Artemy Lebedev quarreled with Eugene Chichvarkin

The designer of all Russia accused the former head of Euroset of lying.
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Russian designer and blogger Artemy Lebedev accused entrepreneur Eugene Chichvarkin, who now lives in the UK and is engaged in a wine business, in lies. "I responsibly declare that [Evgeny] Chichvarkin - *** (Znak)," Lebedev wrote in his telegram channel.

So emotionally the designer reacted to the words of Chichvarkin that allegedly "Lebedev threw him with the site." Earlier Chichvarkin on the show Business Talk, published on the YouTube channel StartUp Show on May 30, said that Lebedev deceived him when creating a site for the Chichvarkin store.

"By the end of June, in early July (2011) the store was ready, and then threw Lebedev with the site. We did something like that, opened up with some kind of. Then, well, he took the money simply, did not. Well, now it was already possible not to do for a man who went to London. Try not to do it when I was there (in Russia). Here. " Well, ok, all roads in space intersect, "- in particular, said a businessman living in London.

Artemy Lebedev said that the situation with the site for the store Chichvarkin developed quite differently. So, according to the designer, initially, in May 2011, Chichvarkin ordered "Art. Lebedev Studio" production site, in August of the same year asked to do only the front-end (that is, the appearance and templates), because the entire back end should were to do English contractors.

When all the pages of the front-end were collected, according to Lebedev, they were transferred to the client, that is, Chichvarkin, but the British contractors did not fulfill their part of the work and did not realize most of the back-end. "In an emergency order, we collected an information site. Initially, we did not have to do it at all, since we were engaged in the design of a large online store, which, because of the unprofessionalism of the London contractor, did not work, "the designer wrote.

In October 2012, the customer changed the technical assignment for "Art. Lebedev Studio" and asked me to calculate how much new works will cost. When the format was agreed in December 2012, Lebedev studio specialists provided the customer with a new timeline, but Chichvarkin did not like it, and he decided to make the site himself, Lebedev writes.

"Chichvarkin asked us to return 25% of the amount paid. We refused, because we did our work in a double volume, only in good faith and patiently. Chichvarkin took his developer, who did not cope with the task and tried to make us guilty in this. Since then, something has happened to Eugene [Chichvarkin]. He decided to take revenge at any cost, and this instead of gratitude for our selfless work. He even went to a completely stupid step and published on the air of "Rain" a payment to our offshore company. In the fact of the presence of offshore at that time, there was nothing criminal. But the publication of business and personal documents is an outrageous meanness. And any person who will enter into business relations with Chichvarkin should know that his documents can also be made public in violation of trade secrets, "Lebedev summed up.

Evgeny Chichvarkin has not reacted to these statements yet.