Death at the foot of the Grand Roche cliff

The interim final of a public-private partnership.
In the French Alps, near Courchevel killed Yuri Martsenko, chairman and co-owner of the Criminal Code "Ilan", one of the leading Russian road construction holdings. "Ilan" constructed highway "Amur", is the largest subcontractor Spetsstroy at the cosmodrome "East". The main scope of work of the "Ilan" was in the Krasnoyarsk region, where she was created 20 years ago.

Business Martsenko was tied to the orders of the state and, therefore, dependent on the location of the high-ranking officials. And killed businesswoman in a watershed for yourself and time these officials. Back in 2006, "Ilan" structure was created Ltd. "Transmost" - specifically for the construction of bridges in the federal program of development of the Lower Angara Region, the largest investment projects of modern Russia supplied as an example of public-private partnership. Member began to win major edge gostendery from luminaries of the market. Perhaps the solution lay in the ownership structure of "Transmost": 49% belonged Martsenko and 51% Lev Kuznetsov, from 2002 to 2007 - the first vice-governor Krasnowrskogo edge. After becoming in 2010 the governor Kuznetsov gave his share of "Transmost" Martsenko in trust, and in 2012 - finally in the property. Martsenko became the sole owner of "Transmost". But all remained firm conviction: it is - a business the first persons of the region. One of their "wallets".

However, in May the president appointed Kuznetsova Russian Minister for the North Caucasus. With its displacement of Krasnoyarsk "Transmost" collapsed. Which, of course, nothing more than a coincidence. In July because of missed deadlines lost subcontracts for the construction of left-bank approach to the fourth bridge across the Yenisei in Krasnoyarsk and it is - for the construction of a major traffic intersection. Also "Transmost" lost a long-time contract with "Mechel" for the construction of railway bridges to mine coal in South Yakutia (Kuznetsov from 2008 to 2010 was headed LLC "Colmar", worked in coal mining in Yakutia). The losses are measured not millions - billions of rubles. And "Transmost" last summer, he asked for the boundary arbitration to recognize its financial insolvency.

Martsenko, Observationspeople to communicate with him, was recently in the depressed. About Kuznetsova mental state, little is known. Although the reasons for the disorder expiring year has given him enough. The black band began last December, when all in the same ill-fated France, on the French Riviera, in the town of Cap d'Antibes Al'tshuler beaten and shot in their own villa. Worse was the fact that the incident was made public. It became clear that the position of the governor of one of the reference edges Kuznetsova powers left to stay for long. And he, as usual, began to finish.

Became publicized withdrawal scheme a substantial part of the regional budget. Billions allotted for the repair of the electricity network and housing, have enriched a narrow circle of individuals close to the figures of the regional authorities. "Transmost" stopped paying the bills. "Profit" would fix probably decided.

Against this background, it is obvious, is not all doom Martsenko seem coincidence. The evidence is the evidence? Throw. They are not required to release the dogs on Kuznetsova. No one was interested in what his French itix declared and purchased on income from businesses 90. On the other hand, no evidence has not prevented "Transmost" bureaucratic camarilla cost billions to develop around him.

A few examples. The tender commission of the regional administration staff, and KRUDora FSB (State budget institution, control of the Krasnoyarsk Territory roads), determining the main contractor building the bridge across the Angara (at stake was 4.68 billion rubles.), Twice winner of the recognized "Transmost", despite the fact that competitors They demanded a lower price.

After some time, the boundary FAS found that KRUDor in road construction in the Lower Angara Area overspent in favor of "Transmost" more than 600 million. Chapter KRUDora deputy Sergei Zyablov luminaries at least a grand a fine of 1.3 billion rubles. Again, nothing happened.

Proved unsuccessful and the interest of the West Siberian transport prosecutor's office, and then the Prosecutor General's Office to Krasnoyarsk project. Prosecutors monitor the progress of the criminal investigation into the embezzlement of budget funds in a large scale. And the matter ended zilch.

French media reported the details, without naming Martsenko by name: "Russian citizen for 50 years," was visiting friends in the town of Bozel. On Friday, 21 November, in the evening left to walk to the mountains and disappeared. In the search went walking team and a helicopter detachment air gendarmerie. With the help of the body and found - at the foot of a cliff in the area of ​​Grande Roche Mont Jouvet. The prosecutor's office launched an investigation Albertville.