The company says the data is outdated and the perpetrators of the leak have long been punished. Experts believe that fraudsters can still use the published information.
The Beeline customer database published on the Internet includes 8.7 million records, Kommersant sources in banking information security sources said. On Friday, information about such a base appeared in Telegram channels. Checking "Kommersant" showed that the database has current data. Employees of the publication, connecting home Internet from Beeline, found information about themselves: name, address, mobile and home phones. The database contains data as of November 2016, the newspaper said.
Beeline recorded the leak two years ago, the perpetrators were identified and punished, the operator’s press service told Kommersant. They claim that the leaked lists are only a small part of the 2017 base, and most of the information is outdated. On Friday, October 4, Anna Aibasheva, spokeswoman for the company, said the leak report was an informational flush.
The published information may be of value to fraudsters who steal funds by tricking into finding out the necessary information from the client - for example, bank card details, a Kommersant source noted. So far, there is no effective solution to the problem of such "social engineering", experts interviewed by the newspaper noted.
On October 3, Kommersant reported a leak of 60 million credit cards from Sberbank. The database was put up for sale in August on the forum, which in Russia was blocked by Roskomnadzor. On Saturday, October 5, the head of the bank, German Gref, apologized to the customers and said that the culprit had been identified: he was born in 1991, who heads the sector in one of the bank’s business units.