Compromise found in the battle for oligarch Shalva Chigirinsky's children

The court of the State of Connecticut continues the consideration of difficult family circumstances of ex-billionaire Shalva Chigirinsky, who moved to the US from Moscow, and his ex-wife Tatiana Panchenkova.
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At the next court session the judge publicly shamed former spouses for neglecting parental duties. Chigirinsky and Panchenkova, according to the representative of the law, in his quest to avenge forgotten about the welfare of children. At the beginning of the two-day court hearing, the judge said that the children of divorced spouses - eight-year twins and two girls aged 9 and 15 years, of course, there are somewhere in the minds of parents, but clearly "not at the top of the list." The Court re-heard information on the multi-year lawsuit for the right to educate and supervise children - it lasted at least four years before Shalva Chigirinsky and Tatiana Panchenkova unable to reach at least some agreement on joint content.

According to the presiding judge at the trial of Tom Colin, Chigirin children were in a terrible situation because of the fact that their parents have moved "distrust, hatred, anger and revenge." In August 2016 the duty actually finally there has been some constructive way: 67-year-old Shalva Chigirinsky received permission from seeing their children alternatelyon weekends and on Wednesdays. Russian nanny he hired for children, Chigirinsky will have to be replaced by a nanny who speaks English, and set in his mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut, special surveillance cameras. In addition, the oligarch will have to undergo "therapy unifying" with his youngest, nine-year old daughter.

At the next hearing the judge ordered the Tom Colin Shalva Chigirinsky and Tatiana Panchenkova bring photos of children, saying: "Parents, unfortunately, focused solely on his own dislike for each other." Recall Shalva Chigirinsky made his fortune in real estate trade and oil. At its peak in the year 2008, its capital was estimated $ 2.3 billion - Chigirinsky was on the 524-th stage of the global rating Forbes.

Divorce Tatiana Panchenkova coincided with a period of financial hardship and forced to move abroad. The billionaire, whose well-being is already much shaken, plunged into a series of continuous trials: former spouses shared property (real estate, furniture, collectibletion of antiques and art objects) and the right to their own children. Panchenkova claimed in court that she did not get laid after payments to divorce and accused Shalva Chigirinsky in the moral and physical violence towards themselves personally and to the children. According to a statement filed to the court in 2012, the year from her ex-husband and father has been a "cruel and barbaric physical, psychological and emotional abuse."

Most unpleasant episode of this story was the accusation in the eldest daughter Chigirinsky Irena address of the father - in this connection in March 2016, against the oligarch was a criminal case, the prosecution presented in two articles: "the risk of bodily injury" and "illegal contact with a minor under 16 years of age. "

Consideration of the case is still ongoing. Curiously, as the sound of new details of the scales of Themis indicates no longer on Chigirinsky and his ex-wife. The meeting, which took place in early summer, the prosecution completed Panchenkova Tatiana that she supposed intentionsNGOs had set up their own daughters against the father, forcing them to press charges in the "inappropriate contact", to put it simply - sexual harassment.