Elena Baturina now cheese rolls

Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia, started a new business: her company produces cheese in an estate in the south-east of the UK
Origin source
Elena Baturina "directly or indirectly" owns 75% or a larger share in Artisan Farm Limited, follows from the notice published in the British corporate register of Companies House. The first to notice this reported "Open Media". The company Artisan Farm Limited, as follows from the registry, was registered on November 16, 2015. The fact that the main owner - Baturin, the company announced on December 22, 2017. Baturin - the only one listed in the registry as the owner of the company.

Artisan Farm produces cheeses under the brand name Beau Farm, according to Open Media. Gennady Terebkov, the representative of Baturina, confirmed to “Open Media” information that Baturin owns Artisan Farm Limited, and clarified that Beau Farm is the only brand of the company.

The brand’s website states that Beau Farm is owned by Artisan Farm. "Beau Farm is a small family-owned company in Hampshire," is indicated on the brand's website. The company produces Gouda, Brie and feta-like cheeses. Beau Farm has an online store as well as a Beau Cheese & Wine Bar (“Cheese and Beau Wine”) in London.

There is a blog on the company's website, the only entry in which was left by a user named Olga Luzhkova - that is the name of Elena Baturina’s daughter and former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. In addition, Olga (without a surname) is listed among the members of the Beau Farm team: the description indicates that she is responsible for graphic design and media relations. Olga Luzhkova owns and operates the British design company Buckweat Studio Limited, according to Open Media. Terebkov confirmed to Open Media that the author of the post is the daughter of Baturina and the former mayor of Moscow.

Beau Farm has a production address that matches the address of the Borper Park estate (Beaurepaire Park). The fact that it was acquired by Luzhkov, in 2016, according to local residents, was written by columnist of The Washington Post Anne Applebaum. She claimed that the estate cost £ 5.5 million to the buyer, but she did not find any records of his identity. The owner of the notes was Skymist Holdings Limited. The fact that the mansion actually bought Baturin, WP confirmed the lawyer of the couple. Open Media claims that Skymist Holdings is an offshore company that still belongs to Baturina and still owns Borper Park. Baturin acquired it in 2013, the newspaper writes, citing documents from the British real estate registry.

Terebkov calls Forbes asked to contact him later, but then stopped responding to calls.