Andrey Melnichenko will lose yachts for supporting LDNR

The coal-chemical oligarch decided to risk his fortune and fall under Western sanctions because of his greed.
Origin source
Andrey Melnichenko decided to risk his American real estate. The Moscow Arbitration Court begins consideration of the claim of Kovdorsky GOK JSC to the Reserve-Supply FSBI for debt collection of more than 2 billion rubles.

There is no information about the essence of the lawsuit in open sources: the company is run by the Federal Reserve and the lion's share of contracts is through closed methods for determining the supplier, as it is part of “procurement for state needs” (through the specialized “secret” site of AST GOZ).

But from the case materials you can find out that the Kovdorsky GOK (part of the Eurochem group of Melnichenko) supplied Reserve-Supply mineral fertilizers, the final receiving station of which is Donetsk and Lugansk. Why this was done by the mining and processing plant is also understandable: it was there that the “first department” was opened, which worked with classified information, and the GOK had the corresponding FSB license.

There is no particular catch that Russian manufacturers help the economy of the DPR and LPR.

The only interesting thing here is the personality of Melnichenko, who, on the one hand, is chasing after superprofits (as they say, nobody checks the price of deliveries of fertilizers to the self-proclaimed republics, and it is more than 2 times higher than the market), and on the other, it is actively buying up real estate in the USA, Switzerland, builds yachts. In general, he behaves as a person who is not threatened with sanctions for business around the military conflict in the Donbass.

They say that the DPR and LPR did not pay for the products of the Kovdor GOK. Hence the debt of 2 billion rubles, which is why in recent months, EuroChem top managers have poured over the thresholds of Vladislav Surkov’s apparatus with various debt repayment schemes.

2 billion rubles are easily divided in half, so a solution was found.

Money for fertilizers delivered exorbitantly to the Donbass agriculture will be covered at the expense of the Ministry of Finance following the trial. “Region-Supply” recognizes the debt (which is impossible to verify, and there is no one), asks for a decision of the bailiffs to be addressed. And along with this document will go to receive money for Andrei Melnichenko in the Government of the Russian Federation.