Aysen Nikolaev will have a Philharmonic

The Arctic Center of Culture and Epic with the Philharmonic in Yakutsk will cost 18 billion rubles.
The authorities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are ready to build a philharmonic society and an Arctic center of culture and epos - for public-private partnerships (PPP) for 16.8 billion rubles, along with the operation the cultural cluster is estimated at 18.5 billion rubles. head of the republic, published on the website torgi.gov.ru. They are going to build the facility by the end of 2023, and the authorities will pay with the investor until 2030.

The head of the republic, Aisen Nikolaev, confirmed to “Vedomosti” an intention to build a center on such conditions, and explained the high cost by the fact that the most complex engineering structure would be built in permafrost conditions, and for the region this is a “very serious object”: the Olonkho Theater and the Sakha Academic Theater, a space for exploring the epic heritage of the peoples of the North. The total area of ​​the object, including buildings, and the territory to be landscaped, will be about 30,000 square meters. m, he said.

The construction proposal was made by the Seventeenth Concession Company (100% owned by the VIS group). It is expected that on August 20, the region will sign an agreement on PPP with the investor, unless other bidders appear. The representative of the VIS declined to comment on the conditions until the end of the tender procedures.

The VIS group is building about 12 social facilities in the region, including kindergartens, while 8–9 are already ready and three will be built before the end of the year, Nikolayev said: “In principle, the company has shown itself quite reliably.”

The cost of building the Arctic Center is comparable to the Zaryadye Park in Moscow: according to the mayor's office, it amounted to 14 billion rubles. Zaryad has its own philharmonic (2 halls) and a concert hall for 1600 seats. Even more expensive is the construction of only four “Putin's” cultural centers that will appear in Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo and Sevastopol as branches of major Moscow theaters and museums - according to the BBC, they will be built by Arkady Rotenberg’s Stroygazmontazh company for Rosneftegaz money and valued just 120 billion rubles. (about 30 billion rubles each).

The financing of the project in Yakutia is still calculated on the regional budget, which is quite possible, since payments will be made gradually, Nikolaev estimates. “From the cultural development of human capital, we will get the social effect very quickly, this is an investment in education and culture,” the regional governor is counting on. Subsequently, the region expects to file an application for federal co-financing of the project, said Nikolayev.

Sahi’s budget is in short supply - according to forecasts, in 2019 it will be 10 billion rubles. - with revenues of 200 billion rubles. in year.

The center is not a luxury, but a necessity, says state advisor of the Republic of Sakha Andrei Borisov, low temperatures in Yakutia, young people are forced to gather in shopping centers, and some theaters do not have their own premises. The authorities are planning to build a philharmonic society by the end of 2022, to the 100th anniversary of the republic. There will be 800 seats in the Arctic Center of Culture and Epos, 1500 in the theater. All this space will actually appear in the center of the city on the lake shore, he notes.

In the Soviet years, Yakutia was perceived only as gas and diamonds, and now the territory has been developed and the polar culture and cinema are developing, says Borisov. The site is suitable for cultural exhibitions and business forums, he said. Now the project is being worked out with architects.

Given the amount for the region, this is an unprecedented project, admits Vladimir Kilinkarov, head of the Russian practice of Dentons PPP. In order for the region to justify such investments, this philharmonic must become a center of attraction for the interests of the inhabitants. But their effective demand, most likely, is not enough for this project to pay off, he warns, and the authorities initially realize that the center will be subsidized.