Former wife of Farhad Akhmedov will answer for a simple family yacht

The family trust fund demanded 65 million pounds for Tatyana Akhmedova for the forced simple Yacht “Luna” in Dubai.
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A new twist in the divorce proceedings between the Russian entrepreneur Farhad Akhmedov and his ex-wife Tatyana can be illustrated by popular wisdom "do not dig another hole, but you will get into it yourself."

Recall that Tatyana Akhmedova filed for divorce in the London court, which awarded her pay 453 million pounds sterling - half the fortune of Farhad Akhmedov. The businessman refused to accept the decision of the British court, since he was divorced from Tatyana back in 2000 in Russia.

Tatiana hired expensive lawyers, signed a contract with the well-known law firm Burford Capital, which specializes in investing in divorce proceedings of wealthy clients. As a security for the claim, Tatiana’s lawyers obtained the arrest of Farhad Akhmedov’s “Luna” yacht in the port of Dubai. However, Tatyana failed to take possession of the vessel, due to the peculiarities of the UAE legislation.

Recently, an article appeared in the popular British newspaper “Daily Mail”, from which it follows that the hunter and the victim changed places.

Burden Capital Investments in Dubai filed a claim for damages in the amount of £ 65 million against Tatiana and her “financial backers”. A representative of the Farhad Akhmedov family trust Straight Trust told the publication: "This lawsuit reflects the full amount of losses and loss of profits that the fund suffered because of the illegal arrest of the Luna yacht in February 2018, caused by the actions of Tatiana and her lawyers."

In addition, as it became known, the Russian oligarch is going to sue her personal suit in the amount of 50 million pounds.

The yacht "Luna" previously belonged to Roman Abramovich and is known as one of the most expensive in the world. It is estimated at 350 million pounds. The super-yacht needs constant care, Akhmedov could not use it while she was arrested. The size of the damage that lawyers of the family trust, who owns the yacht, require to pay, for Tatiana is very heavy. She lived on the money of the ex-wife, who transferred to her the house in Surrey for 20 million pounds sterling and a collection of works of art worth more than 30 million pounds sterling. But “living” money at Tatyana’s disposal is not enough not only to compensate for the damage caused by the arrest of the yacht, but also to pay for the services of numerous lawyers, lawyers, PR specialists, lobbyists with whom she surrounded herself hoping to seize half of the assets of the former spouse.

Therefore, Tatyana Akhmedova entered into an agreement with Burford Capital. This firm finances the expenses of clients in property-sharing cases with the condition of paying large interest on the amount awarded by the court. Until recently, Tatyana Akhmedova and her team of “state hunters” continuously attacked Farhad Akhmedov using legal tools and an information campaign in the press.

However, after the decision of the Court of Appeal of Dubai about the yacht "Luna" Farhad Akhmedov himself went on the offensive. For a long time he tried to negotiate with the ex-wife, offering her various options for a peace agreement. But Tatyana stubbornly refused everything, apparently, having poked at the sick loot. She wanted to become the "mistress of the sea", as in a fairy tale. But greed, as you know, does not lead to good. Tatiana Akhmedova lost touch with reality by setting the former husband’s lawyers on the former husband and arranging a race for “treasures”. Seeming easy prey eludes her hands. And now she, as in the same fairy tale, can remain at the broken trough. And lawyers, lobbyists and other "helpers" will demand the promised high fees from it. All this could have been avoided if Tatyana had agreed with her ex-spouse without the intervention of outsiders. But it seems that greed has eclipsed her mind and the tale of the failed "mistress of the sea" is approaching a logical final.