, and this year last repulsed the attack opponents. "That's the whole Dubrovsky: he personally oversees all their assets - ranging from small hotels in Magnitogorsk, completing construction projects and state contracts" - is characterized by the Governor-businessman of his partners.

As the plaintiff in the lawsuit personally I spoke Boris Dubrovsky, who demanded his return "corporate control in ZAO" Vista ".

According to Dubrovsky, shares in the Company have been illegally charged to his personal account in 2008. The Arbitration Court of Karachaevo-Cherkessia in February 2015, satisfied the requirements of Dubrovsky, and then resisted the decision on appeal, and in Februaryle this year opponents Dubrovsky did not manage to achieve its revision.

Thus, Boris Dubrovsky has achieved a return on their shares. However, even in 2012, the company "Vista", which specializes in renting their own property, was declared bankrupt and bankruptcy proceedings there has not yet been completed. "Perhaps the issue is real estate in Moscow, where the company was registered earlier. But Boris by nature the kind of person that is fighting to the last for every penny, every action, every object ", - explains the persistence of the governor-his businessman friends.

Boris Dubrovsky plus everything prefers to personally control their business assets - is illustrated by extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Entities), and data from other official sources.

Today Dubrovsky governor, that is a public servant, decorated share in the total amount of over 250 million rubles companies.

The main assets of the head of the region's known - is holding "Sinai" (Magnitogorsk, the authorized capital -30 million rubles), LLC "Chelyabstroykomplekt" (Troitsk, 15 million rubles), LLC "Bobrowski plant reinforced concrete structures" Energy "(village Quartzite, Trinity area, 30 million rubles), LLC" Novatek "(Magnitogorsk, 21.2 million rubles ), as well as LLC "Sand and gravel" (7.96 million rubles) and LLC "Sanarsky granite" (156 million rubles). In these companies Boris Dubrovsky executed on 100% of the shares.

The administration of the Chelyabinsk region Governor once and. about. head of the region Boris Dubrovsky was appointed in January 2014, stated that the share of commercial structures transferred in trust (who is not specified). Later, in 2015, when Dubrovsky declared income for the year 2014 (total it earned 358.2 million rubles), his press office announced that the governor of the assets sold and that this affected the substantial growth of its welfare.

Sources in business circles Chelyabinsk region say that Boris Dubrovsky formally handed over control of assets in the son of Alexander, but manages still himself. However, official sources - USRLE and SPARK - youod Governor of the business proved to be in no way reflected.

In fairness it should be noted that in May 2014, before the gubernatorial campaign, Dubrovsky really conveyed to the trust management of the Criminal Code "RFC-Capital" 100% stake in OOO "Chelyabstroykomplekt".

However, in November 2014 (after successfully won the election), the 100% of the shares have been issued again immediately Boris Dubrovsky.

A LLC "BZZHK" Energy "in the past year has been transferred under the control of" Sinai ", which, however, is written to the governor.

It is interesting that in recent years the company Dubrovsky operate at a loss: for example, Ltd. "BZZHK" Energy "on revenue of 170.2 million rubles in 2014, a loss of 43.8 million rubles; LLC "Chelyabstroykomplekt" finished 2014 with a loss of 54.6 million rubles on revenue of 194.2 million rubles; LLC "Novatek" in 2014 got out of losses, a profit of 1.4 million rubles on revenue of 12.5 million rubles, and before that also worked in a minus.

During 2015 the company will report later, but it is possible that in the past year the company HuberAtor Dubrovsky significantly improve their business. As the SPARK database, only the company "Chelyabstroykomplekt" last year concluded state contracts to 266.4 million rubles. Among them - a contract from the Ministry of Construction and infrastructure of the Chelyabinsk region (before reorganization) to 77.7 million rubles, as well as a number of municipal contracts. "Sinai" working under state contracts worth over 50 million rubles, and BZZHK "Energy" - 12 million rubles.

In paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2004 number 79-FZ "On State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" explicitly states that the civil servant shall not engage in business in person or by proxy, and also to participate in the management of a business entity.

Otherwise, the civil servant shall be subject to dismissal or removal from office in connection with the loss of confidence.

In the case of the governor Dubrovsky situation is aggravated by the fact that his company participating in public procurement, while keeping an illegal advantage over other bidders - ie there Conflentct interest and personal interest first person in the region. LLC "Chelyabstroykomplekt" in 2015 received government contracts by 266 million rubles.

We add that the Chelyabinsk opposition has tried to draw attention to the illegal participation of Boris Dubrovsky business. At the end of August 2015 the head of the Chelyabinsk branch of the party "Parnassus" Alex Tabalov filed an appeal to the prosecutor of the region Alexander Kondratyev. Prosecutors region today said that to meet the requirements Tabalova - to inspect for violations of the law - 14 September last year, it has been denied. Other details of the supervisory authority could not tell, referring to the fact that disclose this information can only applicant. Alex Tabalov, in turn, said, that the response of the supervisory authority, he did not get, but the prosecutor's office informed him that the document has been sent.

The press-secretary Dmitry Fedechkin governor said today, that all assets transferred under trust management agreements. "USRLE shows the owner, but the transfer of contractual principalth control in accordance with the Federal Law achieved, "he said, but could not say who was transferred assets.

Also, according to Dmitry Fedechkin, no conflict of interest when the company owned by the Boris Dubrovsky, Gostorg win, does not arise.

"All the requirements of the Federal Law on our part are made. Russian President Administration informed in this regard, there are no claims, "said a spokesman for the governor.