Dirty gold of billionaire Strukov

In May, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, the desperate miners of the Darasun gold mine announced a strike. The reason is typical for Russia: the greed, impudence, and lack of principles of the owner of the mine, billionaire Konstantin Strukov.
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Konstantin Strukov ranked 108th in the Forbes rating of "200 richest businessmen of Russia" with a fortune of almost $ 1 billion. Money from the uncle is exactly - one of his official income in 2016 amounted to more than $ 6 million. The businessman owns the Darasunsky Rudnik LLC (located in the village of Vershino-Darasunsky, where 5.5 thousand people live) in the Trans-Baikal Territory since 2007 - after a terrible catastrophe in the autumn of 2006, which killed 25 miners. The mine then belonged to Roman Abramovich Highland Gold.

In the next 10 years, Strukov, as befits an effective manager, mercilessly squeezed out of the acquired asset all dry. At each corner, representatives of "Yuzhuralzoloto" shouted that the mine was unprofitable, but in fact, the owner still gave income to the owner. In 2015, the mine's revenue amounted to about 677 million rubles, net profit - 216 million rubles. In 2016, "Darasun" was extracted 300 kilograms of gold in the amount of 720 million rubles.

Despite this, the administration of the mine has economized on everything that is possible. The equipment was not renewed, they refused to keep the militant mine rescue unit (it was closed this year), even the miners were given out the dresses through the times. The reason for the rebellion of the miners was frank rudeness of the "ethnically correct businessman", under the decree of which in April 2017 the salaries were reduced to all the staff! To understand correctly, the miners received money at the mine based on the coefficient of labor participation (KTU). Naturally, the owner of the mine tried to lower this coefficient under different pretexts for his own purposes. In April, the miners were informed that they would be given a salary of 0,3 for the KTU - that is, 30% of the salary!

On May 17, 80 miners descended into the mine and refused to go out. The first reaction of the owners of the mine was simple: to cut off electricity, but the story got quickly publicized and reached the authorities of the region. And since the village Vershino-Darasunsky was recognized as a mono-city with a critical social situation in 2014 and fell into federal control, in a broken town (despite the production of gold, the village gives the impression of a front-line zone), a high command immediately rushed in. The striking miners were the authorized representative of the president in the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menaylo, the governor of the province Natalia Zhdanova, the regional prosecutor Vasily Voikin! A detailed report about what was happening in the village, read in the publication "The Vechorka" of the Transbaikal region.

The stop of the Darasun mine automatically puts the entire village in a situation of acute humanitarian catastrophe, because it is a "city-forming" enterprise. The authorities of the Trans-Baikal Territory managed to figure out why all the fuss was. It turned out that for April 873 employees of the Darasunsky mine billionaire Konstantin Strukov had to pay ... 16,419,850 rubles. Or on 18 808 rubles on the average for one worker! And now people with such scanty salaries administration of the mine tried to "cut them"! This is not even zhlobstvo, this is a mental illness!

As a result of negotiations between the authorities and the miners (Mr. Strukov did not consider it necessary to send his representatives), an agreement was reached that the workers would receive their salaries at the KTU 0.5-0.7! In order to better understand the tragicomism of this situation: it's still only 50-70% of the salary! Naturally, there are no independent trade unions at the Darasun mine (they are burnt by the administration in the Russian Federation) and, accordingly, there are no people ready to fight for their rights deliberately and persistently. Now the workers there rebelled spontaneously and only after they were almost completely deprived of their wages! But in a good way, they had to go to the end and demand KTU 1 and compensation from the greedy oligarch.

Greed, spit on ordinary people and contempt for them the oligarch Konstantin Strukov demonstrates not only in the Trans-Baikal Territory. In the "native" Chelyabinsk region, he sold the absence of fines for the Korkinsky coal mine that pollutes the neighborhood of Chelyabinsk. In the village of Roza of the Korkinsky district, because of the Strukov coal mine, apartment buildings began to collapse in the most direct sense, but all the costs of their resettlement were assigned to the regional and federal authorities. As a result, the program of resettlement of people from the danger zone failed, and the residents of Rosa Korkinsky coal mine billionaire Strukov floods every day with poisonous coal dust. And there is no sympathy from the oligarch: he does not care for those who are ill with the bad diseases of the popolans, and the local authorities only get their hands up-the uranium mine, they must understand, not small ones.

Strukov remains completely unpunished (sitting, by the way, in the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region and ... responsible for industry and ecology!) And for other "achievements". For example, in April 2017, its mine "Tsentralnaya" collapsed in the Plastovsky District of the Chelyabinsk Region, which produces gold. Two people died. The reason - violations of safety, saving on everything. Moreover, accidents, accidents and problems accompany the "well-deserved miner", and Rostekhnadzor inspections every year reveal hundreds of violations in its mines. So what? The main thing is that it's profit. And where does the oligarch Strukov send profit? That's right, offshore.

As writes Russiangate, according to the official biography, Strukov has two children. The eldest daughter, Valeria Strukov, gave a short interview in September 2016 to Tatler magazine under the heading "A Million Dollar Baby." In it, 15-year-old Strukova said that a couple of years ago she returned from Switzerland and now she studies at the school "World of Knowledge" (the cost of education in the senior classes is 950 thousand rubles per year), she dreams of enrolling in Yale, Cambridge or Moscow State University "on economic".

- Dad gave me a music studio in the tower "Empire" in the City, where I play piano and sing in my spare time, - the heiress of the millionaire told. Valeria Strukova recorded several video clips under the pseudonym Valeria Evans. And while her dad, in the sweat of her face, squeezes pathetic pennies from Russian mines, saving on safety in mines, Valeria moves between London, the United Arab Emirates, Moscow and the French Riviera, rides on expensive cars and is satisfied with life. It's a pity that a talented girl does not want to know who provides her well-being with her hard work. Maybe it would take off the clip ...