Customs general Alexander Kizlyk collects dollars and gold

During searches of the Lieutenant General of the Federal Customs Service, Alexander Kizlyk, they found 600 thousand euros, 600 thousand dollars, gold bars and watches of luxury brands.
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During searches of the lieutenant general of the Federal Customs Service, Alexander Kizlyk, € 600 thousand, $ 600 thousand, gold bars and watches of luxury brands were found. This was stated by investigator Dmitry Averyanov in the Basmanny court of Moscow, which on Tuesday, December 24, considered the request for the arrest of the general, reports RBC.

The court sent Kizlyk, who is charged with two episodes of abuse of power (Article 285 of the Criminal Code), to custody. This decision was made by judge Galina Grafova. The head of the Customs Investigation and Inquiry Department of the Federal Customs Service, Kizlyk, facilitated the release of people involved in the smuggling of funds from criminal liability; as a result of his actions, the criminals regained the funds seized as smuggled, said investigator Dmitry Averyanov.

The general pleaded not guilty, the investigator said. Testimonies were given including witnesses from among the FCS employees, Averyanov specified. In addition to Kizlyk and his deputy Alexei Serebro detained with him on Monday, Konstantin Mishin, deputy chief of the Vnukovo customs, Yury Cherkashin, deputy head of the Domodedovo customs, and another person with the name Shurygin are also involved in the case.

“Regarding my participation in the unlawful termination of the criminal case [I want to say that] such a norm - the imposition of punishment below the lower limit - is prescribed by law. The accused paid a fine, contributed one fourth of the amount of illegally transported goods, ”Kizlyk said.

He claims that the Vnukovo Customs, which he does not have the power to directly influence, decided to re-qualify the smugglers as a criminal offense for an administrative offense. In addition, a decision was made to protest the inter-regional transport prosecutor, Kizlyk said.

On December 23, officers of the Investigative Committee conducted searches in the FCS and its units. According to a source from RBC, the investigative actions were carried out as part of a criminal case of fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code). REN TV specified that investigative actions are being conducted at dozens of addresses, including in the houses and apartments of the suspects.

As Kommersant wrote with reference to sources, the searches were connected with a criminal case on abuse of official authority (Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the publication, Silver and the deputy chiefs of the Vnukovo and Domodedovo customs were brought for interrogation, documents and electronic media were confiscated from them. The newspaper wrote that from November 2018 to March 2019, customs officers received bribes in the amount of $ 1 thousand to $ 3 thousand from passengers at Domodedovo Airport for the opportunity to carry undeclared goods.

On Tuesday, TFR indicted Kizlyk and Silver. A criminal case has been instituted against them under Part 3 of Art. 285 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power, which entailed grave consequences), which provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to ten years.