German Gref again handed himself a bank

Last Friday, at a meeting of shareholders, German Gref was re-elected head of Sberbank. This period will be the fourth time for longtime acquaintance of Vladimir Putin.
When at the end of 2018 German Gref provided the plane for transportation to Moscow of a child rescued from under the rubble of a residential building in Magnitogorsk, it became clear that Sberbank is not just a “state within a state”, but much more solid than any state agency. The Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not have a fast jet, while Gref had plenty of them.

Personally, the head of the state bank, according to the Interlocutor, is assigned a Gulfstream G650 business liner with a tail number RA-10204 and worth $ 70 million (about 4.5 billion rubles). A couple of weeks ago, this jet took Gref to the Astana Economic Forum in Kazakhstan, and on May holidays he flew to Nice.

German Oskarovich can afford to relax on the Cote d'Azur. And not only because he is a knight of the Order of the Legion of Honor - the highest award of France. Sberbank, headed by him, beats all records in profit and goes far beyond the standard framework of financial and credit organizations, capturing new business niches.

Just a holiday of some kind

Sberbank employees celebrated the New Year offensive in the Megasport Palace in the capital. From the scene of the crowd entertained group "Mirage". Services "on the organization and conduct of activities" cost, according to the site of public procurement, nearly 30 million rubles.

To celebrate the financiers was that. Last year, Sber earned a record 831.7 billion rubles. net profit, which is 11% more than a year earlier.

If the New Year festivities, according to the participants in the social networks, were great, then the corporate party before March 8 was marred by the mistake of the bartender, who broke a huge pyramid of champagne glasses. As it turned out, fortunately: in the first quarter of this year, the bank did not crumble, but again broke its own record in profits.

Today, almost every resident of the country (92.8 million customers) is a Sberbank user. Recently it became known about the desire of the bank to buy another asset not related to its main activity: 46.5% of the Rambler Group Alexander Mamut. Thus, the empire of German Gref decided to replenish with editions of, Afisha, Lenta, as well as the Khudozhestvenny cinema and Okko online cinema.

Even earlier, Sberbank acquired a stake in the Russian division of KFC. In addition to fast food, only spectacles were lacking.


"Premium" child

The son of the head of Sberbank, Oleg Gref, owns, according to the Interlocutor, an apartment in the premium Deluxe LCD complex. “Nobility, aristocracy, respectability ... It would seem that these values ​​of the Victorian era were preserved only in English novels, where good education and manners were instilled from birth. However, today there is a way to surround yourself and your family with a decent society. We just need to choose the right house ”- these words describe this residential complex on the websites of real estate agencies. Apartment area of ​​357 square meters. m hereditary aristocrat Gref Jr. is estimated at 200 million rubles.
Gref is in debt

The success of Sberbank is achieved mainly due to loans to the population, recognized the deputy chairman of the board Alexander Morozov. Now the retail is, according to reports, a third in the bank’s portfolio, and he intends to increase it.

According to information from the Sberbank annual report, the number of active credit cards is 15.2 million. It turns out that every tenth citizen today needs Gref, and this is without taking into account other types of lending.

Now the minimum bank rate on consumer loans without collateral is set at 11.9%. But this is ours. The Russian state bank also works in European countries, where loans are cheaper to borrowers. For example, in the Czech Republic the rate is three times lower: 3.9%.

Here are just a Russian citizen just go to Prague and take a loan in Sber on such luxurious conditions will not work. It is issued only to holders of Czech passports, and all the rest - only if you have permission to reside or stay. And when confirming income, of course.

Czechs can take out a mortgage in the Russian state bank and at all under 2.89% per annum. So no matter how much the authorities declare housing affordability programs, it does not become more accessible than the European one.

“There are no miracles,” says Valentin Katasonov, a professor at the Department of International Finance at MGIMO. - Sberbank is fattening due to the most favored nation regime. The fact that the Central Bank can punish an ordinary bank is allowed to the “bull”. Bankers joke: if there were no budget deficit, it would have to come up. After all, Sberbank, in addition to individuals, also provides loans to Russian regions. Subjects pay interest. Yes, and the clients of commercial banks, which revoke the license, Sberbank is luring to itself ...

Club "fat cats"

In parallel with the growth of the debt burden on customers, the revenues of Sberbank top managers increase annually. In 2018, payments to nine members of the board amounted to 5.5 billion rubles: an average of 611 million per person.

Plus, the "fat cats", as bank managers are often called, also own shares, which allows them to pocket a portion of the total profits. Together with other dividend receivers. Almost half of which, by the way, are foreigners. 46% of the bank's shares belong to non-resident legal entities. The share of the Central Bank is 50% + 1 share. And it is this part of the profit that is transferred to the federal budget.

