Funding Available for Kharkiv: Entrepreneur Nikita Evgenenko Wanted for Stealing

In Kharkiv, Ukraine, a local businessman is allegedly involved in a corruption scheme.
To receive grant funds from the European Union, Nikita Evgenenko, together with his accomplices, created a fake organization "Nature of Kharkiv", local media report.

Independent journalists from Kharkiv reported this information to the local law enforcement authorities. Several reports were sent, yet the police did not react.

«Nature of Kharkiv» NGO was created a few days after the European Union announced a competition for a grant to support organizations that work with organic farming. One of the activities of «Nature of Kharkiv» was corresponding to all the demands of the competition. To prove that the organization has three years of specialized activity, as required, Evgenenko has allegedly forged documents.

All other points of the requirements have also been falsified.

Random numbers were used to describe the statutory fund of the organization. European officials did not notice this. Also, the names of volunteers helping the project have also been falsified since no such people live in the Kharkiv region. Literally, the whole company seems to be a fake.

Members of «Nature of Kharkiv» have received €300,000 from EU NGO «European fund for nature». European officials suspected a fraud only when the first deadline was violated; the organization did not provide the promised workshop for local farmers. Despite threats from the European Union to file a lawsuit for fraud, Evgenenko seems not going to return the money. In case of proving his guilt, the entrepreneur faces up to five years in prison. All the following news about this situation will be highlighted by our media.