Companions of financial ghoul Alexei Alyakin sentenced

The closest accomplice of the serial banker was his classmate, deputy head of the Tver administration Denis Gontarev. For this he received 4 years of colony.
The Pushkin City Court of the Moscow Region handed down a verdict to co-defenders of the ex-owner of the bank "Pushkino" Aleksey Alyakin. For the theft of 600 million rubles. from this credit institution the former deputy head of the Tver administration Denis Gontarev received four years in prison, and businessman Anatoly Semyonov was sentenced to three years in prison. None of them admitted their guilt.

The criminal case of embezzlement of funds (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code) from the bank "Pushkino" was initiated by the State Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region in June 2016, according to the statement of the DIA. Analyzing the financial documentation of the bank (denied a license on September 30, 2013), the agency found that money from this credit institution was stolen under the guise of issuing loans to various legal entities - all of which turned out to be over 80. In particular, according to the materials of the case and the verdict, 600 million rubles. were kidnapped from "Pushkino" in the period from December 2011 to August 2012. To this end, the owner of the bank, Aleksey Alyakin, entered into a criminal conspiracy with his classmate, deputy head of the Tver administration Denis Gontarev, who previously headed the department for tax crimes of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tver region. It was then that Colonel Gontarev got acquainted with the local businessman, who was engaged in the construction of housing in the Tver region and the Moscow region Anatoly Semenov. Controlled by the latter CJSC "Stroyinvest" and LLC "Stroystream" Bank "Pushkino" and was granted a loan of 600 million rubles. It was assumed that this money will be spent on the construction of 11 multi-apartment houses on Vishnevaya Street in the Moscow region of Ruza. Instead, part of the money went to the construction of other facilities and the personal needs of the accused.

The first figurant in this case appeared in September 2016. It was then that the first witness Denis Gontarev was detained. At the request of the investigation, the court concluded him under house arrest. In December 2017, a similar fate befell Anatoly Semenov.

The accused did not admit their guilt in the incriminated embezzlement either during the investigation or in the court, claiming that they did not commit any crime. For example, it follows from Mr. Semenov's testimony that the loan was taken to complete the construction of the frozen object after the bankruptcy of the Tver DSC. True, the intelligible answer, where the money went, neither the investigation nor the court never received.

As a result, both figurants were found guilty of fraud. Denis Gontarev received four years of the colony, and his accomplice Anatoly Semenov - three.

Note that this is the second verdict in the case of embezzlement from the bank "Pushkino". In April 2016, the same Pushkin City Court sentenced Vladimir Murov, a film producer and head of several construction firms, to a conditional four years. This case was also initiated on the basis of the statement of the DIA, but it was investigated by the GUS of the GU MVD of Russia for the Moscow Region under part 4 of Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud in the sphere of crediting). In total, in 2011-2012 fictitious firms "Poiskovich", "Karelcement" and Capital Investment Company Bank "Pushkino" issued unsecured loans for 469 million rubles. Later, this money was on the accounts of firms controlled by Mr. Murov. Initially, it was his investigation that considered the organizer of fraud. However, he claimed that he had not seen any crime in obtaining loans. However, he soon concluded a pre-trial agreement on cooperation with the Moscow Regional Prosecutor's Office, and his role in this matter has changed. As a result, he told not only about the schemes that were used to withdraw money from the bank, but also reported that through the firms controlled by him from Pushkino, it was not 469 million rubles, but more than 800 million rubles. According to him, the real organizer of the theft was allegedly the then owner of the bank, Aleksey Alyakin. At the end of 2015, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow authorized his absentia arrest, and he was declared an international wanted list.