Top-managers of the state bank do not deny themselves luxury. For example, Alexander Vladimirovich Morozov is an inhabitant of an elite house in the historical center of Moscow, on the corner of Kolymazhny and Small Znamensky lanes. So name is Deputy Gref. According to the "Interlocutor", he owns an apartment of 163.5 square meters. m in the LCD "Kolymazhny, 10." Its market value is about 300 million rubles.

The first deputy head of the board, Lev Khasis, does, as Transparency International found out, owns 70 properties in the Miami suburbs in the United States. In addition to dozens of cheap houses, Khasis, together with his wife Olga, own there three apartments in the first-line oceanfront Turnberry Ocean Colony residential complex worth $ 7.7 million.

Unlike officials or parliamentarians, high incomes of state bankers are formally legal. And they can legally invest their money.

It is curious that the revenues of only a dozen managers of the Savings Bank exceed the amount that the bank spends on charitable and sponsorship activities (4.8 billion for 2018). That is, sports teams, cultural festivals, support for children and veterans throughout the country are allocated less than for the awards of Gref and his team. And this is even if you do not take into account that part of the charitable funds goes to dubious projects like Unarmia.

Car instead of people

Salaries of ordinary employees of the state bank are much lower than the top managerial ones. So, the consultant arriving at work in the Volgograd settlement of Chernyshkovsky is offered 20 thousand rubles. before taxes. But the bank needs staff every day less and less: the number of employees is systematically decreasing. Since the beginning of the year alone, the staff has decreased by 2.5%, as the organization’s quarterly report shows.

A living person is replaced by artificial intelligence being introduced. “We are drastically reducing people performing some very simple operations,” said Gref. Computers independently evaluate real estate objects, make decisions on loans, etc. In a few years, the bank plans to switch to an almost completely electronic issuance of a mortgage.

True, as a result of artificial intelligence errors, the bank lost billions of rubles, acknowledged Gref. But despite this, Sberbank seeks leadership in innovation. Gref's largest contractors work in the field of information technology.

Car park

As the Interlocutor found out, the German Gref owns the Tesla Model X electric crossover with the state number P *** MP77. The cost of such a machine is more than 10 million rubles.

Other bank executives prefer the Mercedes-Benz S-Class. In the garage of the Sberbank - dozens of units of the German automotive industry. Only the maintenance and servicing of one machine costs 300 thousand rubles. annually. And the bank has to pay for traffic violations. All in all fines, incl. and from the traffic police, the organization has 4.6 million rubles. arrears.

Offshore contractors

On transactions with the bank 26 billion rubles. earned Marvis LLC, which supplies IT equipment and software. The owner of the company, Sergey Girdin, became the person involved in the investigation of the Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime (OCCRP). Girdin who received budget money using fictitious offshore companies took money out of the country, according to OCCRP.

Other leaders in the development of Sberbank money through government purchases are also controlled from foreign jurisdictions. Open Computer Solutions, which received 36 billion rubles from Gref, including for server equipment, founded by Burrost Holdings Ltd., registered in Belize. This is a tiny state in Central America, included by the European Union in the black list of offshore zones. Find out the real owners of the company is impossible.

One of the main counterparties of Sberbank - LLC OBS-Center - through the chain belongs to the Cyprus offshore Digimax Limited. O-CS-Center earned 12 billion rubles on supplies of laptops and other equipment to the bank.

According to calculations by Bloomberg, over the past 25 years about 750 billion dollars have been withdrawn from Russia to offshore, which could have been better applied in the Russian economy suffering from a lack of investment. Contributed to this "piggy bank" and the largest contractors of the state bank.

By the way

Recently, cases of fraud with the use of Sberbank ATMs have become more frequent. The terminals of this particular financial institution are set up in such a way that if the previous client (fraudster) entered the purpose and amount of payment, chose "payment by card" and did not complete the operation, the next client (honest), inserting his card, without knowing it, complete the operation and lose the money.

In addition, when calling potential victims, fraudsters began to use the technology of changing the Sberbank phone number more often. When making calls over the Internet, the victim’s phone number displays the real number of the bank, and the client is informed about the attempted unauthorized debit, calling him his full name, passport number, account balance, and even recent transactions. Confused clients report SMS data to attackers and also lose money.

Stealing funds from customers and employees of Sberbank themselves. Last year, a court in the Krasnodar Territory sentenced two former bank employees to 8 and 8.5 years in prison for fraud. The ex-head of the office and the former chief specialist suggested that customers open high-interest deposits at the bank and made fake contracts. In this case, the client was issued a credit receipt that did not correspond to the sample, and the money was stolen.