Ex-director of the Naval Museum demand to recount the exhibit items

The legal defense of Andrey Lyalin suspects that during the relocation some of the exhibit items might have been lost. 
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The former director of the St. Petersburg Central Naval Museum of the Ministry of Defence (TSVMM) Andrei Lialin accused of fraud for nearly 650 million rubles, asking the investigation to appoint an integrated merchandising, commissions and art expertise to clarify the number of transported items, as well as find out whether they were abducted or replaced by counterfeits. According to him, the audit results can reveal new embezzlement of budgetary funds by the head of the company "NEVISS-complex" Alexander Shvirikasova, which was transported exposure.

Protection Andrew Lalin suspect that the CEO "NEVISS-Complex" Shvirikasov not only failed to comply with the full design, assembly and packing and transportation work, but could not take to the new location of the exhibits.

- What can be done remotely from Moscow expertise only on the basis of documents and acts? Knowing what really moved out of exhibits and in what quantity, it is fundamental in the framework of the criminal case, so I sent a request for investigator tovarovedchtion, art history and examination commission, - told "Izvestia" lawyer Andrew Lalin Alexander Afanasyev. - The investigation was to appoint such examination in the first place, and on its own initiative, but can not understand why they still have not.

According to the lawyer, the examination will help determine whether there was something stolen, damaged, or replaced when you move.

In December 2010, the Ministry of Defence signed a contract worth 980 million rubles with "NEVISS-Complex" on the movement of funds in TSVMM Petersburg Bolshaya Morskaya Street to a new building in the labor area. According to investigators, a large part of the payment was based on fictitious contracts. As a result, "NEVISS-complex", whose director was Alexander Shvirikasov and not fully complied with the design, assembly and packing and transportation work, and nedopostavil equipment. According to estimates of the investigation, the state suffered damage in 647 million rubles.

Museum Director Andrew Lyalinov charged with three articles: Part 3 of Art.. 285 of the Criminal Code ( "Abuse of polnomoferences "), ch. 6, Art. 290 of the Criminal Code ( "Taking a bribe in a large scale") and h. 2 tablespoons. 292 of the Criminal Code ( "Forgery"). Businessman Shvirikasovu filed the same charges, but with the words "aiding". April 3 Vyborg Court of St. Petersburg extended the Lalin custody until 26 June 2014.

Sam Andrew Lialin pleaded not guilty and said that a criminal case was opened against him illegally. His lawyer has asked the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin resolve the issue of the illegality of filing charges for Lalin h. 6 Art. 290 of the Criminal Code ( "Taking a bribe"). According to counsel, Lalin impossible it to impute, as in the contract to move the customer was Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov, and performer - Shvirikasov and Lialin as the leader of another entity not mentioned in the contract, and any of the signature associated with the execution of the contract null and void.

Over time, the investigation of the case "left" one person involved - a senior Defense Ministry officer, a senior officer to work with the staff Sergei Masyutenko. Lialin claimed that it was for theI have it, he had to get in Shvirikasova rollback of 10% of the contract value to move the museum, total - 98 million rubles. Lialin admitted taking 16.5 million rubles, but the investigation incriminates him a bribe of 56 million rubles. According to investigators, Lialin advantage of incompetence in matters of movement of museum exhibits Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, State Secretary Minister Nikolai Pankov, who, according to unofficial data, the oral order transferred all powers to the Director of the museum.