Ex-director of the military plant accused of tax evasion

A criminal case on fraud with taxes in the amount of 45 million rubles during the sale of an apartment house in Moscow was initiated against the ex-director of NPP Temp. 
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Former CEO of the famous Russian defense enterprises of NPP "Temp" named Andrey Korotkov Trubkin became involved in the case of fraudulent tax. According to investigators, in 2010, he sold the building to the east of Moscow and underpaid with the personal income tax is almost 45 million rubles. Experts believe that the sale of real estate has been associated with the conflict plant managers.

Trouble Andrew Trubkin associated with the sale of them for 344 million rubles in September 2010 of an apartment building at the address: Moscow, Budyonny prospect, 19. Then he served as general director of RPC "Temp." When in 2011 he filed a tax return for 2010, then, according to investigators, did not declare the income from the sale of the house. As a result of the machinations of the treasury lost tax 44.7 million rubles of tax.

- September 13, 2013 against Trubkin criminal case under Part 2 of Art.. 198 of the Criminal Code ( "Tax Evasion"), - told "Izvestia" a source in the TFR.

In this article, the former general director of "Pace" could face up to three years in prison. In the near future for the districtth is a preventive measure.

Mentioned in the case file the house number 19 on Prospect Budyonny - "stalinka" built in the middle of the last century. Prices for apartments in the house start at 8 million rubles per one-bedroom apartment. On the ground floor is one of the branches of the National Industrial Bank (Natsprombank). Andrew Trubkin served on the board of directors of the bank. However, two years ago, the Central Bank revoked the license of Natsprombanka, and in 2012 the Court of Arbitration at all recognized this credit organization bankrupt.

The control report indicated that due to the loss of liquidity Natsprombank ceased to perform the duties to creditors and did not pay into the budget. At the same time the bank's activity was associated with operations aimed at maintenance of the bank's business interests of owners, the central bank noted. According to SPARC-based data, in the year revocation of the license, one of the largest depositors was just SPE "Temp", and Andrew Trubkin at that time was its CEO.

Trubkin himself was unavailable for commentsentariev "Izvestia". The company is also about it is not known - the decision of the Board of Directors of RPC "Temp" May 28, 2013 Trubkin powers were terminated.

This is not the first time when it becomes a party to the tax dispute: in 2012, one of the shareholders of SPE "tempo" of the Corporation "Russian system" applied to the Arbitration Court to recover from Trubkin almost 8 million rubles to cover the losses incurred shareholder. According to the plaintiff, because of the actions personally Andrei Trubkin "Temp" is not paid to the Treasury for the 2009-2010 year, about 18 million rubles of taxes and the "Russian system" is going to demand from the ex-director of this amount. However, the court then refused to satisfy the claim, finding no link between the actions and the subsequent damage Trubkin.

And in March of this year GUEB Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with colleagues from the Northern District of Moscow has revealed the theft of the company "Tempo" in the amount of more than 21 million rubles. Police officers raided the company's office, seizing documents, accounting and office equipment. On suspicion of fraud a criminal case. According to thequences, in 2012 SPE "Tempo" has concluded with two construction companies contracts for the construction and repair works and paid the contractors, even though they did not fulfill their obligations.

Previously, experts have suggested that changes in the company's board of directors may be associated with the struggle for property, located in the company's assets.

- I think that the struggle is for the metropolitan expensive real estate companies - said "Izvestia" head of the analytical agency "Airport" Oleg Panteleyev, commenting on the conflict of shareholders of SPE "Temp."

Recall, then the enterprise employees accused the majority shareholder - JSC "Corporation" Russian system "in an attempt to raider attacks. Vice-President of "Russian system" Denis Ivanov said then "News" that the complaint does not come from the band "Tempo". According to him, for the appeal to the law enforcement bodies is Andrew Trubkin.

According to SPARK data base, Andrew Trubkin now works as general director of "Project IC" - the company, rankingyuscheysya Wholesale and manufacture building structures. Trubkin share in the authorized capital of the company is 50% and is 1.5 million rubles. The telephone number listed in the details of the company, no one answers. Trubkin himself lives next door to sell the building: according to the investigation, he is registered on the avenue Budennogo, at number 20.

SPE "Temp" Korotkov name for more than 70 years, is the leading Russian developer of fuel supply systems and automatic control of gas turbine engines for aircraft and ground-based applications. More than 80% of domestic aircraft families "Tu", "IL", "Yak", "An", "MiG" and "Su" fly with engines, "Tempo" equipped systems. In this case the company employs more than 500 people, and the Russian Ministry of Defence accredited with "Tempe" its military representative.